The Fight

Once upon a time... in Neverland


“Where did you come from?” I was surprised that he came into sight out of the blue.

“The reading room.” He grinned.

I smiled back and turned my focus on the view. The greenery was coated with linings of snows.

“What’s wrong?” Soohyun asked. “Something on your mind?”

“Nothing.” I said.

“You can tell me anything. I’m good in keeping secret.” He giggled and shifted nearer to me.

“It’s not really a big deal.”

“You miss home aren’t you?”

“No.” I denied.

 Soohyun snorted. “Your mouth can lie, but not your heart.”

I let out one heavy breath. “I do miss my home and-” 

“And your parents.” He added.

“I don’t have one.” I ducked my head.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Soohyun knitted his brows. “What happened?”

“I never saw them since I was a baby.” I stared at him. His expression was filled with guilty and it somehow looked funny to me. I let out a sudden laugh.

“Why are you laughing? Say something.” Soohyun worried. He tried to find my eyes which made me laughed even more.

I wiped my tears that came out from the laughter. “Your expression... it’s cute.”

“Hey... what do you mean?” He pouted and made me went on with the laughter. He ended up by doing the same. At least that helped me forget about my homesick a bit.

He then told me about her mother, the late-queen. She died three years ago because of terrible unknown disease. It caused her painful muscle cramped, itchy skin and bloated stomach. Every man who experienced with medicine tried to cure her but nothings worked. In the end, she died in her bed peacefully. No one knows what disease it was. There’s another two to three people of Neverland got that disease too and they also didn’t survived.

It’s getting dark and suddenly, the bell from the bell tower sounded. Oh no. I cried inside my thought. That was not a good sign.

“The dragons are here.” Soohyun mumbled and looked forward at the tower. He held both of my shoulders. “I’ll be going.”

“I’m coming with you.”

“I don’t think so.” He frowned.

“But I’m the one who can stop the dragons from coming to Neverland. Remember?” I narrowed my eyes. “Then, what about all those trainings I did?”

Soohyun stared into my eyes. “Well, forget about it. I was wrong.”

“Stop it Soohyun, I’m going with you.”

“No. Not now. I can’t let you go out there.” He let go of me and ran out from the tower where I was. I trailed him from the back regardless on what he said.  

Soldiers were running outside the castle. I kept on trailing him until suddenly one big dragon landed right in front of me. It was just a metre distance from me. The dragon was huge bigger than a car, bigger than a bus it’s almost as big as size of two double-storeys house combined together. It skins was thick, like leather but very rough. My mouth dropped and I barely can breathe in some air. The dragon screeched to the sky. My eardrum hurt as if it would burst. I cupped my ears and fell myself to the ground.

“Grab her!” I heard Soohyun’s voice screamed from somewhere. Then I felt my body being dragged further away from the dragon.

“Are you trying to die?” AJ hid me in between houses near the place where the dragon is. He was breathless, same goes with me. I looked at the dragon again. He spurted flames from his mouth to the houses opposite from where I stood. The houses were completely destroyed – melted. Soldiers near there were burnt badly. Villagers ran away from the spot.

“Get out of here!” Kiseop was riding the horse-fly. He stopped in the middle of chaos. “Hurry!”

They heard him and the villagers ran out from the village, leaving there only the soldiers, Soohyun and Kiseop faced the dragon. The red creature shrieked again and whipped a group of soldiers that were attacking, by using its tail. Kiseop jumped from his ride and cut the dragon’s tail with his sword. It split but no blood was coming out. The dragon flinched. In a second its tail started to re-formed.

Another three dragons landed at the spot. Their high pitch screeched filled up the night. Hoon was on top of a stall roof aiming an arrow to a dragon. When the others were busy handling the other dragons, Hoon fired the arrow at one of the dragon’s eyes. He let out a satisfied laugh and then he shot again and again using the arrows that he carried in a sack on his back. Then again, luck was not really on his side. Another dragon scratched him from the back and caused him to lose his balance and fell down from the top of the roof. Before he reached the ground, AJ his hand towards Hoon and recited something that I couldn’t catch. He helped Hoon from falling down to the ground without an impact. Hoon fall down with no injury except from the one he got from the dragon scratched.

“I have to go out there.” I told AJ.

“What are you planning to do?” He enquired me.

“I don’t know.” That was the truth. I have no idea what I was supposed to do. My heart was telling me to get out there and not just hiding here. “I need to go.”

He pulled my arm. “Be careful.” He murmured and let loose of his gripped. I grinned and approached the biggest dragon there. It’s shiny dark black skin covered with scales, made him appeared more tough. The chaotic situation little by little became calmer. They were probably shocked with what I did. Even the other dragons stopped attacking.

“Naeun, what are you doing?” Soohyun whispered to me when I was approaching the dragon.

