
Once upon a time... in Neverland

The game went on until the winner was sided with Soohyun and Kiseop team. It was obvious since the beginning of the game. AJ and Dongho lost quite badly in this volleyball game.

“I. Need. Water.” Dongho sat down on the mat, panting.

I hand him the glass bottle filled with clear water. He guzzled it.

“Slow down there Dongho.” AJ said to him. “You might choke.”

Soohyun lied down on the mat, next to me. “Good job, Kiseop.” He said breathlessly. Kiseop responded to him by giving a thumb up.

Eli took out the foods from the basket. There’re garlic breads, sandwiches, cut watermelons, tomato and cucumbers salad and pie. That’s a lot. Who prepared all this? There’s also juice. I gulped looked at the dishes. I’m starving.

“Uaah,” Dongho amazed. “Who made these?” He asked. Just what I want to questioned.

“I did.” Kevin beamed. He passed the small white plate to everybody. Soohyun took a portion of the pie and handed it to me. I pleasantly grabbed the plate from him and spoon the pie. I shoved it spoonful into my mouth.

“Oh my...” I said after I swallowed it. “Delicious.”

“Thank you.” Kevin blushed and he passed me the juice. “It’s a rhubarb juice.”

“Rhubarb?” I accepted it from him. “I never taste it before.”

“It’s really good.” Hoon informed.

I slurped it and you know what, it’s good. In fact it felt very refreshing. As if all the stress I had just flew away. I drank until the glass was empty.

I never went for a picnic before. There was once but it was way back when I was a kid. I barely remembered how it felt. Playing games, eating together and hang out like this. I worship every moment. For the first time I felt like I belong to a family. I wonder if they were thinking the same about me too.

They started doing their own things to enjoy themselves. Kevin was burying Eli’s body with the sand, leaving only his head free. Dongho was building a sand castle and I helped him.

“Naeun, wanna see something?” Dongho squatted in front of me with a half done sand castle in between us.

“See what?”

“This.” He cupped his hand on the top level of the sand castle. When he let go of his hand, the covered part before was decorated with small beautiful sea shells. He swirled his finger around the lower part of the sand castle and absolutely delighted me with what he could do. I gaped my mouth as I watched him dressed sparkles to it.

“You can do magic too?” I widen my eyes.

“Of course I can.” Dongho scoffed. “AJ hyung taught me.”  

The princes enjoy themselves by swimming in the clear ocean and AJ was reading an ancient spell book. How did I know it was a spell book? It’s clearly written on the cover; Ancient magical spell. Kiseop on the other hand was sitting on a rock, gazing at the wide view of the beach. 

“Do you guys want to play another game?” Dongho suddenly stood up with an exuberant looked on his face. He must have recovered from the tiredness of the volleyball game.

“Yeah, sure.” Kevin answered while trying to dig Eli out from the sands.  

“Let’s race and who ever lost, will be throw into the water.” Dongho proposed. “What do you think?”

Soohyun who was just got out from the water agreed with him. So did the rest of us. They all sat in a line about a metre from me. I became the judge to see who the winner is. This should be amusing.

“1, 2, 3...” I counted. “Go!”

With the help of Kiseop’s long legs, he was leading passing Eli and Soohyun was just behind him. AJ sprinted and surpassed Hoon. In the end the one who lost was Dongho. Luck wasn’t really on his side today. He even lost to Kevin who’s not even a sprinter.

“Get him!” Hoon screamed.

All six of them stormed Dongho and carried him to the sea shore. Dongho was struggling to get away from them. “Hyung... no!”

Nothing can stop these boys. Splash!

He’s all wet. Dongho got out from the water and began to pulled people around him into the water. He managed to gripped on Eli’s t-shirt, making him fumbled into the water. Then they started to attack each other. I was not excluded. Soohyun aimed for me. He clutched my wrist from behind. I was too surprised I didn’t react. He raised me up from the ground a few inches and threw me into the ocean. And of course, I was being laughed by them. I’m not mad or angry though. It was actually quite fun.

The day was getting late. The sky turned to bright red. The sun will set down any minutes and the night will showed up.

My whole body felt tired. I play very hardly today and now, my whole body was aching. I stretched my arms and legs to reduced the stiffness.

“Do you want to take a walk around the beach before we head back to the castle?” Soohyun invited me. There’s no reason for me to reject it. So I said yes.

We strolled away from the others, leaving the moment only for both of us. They were packing things up, and cleaning the mess we made. Suddenly I sensed the tongue tied situation between us. I opened and closed my mouth several times to say something but nothing suitable can come out.

He then broke the silence. “You like it here?” He asked. “I mean, Neverland.”

“Definitely.” I gave the answer straight away, because that’s the truth. No need to think to give the answer. I have to admit, being here was the most amazing thing that ever could have happened.

“But you want to go home. True?” He mumbled.

“Did Kiseop tell you?”

“No...” He said. “I kind of think about it.”

“Oh...” I stopped as the waves reached the shore and let it hit my foot. “Truth to be told, I’m not sure if I want to go back.”

He followed what I did and stood right next to me. “Why not?”

I looked at him. What does that supposed to mean? Was he trying to get rid of me? I know I’m a big burden here, but that was hurtful. 

Soohyun chuckled when he saw my expression. “Don’t get me wrong, I just want to know the reason. That’s all.”

I let out one heave of breath. “I don’t want to leave you guys.”

“We’ll always be here for you.”

“What if you forget about me?” My eyes started become blurry by the tears that were collected in my eyes out of the blue.  

“That won’t happen.” He caressed my face and grabbed my hand. “No matter how far you are, remember one thing.” Soohyun pulled my hand and put it on his chest. I swear my face and ears were completely red right now. He continued his words. “You will always be here. In our heart.”

“I doubt that.” I pulled my hand away.

“Don’t be.”

“Why shouldn’t I?”

“Because that is my promise to you.” He grinned. The sweetest grinned he ever gave. 



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hellooo dearest readers and subscribers. I've made lots of changes to this story, you can re read the story from the beginning if you like. please do so okay :)


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Chapter 1: Thanks for your invited. Reading this story rght now. "-"
KISSmeBecca #2
Chapter 13: Pmsl Soohyun! My feels!!
Chapter 12: Update soon my friend ^_^
Chapter 12: It's been so long Cx hehe I can tell you play volleyball? But update soon! This was a relaxing chapter Cx
Chapter 11: great! congrats.. =)
Chapter 11: CUte Jokwon !!
Chapter 11: Love the jokwon gif! xD
Chapter 11: OMGOMGOMG!!! She's in love with Kiseop!!! And YOU UPDATED! IT'S BEEN SOOO LONG!! :D Please update more when you're not so busy >.< I understand how it feels lol and I like your vocabulary :D
Chapter 10: updaeeeeete~!!!!
raawwrr~!!!! XDD ^_^