Once upon a time... in Neverland

Just like always. I woke up alone in this empty room every day. I’m 19 years old but I had never seen my parents’ faces. What happened to my parents? Well, to tell you the truth, I have no idea. I grew up at an orphanage since I can hardly remember. Good thing the keepers there sent me to school and raised me like their own daughter. Until last year, I decided to moved out of the place and get my own. I tried to find a job (which is hard enough) and I rented this room.

The birds’ chirps were heard, telling me that it’s time to get ready for work. I woke up sluggishly from the old bed. Squeaky sound was heard. It’s seriously an old bed. This bed was already here when I first entered to this room and nothing else was here beside the bed, a crooked coffee table and some portraits of faces that I never knew.

I was taking a bath when someone called my cell phone. Instantly I get out from the bathroom to pick it up but it was too late. The caller already ended the call. I checked on the miscalled list.

“It’s my bos.” I mumbled to myself. “Why is he calling me?”

I dialed his number. After the second dial tone, he picked up my call. “Naeun?”


“I have some bad news for you.” He paused and went on with his sentence. “I’m afraid I have to fire you.”

Mwo?” I cried out through the phone. “But why? I haven’t done anything wrong.”

“I know, but we just need some new faces. You have worked with us for almost a year now.” He explained.

That was the most ridiculous reason I had ever heard. Why did they need new faces? I have become the kindest and sweetest sales girl they ever had. Okay, I was being overboard, but they should be thankful to have me working with them.

“Then, what about my salary for this month?” I asked him.

“Come and see me this afternoon at the store. I'll give you the payment myself.”

I sighed. “Alright.”

“Naeun, I’m very sorry… We-”

Before he could continue, I hung up.

It’s really frustrating. Now I have to look for a job again. I never hoped to live a life like this. It’s sad when I got good result on my entrance exam but I can’t further my studies because I didn’t have enough money. How I wished I could join my friends going to universities.

I searched inside my handbag to see if there’s any cash that I can used to buy breakfast. I’m starved. The cash was just enough for me to buy the bus tickets.

Just skip the breakfast. I’m getting my salary after this. Then I can use the money to buy lunch. I said to myself.

At 12o’clock sharp, I left the house and went to the store. I put on my black sneakers and wear my black jeans and a loose black t-shirt. I looked like a gothic girl. Whatever, I didn’t care less. I only wanted to take my salary and moved on from that stupid store that kicked me out.

“You’re here Naeun-ah.” My boss greeted me.

I reached out my hand to him. “Can I have it now?”

“Here.” He passed me a white envelope.

I opened it and calculated the amount of the money. I held the money in my hand and frowned at him. “Why is it just half of what I supposed to get?”

“Well, it is the middle of the month isn’t it?”

My mouth opened unconsciously when he said that. I can’t believe this. Not only he fired me and now he’s paying me half of the salary? “No, I want my part.”

“That is you part.” He sat down on his chair.

“But this,” I lashed the money in my hand and tapped it on his table. “Is not enough.”

“I told you.” He’s on his feet now. “It’s the middle of the month.”

I don’t dare to say anything anymore. I admitted that I was a little intimidated with his reaction.

Arasseo.” I grabbed the money and crashed his door. That was the least I can do to show my anger. Serve him right. But then, I knew what I did was wrong. I shouldn’t be that mad. He’s right. I didn’t deserve to have the full amount of the salary this time since I work only until the middle of this month. Still, I’ve worked for him for almost a year, can’t he at least show a little compassionate for me? 

I have to find another work, fast. If not, I won’t have anything to eat by the end of this month.

I searched around if there’s any work application. There usually, at least one advertisement for job vacancies on the lamp posts. I kept on monitoring at the wall and the lamppost. I didn’t realize I reached in front of an abandoned building and there’s no one around.

A building made out of red brick and I assumed it’s still under construction, judging from the condition outside the building. I looked up and a bright light struck my eyes. Somehow, my feelings were telling me to get into the scary abandoned building. I clutched my sling bag tightly. With my heart racing really fast, I stepped into the building. As I thought, it was empty. The floor was covered with sands and there’re also nails scattered everywhere.

“This is creepy.” I said to myself.

I kept on my pace and climbed up the stairs. A crack sound was heard which made my heart stopped for a second. “Phew…” I expressed a strong reaction of relief. I continued my steps, but then right when I got the idea that nothing will happen to me, I was wrong. The stairs broke and I went straight through it. I screamed out hoping that someone will hear me. However, I was falling for too long. I have not yet reached the bottom. A moment after that I felt my acceleration of falling down became lessen. The speed decreased until I reached the ground.

 Everything was all, dark. I can’t see anything except for a small wooden door in front of me. I struggled to open it but there’s no doorknob. Then something shiny caught my sight. A silver paper was lying under the door. I took it and read what’s written;

Knock three times.

That’s it. I did as what was on the silver paper. I knocked the door three times. The door gapped slowly and behind it was a really intense light. I covered my eyes from the light and made an effort to see what’s at the back of the door and then I felt my body being right through it. I screamed again and crashed onto grass.

Grass? I my hand on the ground. It is grass.

I sat on my bottom and observed around me. It’s beautiful. Rose bushes were surrounding me. All type of roses was here. Red, yellow, white and even…blue? I never knew a blue rose existed. A sound of fountain was heard and birds chirping like they were singing.

Then, a brown monkey with a silky fur came out of the bushes and walked towards me. He’s wearing a collar. How cute. I bet he’s someone’s pet.

“Hi there little fella…” I greeted the monkey.

Annyeonghaseyo.” The monkey answered.

Wait a sec. He talked? Is it just me or did the monkey just talk?

“Welcome to-” before the monkey finished talking, I fainted.   



i finally update this chapter. Sorry for taking so long. I've been busy writting another story. hehe~ :)  

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hellooo dearest readers and subscribers. I've made lots of changes to this story, you can re read the story from the beginning if you like. please do so okay :)


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Chapter 1: Thanks for your invited. Reading this story rght now. "-"
KISSmeBecca #2
Chapter 13: Pmsl Soohyun! My feels!!
Chapter 12: Update soon my friend ^_^
Chapter 12: It's been so long Cx hehe I can tell you play volleyball? But update soon! This was a relaxing chapter Cx
Chapter 11: great! congrats.. =)
Chapter 11: CUte Jokwon !!
Chapter 11: Love the jokwon gif! xD
Chapter 11: OMGOMGOMG!!! She's in love with Kiseop!!! And YOU UPDATED! IT'S BEEN SOOO LONG!! :D Please update more when you're not so busy >.< I understand how it feels lol and I like your vocabulary :D
Chapter 10: updaeeeeete~!!!!
raawwrr~!!!! XDD ^_^