Once upon a time... in Neverland

Urgh! What happened? My head felt dizzy and heavy. I’m aware that I’m lying down but why did it felt so cozy. The mattress was really comfortable and the bed sheets, I think it’s made up from high quality cotton. I haven’t slept on this kind of bed for a long time. Wait correction. I never slept on a coziest bed like this. My eyes were tightly closed but my hands were moving and fondled the bed.


“I think she’s waking up.” Someone’s talking near me. I can sense his warm breath on my face. Slowly, I opened my eyes.

“Hey you.” A good-looking blonde guy smiled charmingly at me. He drew himself back and sat on a chair next to the bed.

“Who are you?” I jolted, making him chuckled. “Where am I?” I peered around. The room was made up from brick, I can see it because it was not covered by wallpaper or any paint, only drawings of flowers were decorating it. A wardrobe made up of woods was placed at one corner of the room. My eyes were caught by a simple balcony adorned with geraniums, and accented by a very old palm tree at the other corner.

“This is Neverland.” The monkey that I saw earlier jumped on the blonde guy’s hand. “And you’re in the castle of Neverland.”  

I screamed and throw the pillow that I was rested to the monkey. “Go away you evil monkey!”

The monkey screeched and scratched the pillow. “Ouch! Don’t do that.”

The blonde hair guy giggled. “Relax, he’s not evil.” He the monkey’s back. It let out a purr sound. “His name is Yumo (nurse in Korean) and he’s a magical monkey from the mystical forest.”

“Yumo?” I repeated.

“Since I am a healer and he’s always with me, so I named him Yumo.”

“Healer?” I raised one of my eyebrows. What’s a healer?

“Oh I forgot to introduce myself.” He put Yumo down. “Hi, I’m Kevin, the person in charge of the healing in this castle. Nice to meet you.” He reached out his hand.

“I’m Naeun.” I shook his hand and questioned him. “How exactly are you in charge of this… healing thingy?”

“Hmmm… Good question.” A finger was placed under his chin seemed like he’s thinking. “I can heal anything just by touching it.”

I burst into laughter. “Are you kidding me?”

“Watch this.” Kevin took the knife from the table besides me and cut his own wrist. Bloods were dripping from his hand. 

“Oh My God. What are you-”

“Shhh…” He ordered me. “Look carefully.” He placed another hand on top of the cut and passing through it. In a blink of an eye the cut was gone. His hand was perfectly clean without any blood and seemed like he never touched his wrist.

“Ta-da!” He gapped his hand. “Now do you believe me?”

I nod in amazement. He has super power. Am I right? That’s so cool. But still, where am I?

“The monkey mentioned something about Neverland,” I sat, crossing my legs on the bed. “What is Neverland?”

“Neverland is a kingdom rule by the greatest king and we, the mystical creature, lived among peoples of Neverland.” Yumo informed me.

“How did I get here?” I attacked him with more questions. “Can I go home?”

“Wow, wow.” He raised his hand a little to me. “Slow down there.”

“Sorry…” I bit my lower lips.

He chuckled. “I’m not the suitable person to answer that.” Kevin opened the door and the monkey followed him. “Let’s meet the expert.”

I trailed him from behind. We walked across a hall that full of portraits. One portrait caught my attention. It’s a picture of an aged man, sitting in the middle with a gold crown on his head and behind him were two tall and handsome guys-looking all charismatic.

“This is our king.” Kevin pointed on the picture of the sitting man. “And these two at the back are our princes.”

We went on until the end of the hall. A dark brown wooden door was in front of us. Suddenly I felt goosebumps ran widely up and down my arms when I stood there waiting for the door to opened.

“He’s nice, don’t worry.” Kevin said when he saw my expression. He then called from outside, “Hyung, it’s me, Kevin.”

The wooden door slowly gapped. A man wearing black, long cape with hood covering his face appeared from behind the door. An unknown smell went into my nose. Fogs were covering the room, made it hard for me to see what’s inside.

“She’s here.” Kevin said to the man and faced to me. “Well, see you later then Naeun.” He gave a little wave and left me with the man. Yumo traced Kevin track and getting further away from me. I waited until the man started to react. He pushed down his cape and exposing his attractive face. Gosh, he’s handsome!

“Come on in.” He invited me into his room with a grin curved on his lips.

I stepped into the room and the fogs slowly went away. The condition inside the room became clearer and the smell turns into a citrus scent which gave the sensation of naturally refreshing. I can see a big wooden table in the middle of the room and on top of it were books, lots and lots of books and papers. Besides the table were two beds with wrought iron frames covered in white sheet are placed next to each other. One big shelf was attached to one of the wall in the room. Next to it was a vermeil mirror seemed like it’s from 18th century. 

“The name is AJ.” He bowed. “I’m a wizard here at Neverland’s castle.”

Isn’t he’s too handsome and young to be a wizard?

A boy with black hair shape like a button mushroom came out from his back. “And I’m his assistant, Dongho.” He also bowed. “At your service.”

“Naeun.” I said.

“So, Naeun,” AJ placed his hand on top of the other. “How are you doing up till now?”

“Besides the fact that I have no idea where Neverland is, how did I get here and where is home yeah, I’m fine I guess.” I said and made both of them burst into laughter.

 “Let’s take a tour of this castle.” AJ lead the way. “Shall we?”





Yes the wizard is actually AJ. He's so good-looking~ ^^ Thank you for waiting for the update. I really really apreciate it. And if there's any grammar mistake. It's my bad~ hehe happy reading. :D 

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hellooo dearest readers and subscribers. I've made lots of changes to this story, you can re read the story from the beginning if you like. please do so okay :)


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Chapter 1: Thanks for your invited. Reading this story rght now. "-"
KISSmeBecca #2
Chapter 13: Pmsl Soohyun! My feels!!
Chapter 12: Update soon my friend ^_^
Chapter 12: It's been so long Cx hehe I can tell you play volleyball? But update soon! This was a relaxing chapter Cx
Chapter 11: great! congrats.. =)
Chapter 11: CUte Jokwon !!
Chapter 11: Love the jokwon gif! xD
Chapter 11: OMGOMGOMG!!! She's in love with Kiseop!!! And YOU UPDATED! IT'S BEEN SOOO LONG!! :D Please update more when you're not so busy >.< I understand how it feels lol and I like your vocabulary :D
Chapter 10: updaeeeeete~!!!!
raawwrr~!!!! XDD ^_^