Chapter 12: Annoying

Key, Meet My Husband

Taemin-ish POV


This party was annoying, people kept coming up to Taemin and speaking about how nice he looked, how good his stocks were and how they wished him luck in his marriage and company. In other words they were up to him just because he was successful and rich. It annoyed him how they were all so fake, they all wanted something from him.

It was even worse when people he knew back from school arrived acting as if they were old friends even if they never really spoke to one another or worst acted as if they were old friends even if they were something close to enemies, he wanted people to treat him as if he was another person, another normal guy that you saw on the streets. Or just the same as they did before.

That's why he liked JongHo, they may love to abuse his hospitality but they treated him exactly the same as they did beforehand, they were good friends and had seen him through his worst moments. They had built him back up or helped to anyway so he was fine with them slouching off him, they always attempted to repay him anyway. Not in money as he did not need that but with true friendship and small things like cards and heartfelt gifts.

Onew, had not changed either, he was not using him for his money, besides after the death of his uncle he never knew he had he had came into a large inheritance leaving him quite rich and not needing to borrow anything. He had been the one to help him with his company, he was like an investor as he knew that he needed a little nudge. And look where he was now.

Taemin was known as the most influental person in the city. He was rich, famous and best of all remained handsome despite stress and other bad moments in his life. He was on top of the world. He had a lovely spouse who supported him and was not using him or trying to like most of these fake people talking to him. He just want them to get the out of his face but he had an image to uphold of being professional and mature. Swearing at these annoying people would not help him in the long run even if it did manage to get them out of his hair.

Taemin spotted a flash of familiar hair. It was a different shade from when he last saw which was a year ago, but he would forever recongnise that hair. It was engrained into his head. Besides he had been running his hands through that hair enough to be able to recognise it no matter the style or shade. It was Key.

Taemin felt a pang in his chest. What was he doing here? Why was he even back? Did he have enough of America just like he had enough of him? Wasn't it good enough for him just like how he had not good enough for him. Yes, he was sour but he was over him. After all he was married now, but the thought of the breakup still hurt, he had said some pretty harsh words. The words still stung.

'Don't you see, you can't go with him! I don't want you there.'

'But K-Kibum...'

'Don't call him that, I'm just Key to you. they're over.'

He took a deep breath and chewed on his lip slightly, why did he have to return now? Why not later... or better still never. If he had returned earlier, apologising and in tears he would of welcomed him with open arms and heartfelt sobs of happiness. Now Taemin was stronger and knew

better than to let Key back into his heart. He did not want to be hurt like that again.

Besides he had a loving spouse who was better than Key, who had never hurt him even involuntarily. Taemin's brother had even improved of his spouse, the very first date as well. But he swore that his brother was disappointed that it was not Key. His brother had his eyes set on Key as Taemin's husband as soon as they met. It was quite a blow to have someone else steal your baby brother away from you, even if you knew and liked them.

He watched as Key was knocked down by someone. He was relieved to see that it was not a KeyTae fan girl, they seriously scared him. Especially that Rou girl. She had found out where he lived and broke into his house and she had come from the UK to do so.

And JongHo being the idiots they were caught her and rather than kick her out or have her arrested like normal people would do, they made her a drink and offered her something to eat. She had eaten his entire stock of strawberry flavoured items, which sort gave him a grudge against her. Now what was he supposed to do when Eunhyuk went to him so he could smell like strawberries?

There was others like her as well. The new ones were the worst, they just tried so hard to get him back together with Key. Such as that Chihiro girl, she was nice and all but really her obsession with KeyTae was bad. And JongHo kept encouraging them all by greeting them like old friends and treating them to Taemin's food even forcing Taemin to remember who they were. To make it even worst, Key was back in Korea. They would all think they had a proper chance now.

It was odd really, the foreign fan girls such as Rou (and boys, they actually had fan boys which was both awesome because fan boys were awesome in general and bad as that meant they were quite popular) had all decided to visit Korea soon before and after Key arrived. It was if they knew he was coming back. Which was creepy.

