Once upon a time... in Neverland

AJ walked through the hallway that I passed when I was with Kevin before. We went passed by Kevin’s room and reached a stone spiral staircase. The passage fit only for one person so we moved in a line when getting down. I ran my hand on the stone wall and accidentally touched a spider web. I jerked the web away from my hand.


They simply giggled observing my act.


The darkness of the passage was brightens by the candlelights that were placed on the wall-two candles at every one metre. The stairs led us to the outside of the castle. The view was amazing.  Near the castle was a pond with swans swimming in it and the greenery surrounded outside the castle. Something dropped on my shoulder. It’s white and melted when reached my palm.




I fixed my eyes to the sky. It was dark blue and snows were falling down. It should be freezing out here but instead, the temperature was like spring season-very pleasant and low humidity. The snow itself was actually warm. I don’t felt cold at all.  


“Look there.” Dongho showed at an animal that was flying above me and landed in the middle of the castle’s lawn. It’s a horse with wings. Is that unicorns? But it’s not white and didn’t have horn, just a simple black horse that had wings on his back. The horse flapped his wings several time before ducked its head down to the ground.


“That’s our common ride over here at Neverland.” AJ gave details. “It’s a magical creature.”


“A magical creature,” I paused before I continued the question. “Like Yumo?”


“Yes, yes...” Dongho said it while nodding his head.


AJ grinned. “Let’s get moving.”


He moved across the lawn and came across groups of manly people – fighting with each other using sword (more like practicing I guess). Whenever the sword hit another sword, it let out clanking sound. Some of them were fighting by using only their manly powers.


AJ stopped his pace and faced the groups. “This is where our new army do their training.” He went on with his explanation. “We take new members into the army every year, to substitute with the lost one of course.”


“Do Neverland always involve in war?”


“Not really, but when it comes to that one particular time, dragons will attack our village. Most of our soldiers were sacrificed during the fight with the dragons and some of them died when protecting this kingdom but that seldom happened.”


Then, I saw two guys one with beard and one with a clean face. The one with the clean face are wearing black sleeveless t-shirt, making his muscles more visible. His black hair made him appear more masculine. He’s obviously younger than the beard man. I bet his aged is around mine.


The one with the beard shoved a fist at his face. He blocked it by using his arm and gave the beard man a side-kick but he managed to avoid the younger man’s attack. The older one jumped and clutched the young man’s neck from behind. He choked and tried to pull the beard man’s arm. He then nudged the man at his ribs and this time, making the beard man choked and eventually letting him go. I’m sure that’s hurt. He fell to the ground and the young man let out his hand to him. He reached it and the young man pulled him up. They ended the fight by bowing to each other.


Hyung! Eli hyung!” Dongho waved his hand to the young man. He ambled closer to us.


“This is Naeun,” AJ introduced me to him. “She’s the visitor.”


The visitor? Before I could questioned AJ, the one that they labelled as Eli just now, introduced himseld. I decided to kept the query to the back of my head.


He grinned and bowed. “I’m Eli, one of the soldiers in training.”


His grinned in some way made my heart jumped a bit. I responded with a smile. “I saw you did your practice just now.” I said. “You’re great.”


Eli placed one of his hands behind his neck. “You flatter me.” He blushed.


Oh my, he looked so adorable when he’s in that state – completely different from when he was doing his practice. My blood was unconsciously rushed to my cheeks.


“Okay, okay...” AJ broke our awkwardness. “Naeun has to go.”


“See you again Eli.” I gave him a little wave and he did the same. Eli ran back to his practice spot. 


AJ brought us into the castle. He explained certain stuffs that caught my attention when we’re moving from one place to another. Dongho ambled in front of us. “Now we’re going to meet the most important person in this kingdom!” He said excitedly. I assumed we’re going to meet the king now.


We discontinued our footstep in front of a large wooden door guarded by two guards with huge bodies. The door was pushed by one of the guards. A French-gothic style room came into my sight.


“We’re in the grand room.” The wizard whispered.


Dongho shifted near to me and said, “That’s the King and his princes.”


The King and the two princes focused their eyes at me. All of them stood on their foot at the same time. One of the princes put his hands inside his pants pockets and the other princes which look a little younger broaden his shoulder.


“Your highnesses.” Dongho and AJ bowed to them. I hesitated on what to do. I blankly followed what they did.


“This is her.” AJ pushed me towards the king. A set of eyes which belong to the King was directly at me.


“Y...your... Your highness.” I stammered. “Son Na Eun imnida.”


“I’m King Seongjun.” The King smiled and sat back on his throne chair, which was made from gold and the cushion’s was in dark blue color. That’s new. Usually the cushion will be in red color, like the one in the movie.


I guess, this King have different kind of taste from all other King that’s existed out there. Even from his attire, I can tell that his fashion sense was definetely not what I expected. More like Michael Jackson kind of style. Wait? What? No. I don’t even know how to described it but it’s well-designed. Not to forget he’s quite good looking for an aged King. “…ruler of Neverland, and these two are my princes.” He continued and brought me out of my own thoughts.


“I’m Prince Hoon. Hoon for short.” The young prince stepped forwards.


“Soohyun.” The tall prince grabbed my hand and kissed it. I blushed terribly as a result from that. Hope that no one saw it but I think I failed because Dongho laughed after the scene. At least I don’t feel frightened anymore, they’re really friendly.


These two princes looked almost the same. Well they are siblings though. Anyhow, Soohyun looks more mature and more confident with his wide shoulder and his sharps eyes while Hoon seems more approachable with that smile of his.


“Since the girl is here.” King Seongjun’s expression turned serious. “Let’s get to the real deal.”




Finally, i updated this chapter. My days are so busy lately. Can't really focus on writing. By the way, to all subscribers, thank you so much for not unsubscribing. And I got the poster for this story. Amazing right? I love it. I'll make sure to update this story more often. Right after i finish my Infinite Fanfic. Oh and the grammar, just ignore if there's any mistake. My eyes are getting sore, staring at the laptop screen. And it's like 12.30a.m right now. Hahaha (I'm sleepy.) Here's an ice cream cupcake for those who subscribing and leave comment. <3


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hellooo dearest readers and subscribers. I've made lots of changes to this story, you can re read the story from the beginning if you like. please do so okay :)


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Chapter 1: Thanks for your invited. Reading this story rght now. "-"
KISSmeBecca #2
Chapter 13: Pmsl Soohyun! My feels!!
Chapter 12: Update soon my friend ^_^
Chapter 12: It's been so long Cx hehe I can tell you play volleyball? But update soon! This was a relaxing chapter Cx
Chapter 11: great! congrats.. =)
Chapter 11: CUte Jokwon !!
Chapter 11: Love the jokwon gif! xD
Chapter 11: OMGOMGOMG!!! She's in love with Kiseop!!! And YOU UPDATED! IT'S BEEN SOOO LONG!! :D Please update more when you're not so busy >.< I understand how it feels lol and I like your vocabulary :D
Chapter 10: updaeeeeete~!!!!
raawwrr~!!!! XDD ^_^