Once upon a time... in Neverland

I already woke up just my eyes that were completely shut. Maybe because I’ve trained myself to wake up at this time for more than a year, I can get awake by myself. However, I still wait for my phone to ring the alarm that I’ve set before I went to sleep last night.

Was I having a dream? What about Neverland? Is it all just playing inside my mind? And those seven great guys I met yesterday, was it true? No, it’s not. I can differentiate what’s a dream and what’s not. So, I am at Neverland right now, waiting to get up. My alarm sounded. I press the dismiss button. Good thing I put it inside my sling back yesterday, I accidentally brought it with me. But, I can’t use it though. There’s no phone at this century. I can’t even get a signal. Plus, my phone’s battery was only 25% left.

“Naeun, you’re awake?” Kevin peeked using his head from the door. “Can I come in?”

“Sure...” I got off the bed.

“Nice dress you got there.” He said sarcastically.

I grimaced. “Everything in there,” I pointed to the wardrobe. “Looks like this.” It is white in colour but really dull, and not to mention its size – too big for me.

Kevin giggled. “Well, I have some collections in my room if want to look to. Sewing is my hobby.”

“Of course I want to.” I moved towards the door. “Let’s go.”

Kevin sews? I’m sure it’s going to look nice. Perhaps even better than those dresses inside the wardrobe. Plus, I don’t know who the last owner of all those dress is. I preferred that to remain a secret.

“Here it is.” He flashed the filling in the wardrobe that I saw before. You have no idea how pretty they are. In fact, the designs were much more modern.

I grabbed one. “Omo, Kevin-ah... This is beautiful.” It’s a knee-length dress. It was made from a fine cotton fabric which was so soft. It looked so edgy when the black jacket was put together with the floral dress. I loved it. “You did it yourself?”

Kevin chuckled and blushed. He nodded. “Since you like it, please suit yourself to wear anything that you’re interested in.”

“Don’t mind if I do.” I gave his an ear to ear smile and get myself ready. I cleaned myself up and put the dress on. It fitted perfectly. Kevin’s the best. In this dress, I looked more like the people from this century. Before when I wore those jeans and loose t-shirt, everyone that came across me in this castle gave me a weird face.

He told me that we’re going to had breakfast but before that, we have to meet the others in front of the castle first. They wanted to help me with the whole practice thingy. Was it that necessary to practice? Regardless, I was the one who worrying so much yesterday. Thank God they cared enough to help me.

“The others?” I quicken up my pace to catch up with him.

“Yes. Eli, Kiseop, AJ, Dongho and the princes too.”

“Kiseop?” The vision of the nice looking guy from last night came into my mind. Recalling the way he smiled made me blushed.

“Ah yes, I forgot to tell you. Kiseop is the Knight of Neverland. You haven’t met him yet.”

“Actually,” I bit my lips. “I met him last night.”

“Last night?” He focused to me and narrowed his eyes.

“I went to the bathroom and saw him on my way back.” I informed him

“Oh,” He let out a breath. More like a relief one. What? Did he think I was doing something with Kiseop?

“And nothing happened?”

“He kind of attacked me at first.”

He laughed. Kevin’s voice was vibrating along the hallway. “I thought so.”

I gave him a what-do-you-mean look. He stopped from his laugh and back into the conversation. “He’s a bit cautious with everything.”

That explained why Kiseop been watching out the tower.

“Kevin,” I addressed him. “You did mention that the princes will also be there right? Why?”

“What do you mean why?” he knitted his brows.

“Soohyun and Hoon are princes. I thought princes never hang out with... you know...” I’m not going to say servant because they weren’t.

“We’ve been friends since we’re kids. We were raised together in this castle and we are like brothers.” Kevin grinned. “The King also treats us like his own sons.”

“By we, you meant, all seven of you?”

“Yup.” He answered easily.

If I was the one who’s being raised at the castle, I would be living in a fortune. Lucky them, I lived and grew up only at the orphanage. It didn’t mean that I’m not grateful, it just that I would prefer to live in a normal house.   

I could never stand being in the orphanage with all those kids. Naughty kids I tell you. There’re several kids who actually listen when I talked. I sometimes felt pity to them because they have the same experienced as mine. They don’t have parents, like me. But who could tolerate with kids that spits around and throw foods at your face.

“They’re here.” Kevin said.

I looked at the six people who were practically doing things on their own. Like Kevin said before, Soohyun and Hoon were there. Dongho’s voice can be heard from my spot. Eli was throwing a snowball at him.

“Your highnesses.” Kevin bowed at Soohyun and Hoon.

Soohyun grabbed his head and knocked it. Not hardly. “Yah! How many times did I tell you not to do and address me like that?”

Mianhae... hyung.” Kevin showed some of his teeth from his smile.

“Wow, you look great!” Hoon took a glanced at me.

My face felt hot for awhile.

“You like it? I made this dress myself, you know.” Kevin pushed me nearer to them. “She’s my new model now.”

“Does that mean I don’t have to wear all those girl clothes anymore?” Dongho eyes were widening. “Thank goodness!” He screamed to the sky.

“Now that everyone’s here, let’s eat some breakfast.” Eli ran towards the castle and Dongho followed him excitedly, so did Hoon. AJ, Soohyun and Kevin walked in a row with me and Kiseop’s at the back. He’s being really quite or was he not a fan of talk? He sure did talk a lot last night. Kiseop characters were more different than the last time I met him. He seemed more to himself today. Probably he’s not in a good mood. 




Yay, I updated... Please look up for the next chapters.( =.=; i'm trying my best to finish this story)  and have you guys watch T-ara and Suju new MV? Oh my! I really love Day by Day. Can't  get the song out of my head. And as for Suju's song. y, free and single~ yeah... i like it but i'm not a fan of it. However, they're soooo hot in the MV. hahaha Ouh and did you guys watch U-KISS appeareanced in strong heart? Gosh... you have to watched it if you haven't!!!  *fangirl-ing. sorry~ XP 

If you're a myungsoo's fan, you can check out my fanfic here. ^^  A SURPRISING MEETING.



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hellooo dearest readers and subscribers. I've made lots of changes to this story, you can re read the story from the beginning if you like. please do so okay :)


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Chapter 1: Thanks for your invited. Reading this story rght now. "-"
KISSmeBecca #2
Chapter 13: Pmsl Soohyun! My feels!!
Chapter 12: Update soon my friend ^_^
Chapter 12: It's been so long Cx hehe I can tell you play volleyball? But update soon! This was a relaxing chapter Cx
Chapter 11: great! congrats.. =)
Chapter 11: CUte Jokwon !!
Chapter 11: Love the jokwon gif! xD
Chapter 11: OMGOMGOMG!!! She's in love with Kiseop!!! And YOU UPDATED! IT'S BEEN SOOO LONG!! :D Please update more when you're not so busy >.< I understand how it feels lol and I like your vocabulary :D
Chapter 10: updaeeeeete~!!!!
raawwrr~!!!! XDD ^_^