Once seeing that the girl was not any of the KeyTae fan girls that he knew (it could not be a new one as they would not send inexperienced fan girls to a mission such as this seeing as both Key and Taemin were here) he went back to nod politely to the annoying, boring people who just had to talk to him.

He gave a start as all of a sudden as complaints of people were heard as someone pushed through the crowd and leapt at him, nearly knocking him over. She was lucky he was used to it due to those crazy KeyTae fan girls and Jonghyun who always did the same.

He looked down to see... her. She was here then.

“Key, meet my husband.” She said to Key who was just staring in disbelief. Key. He was pretty much the same, the eyes, the way his mouth opened slightly when he was shocked and how his nose crinkled upwards as he made the oddest of faces. Taemin would be shocked too, meeting your old ex claiming to be married to your other ex. Especially not to be expected when you had someone like her as an ex. Key word being 'claiming'.

“What the hell! How many times do I have to tell you? We are not married never had and never will be. There are several reasons for that, first of all you're a gold digger and only want to use me. Secondly you're still a , thirdly I am gay and lastly that ring is fake.” Taemin told her sternly, hoping that telling her this in front of other people would stop them getting the wrong impression and hopefully get the women to stop flirting with him. She glared at Taemin annoyed before huffing and stalking off.

She was the most annoying of all fake people, she had come up to him once famous and declared her love and once he rejected her began telling lies about her being married to Taemin.

“Taemin.” Key began slowly, Taemin gave him a look. He could not handle this right now, he was not ready for this right now, he needed back up. So he left.


A/N: I just love adding twists, especially trolling. I missed trolling you like I did in MMGF and notice how in my previous author's note I said 'the whole title of the story could just to be to mislead you' I said could meaning that Taemin still could have a husband

I just reread all of MMGF's comments and were in tears of joy, and is it bad to sometimes stare and think what the hell did I write and laugh at my own weirdness?

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This story next~~


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Chapter 53: hmm, I'm commenting before bed.....good story. You should definitely come back to it. Forget about having a personal life and school work. Seriously, come update. Make some readers happy.
Chapter 16: Bad bad bad naughty meany leader of all trolls author-nim. Why did I honestly even trust you? Especially after all you writes about your fam time. No more comments for you til the end.

And I so mean it this time.
Chapter 15: Okay, smarty-pants author-nim. You totally's got me with the scene where Key will speak to Taeminnie for the first time at the party. So so so o o o did NOT expect that twist. *patting author-nims head and handing author-nim a BIG bowl of chocolate mint and strawberry ice cream*
Chapter 7: Adam Lambert is just wow. Such a blessed man. He must make his fam so proud. Your comments to readers are hi-lar-ri-ous. I especially liked the response that Taeminnie begged author-nim to let him wear a suit the first time he sees Key again and author-nims like, "Nope, ain't no haps. You're wearing pink and you will not be manly Taeminnie."

I like how author-nims noggin rotates.
Chapter 6: Okay, that is a - author-nim deserves cookies - for that Ontae fic recommendation. I read first chap and subscribed. Thanks
Okay, trailer was disappointing......


Seriously, it was.




Sheesh, don't be a baby. It was disappointing cause it was TOO SHORT!

hehehe, did I successfully troll author-nim? *skipping off to read in glee*
awwwwwww i really love this story authornim please please update soon i will be waiting
good luck fighting
Chapter 55: No! I'm so sorry! I hate when things died and your cat!!!! I love cats!!!!! It's okay, you dun have to update in this sad time
Chapter 53: This is such a great fic I waited a long time for your update~ Thank you so much author-nim~^-^
Shanamexchingu #10
Chapter 40: Hi hi i'm here
very look forward to your update for thiss!eo?
Idk i still think the husband is Lee,,,Jinki!?!?
Update this eo?jebal
Hwaaiiting C: