
Once upon a time... in Neverland

The main dining room was filled with foods and crowded with people. At the end of the table, sitting on the gold-carved chair was the King. Only the important people were there. Even so, there’re still lots of people surrounding the table.

They were having feast because the dragons won’t caused any trouble in Neverland again. That’s what they assumed. Thanks to me it’s over now. Okay, not really. I was only having conversation with the dragons. But somehow they treat me like I am their saviour. I kept telling them I was not the one, I did nothing but they didn’t listen. There’s nothing I can do besides following the flow. Plus, I still can’t decide if I should tell them about the dragon’s warning. 

“Cheers to Naeun!” Hoon exclaimed and raised his glass.

“Cheers!” The guests did the same and gave a big applauded. It was really embarrassing. The night was held, especially for me. I never had anyone did this to me before. Not even on my birthday.

Hoon and Soohyun were both at the left and right of the King respectively. Then it was me sitting next to Soohyun and followed by Kevin and Eli. On the other side, where Hoon was, Kiseop sit beside him and went on with AJ and Dongho next to each other-just like always. And the rest of the guests were other people with faces I never knew. I’m not even interested in knowing who is who.

“Are you okay?” Kevin whispered as he noticed the expression I made.

“Not really.” I bit my lower lip. “I’m not used to this.”

“It’s okay, we’re all here for you.” Kevin reached for my hand and flashed me a soothing smile. My blood came rising up to my face. I covered my cheeks with my palms.

I turned my eyes to Kiseop. He was fixing his eyes on me. But when I looked at him, he looked away. I was about to make a conversation with him when Soohyun pulled me to stands up. I hesitantly stood on my feet.

“Since you have solved the dragons’ problem in Neverland,” Soohyun paused. “The King would like to represent you a gift.”

“I don’t deserved it. I did nothing back there.”

“Yes you did.” King Seongjun beamed. “You know, you’re the first one who’s able to brought the sword to live. I knew it was you all along.”

The room was quiet. All eyes were focusing on King Seongjun. He stood up, broaden his chest. Soohyun already positioned himself back on his seat. The King called me upon to stand next to him. I ambled carefully near him.

“It was written that a young lady would come to Neverland and bring the sword to use and just like AJ has predicted. It’s you.”

I shook my head. “I still don’t get it.”

Hoon placed down the glass in his hand on the table. “A legand once said that only one sword can actually do harm to the dragon. The sword mentioned was the one that you hold earlier. If you noticed, the dragons were scared when they saw it.”

“Not everyone can bring it to live Naeun and you are the choosen one.” Eli went on with the explanation.

“But, you lost the some part of Neverland.” I said.

He smiled. “That’s not your job to think about it. So don’t worry.” King Seongjun patted my shoulder and said, “I’m giving you this.” He lifted a stone in his hand. A beautiful crystal stone to be exact. “This is a wishing stone. You have only 2 wishes. So use it wisely dear.” The King put it in my hand.

“Thank you, your highness.” I bowed to him and rested myself on where I was. All of them clapped their hands, showing respect to the great King.

I have two wishes – two important wishes that I have to wish very carefully. I can go home now, I guess. But should I wish for that? It’s really fun here at Neverland. They treated me so well and for the first time I have really good friends here. They care for me. All these weeks I am here, I never felt that I was alone.


It’s past midnight. Everyone else probably has fallen asleep. I on the other hand, can sleep because of the dilemma, whether I should go home or stay here instead. I decided to go for a walk, and then I saw Kiseop here, alone.

“You had fun tonight?” Kiseop leaned over to the end of the balcony, reviewing the night view.

“Mmmm…” I assented.

“I want to ask something if you don’t mind.” He turned to me.

“Sure.” I gave my attention to him.

“What are you going to wish for? You have a wishing stone now.”

“I… I don’t... I don’t know.”

“Come on... You must have at least one thing that you want the most.”

Of course there is something that I want to wish for. Everyone have their own heart desire. For now, the only thing I could think of was to go home. Was I being too selfish? By making the decision to get back to where I came from, will they think of me as an inconsiderate person? But my most heart desire was to meet with my parents.

“You’re not going to tell me?” Kiseop raised his eyebrows.

His reaction made it hard for me not to tell him. I felt at fault when keeping things away from him. As if all my secrets should be told to him. What has got into me? Kiseop’s being really attractive these few days. And I really meant it. Not just attracted to his appearance but to him. Just him. His smile, his laugh... Oh Gosh, step out of it Naeun!

“Well, I do hope that I can find my way back home.” I bit my lips.

“Oh,” He lowered his voice tone. “So you’re leaving us then?”

Why was he asking like that? He’s making it harder for me to even think about doing it.

“I don’t ever want to leave you guys.” I told the truth. If possible I wanted to live with them forever. I never want to separate with them. They’re more than brothers to me. My eyes started to tear up.

“Hey listen.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “If I am in your shoes right now, I would want to do the same.”

“Why is that?” I sniffed.

“Because, no matter how perfect or wonderful the place you have been, nothing can compare to your home.” 

Hearing him saying those things, was giving me the urge to get back from where I belong. Besides, I can’t keep on giving trouble to all of them. That was the only thing I did since I arrived here.

The castle was getting quieter. Only the sounds of cicadas were vibrating in my ears, which was very annoying because of the loudness but after some time, I got used to it. Forgetting about things around me, I remained in my position. Spending the rest of the night, stood here with him, staring at the sky filled with twinkling stars.

For some reason I felt different. Something was tingly inside me. When I looked at Kiseop’s face, there’s sudden blood rush to my face, especially, when he caught me staring at him. I can figure out the reason but was that the real reason for all this? I never sensed it before. Is it... love?




Oh My Gosh! Hi there people. It's been ages since my last update. 정말 미안해! Really really sorry. >.< I've been so freaking hell busy. Do subscribe and leave comment okay. Thank you!! 

I'll try to update when i have time. i promise



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hellooo dearest readers and subscribers. I've made lots of changes to this story, you can re read the story from the beginning if you like. please do so okay :)


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Chapter 1: Thanks for your invited. Reading this story rght now. "-"
KISSmeBecca #2
Chapter 13: Pmsl Soohyun! My feels!!
Chapter 12: Update soon my friend ^_^
Chapter 12: It's been so long Cx hehe I can tell you play volleyball? But update soon! This was a relaxing chapter Cx
Chapter 11: great! congrats.. =)
Chapter 11: CUte Jokwon !!
Chapter 11: Love the jokwon gif! xD
Chapter 11: OMGOMGOMG!!! She's in love with Kiseop!!! And YOU UPDATED! IT'S BEEN SOOO LONG!! :D Please update more when you're not so busy >.< I understand how it feels lol and I like your vocabulary :D
Chapter 10: updaeeeeete~!!!!
raawwrr~!!!! XDD ^_^