“Sshh...” I placed a finger on my lips. He didn’t follow me to the dragon. I was really near that I can touch it’s face only by reaching out my hand. The breath coming out from the nose of the dragon hit my face. Slowly I reached out my hand to lay a hand on the dragon’s head. My hand trembled like crazy. At first, the dragon snorted but then he gradually let me rested my hand on him.

The dragon made a low guttural sound of hostility in the throat. Was it just me or I heard more than a growl? It seemed like he was saying something. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on him. He lowered down his head to the ground.

‘You’re brave.’

Oh My God. Quickly I pulled back my arm. The dragon just spoke to me. I did what I do before. I shut my eyes again and concentrated on the sound of the growl.

“Why are you attacking people of Neverland?” I tried to communicate with the dragon.

‘Ask them. They know.’

‘We come with a desire.’ Answered another dragon, which was resting himself on top of a roof.

“I don’t get it.” It gave the impression as if I was talking to myself. I glanced at Kiseop who was standing the nearest to me. He frowned. His breathing was clearly getting faster seeing from the movement of his chest.

‘Neverland belong to us!’ The growl grew louder.

I turned to Soohyun and conveyed. “He said that Neverland belong to them, the dragons.”

“That’s ridiculous. We Neverlanders rule Neverland for centuries.” Soohyun said confidently to the dragon and result in making the dragon to grimaced.

“You can talk to dragons?” Kiseop barged in.

I shrugged. I’m not sure myself. I know I am currently talking with the dragons but I have no idea how it occurred.

This time I stared inside the dragon’s eyes, which was bigger than my face. My heart was racing a little. “You heard him, don’t you? They’ll fight for it.”

If that’s the case, we should make a deal.

“What deal?”

Give the west side of Neverland to us.

I turned my head to Soohyun. “They want the west of Neverland.”

Maldo andwae!” Hoon said and shrieked in pain. He supported his injured arm and brought it closer to his body.

“Why only the west?” I asked the dragon.

He breath out smokes from his nose. ‘He knows’. The dragon was referring to Soohyun.

“The west?” Soohyun raised one of his eye brows. He called Kiseop to him. They were discussing it.

He eventually came with a decision. “Alright, only the west side. From this day onwards, Neverlanders won’t go to the west and they also can never come out from the west, just like they supposed to.” Soohyun shouted out.

Tell him to bring down the wall.’

“Soohyun,” I addressed him. “He wants you to ‘bring down the wall’. What does that supposed to mean?”

The elder prince grimaced. Soohyun’s aware that the dragons can understand him well so he spoke directly to them. “That’s too much. No. We can’t do that. We’ve given what you’ve wanted and that should be it.” 

“We’ve given you the west! And that’ll be it.” The King stepped out of the blue and raised a huge swords with writings that I couldn’t read carved on the blade. The black dragon was intimidated by it. “Naeun catch.” He threw the sword to me but Kiseop grasped it and handed it to me.

“Leave now or your species and descendants will pay for it!” King Seongjun shouted.

The dragon in front of me screeched, showing his tongue that was split into to at the end. It was a sign of unsatisfisfaction. He’s on his feets now and crawled slowly towards me. I wrapped my hand around the handle, the writings suddenly glowed. I gawked and turned to Kiseop. He grinned and helped me raised the swords up to the sky.

The dragons then flapped their wings and flew from there. While the other flew away, the biggest dragon that I was talking to, revolved around me and said; We’ll definitely come again! He hissed his creepy tongue to us.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

‘This will not be the last one. Just wait.’ The black creature warned and with one jerked of his wings; the dragon was feets above the ground. 





Something is wrong with this chapter =.= but I don't know what it is~ huhu please tell me if you see it ^^ Oh and thank you for reading this chapter :D 

This guy~ he's killing me ;P

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hellooo dearest readers and subscribers. I've made lots of changes to this story, you can re read the story from the beginning if you like. please do so okay :)


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Chapter 1: Thanks for your invited. Reading this story rght now. "-"
KISSmeBecca #2
Chapter 13: Pmsl Soohyun! My feels!!
Chapter 12: Update soon my friend ^_^
Chapter 12: It's been so long Cx hehe I can tell you play volleyball? But update soon! This was a relaxing chapter Cx
Chapter 11: great! congrats.. =)
Chapter 11: CUte Jokwon !!
Chapter 11: Love the jokwon gif! xD
Chapter 11: OMGOMGOMG!!! She's in love with Kiseop!!! And YOU UPDATED! IT'S BEEN SOOO LONG!! :D Please update more when you're not so busy >.< I understand how it feels lol and I like your vocabulary :D
Chapter 10: updaeeeeete~!!!!
raawwrr~!!!! XDD ^_^