We would always play together at the park and go to school every morning…

But when I arrived at my 3rd year of middle school, he just suddenly stopped doing all the stuff that we used to do.

“Who’s that guy?”

“He looks hot, doesn’t he?”

“Oh, he’s friends with the prince!”

These are what I always hear from the girls whenever I saw SeHun going to school.
When I look at him, he would always evade my glances.

When we were young, he used to cling to me… more than my brother, JongIn, who is the same age as SeHun. But now, SeHun just ignores me as if I were a stranger.


“Oh Hera!” I saw my friend who likes JoonMyun, the popular sunbae of SeHun. Though she doesn’t tell me anything, I can see it in the way she looks at him.

“You’re staring at the prince again!” I grinned at her. As I take a step back, I bumped into someone who I don’t expect to see.

“Hey!” SeHun yelped.

“I’m sorry!” I apologized and quickly drag Hera away.

Since when did he became that cranky…

“Shoot! Of all people why did it have to be that guy!” I rant.



*the bell rang*

I quickly went to the gate to meet Hera so we could walk home together.

When I arrived, the prince gave me an envelope and told me to open it at home. Prince JoonMyun left and waved goodbye.

“He’s really is a prince.” I commented as soon and he disappears.


Both of Hera stared at the envelope.

“Let’s go at my house so we could check what’s inside.”

It was a letter from SeHun asking me to meet him with Hera. But…why Hera?



We were already at Cheonggyecheon but as soon as SeHun arrive he took my hand and drag me off somewhere.

Hera…I felt sorry for leaving her alone.

We stopped at a bench and rested for a while.

“Why… did… you… do… that?” I said as I catch my breath. “I… feel sorry for Hera… she must be angry for leaving her alone like that.”

“…she’s not alone.” SeHun answered under his breath.

“What!?” that caught me by surprise.

“JoonMyun-hyung is with her.”

The prince? Why?

“What’s he doing there?”

“He’s… going to confess.”

The prince like Hera? That’s great! I feel happy for her!

“But why am I dragged on to this? Can’t he ask Hera directly?”

“Well… hyung thinks that Hera wouldn’t come that’s why he asked me for a favor.”



This I know. SeHun’s personality.
He wouldn’t do you a favor unless you’ll give him something in return.

“And what is it that you traded the favor for?”

SeHun was quiet for a bit.


It must be good. Or else he’ll taste my wrath for dragging me along for this. Well, I’m happy for Hera but I still feel that I’ve been used.

“…” SeHun was quiet for a while. “…for a… game.”


I can feel my cheecks flush and my head fumes up but I still managed to fake a smile.

“Oh really?” my fake smile was still on my face.

“Yeah. And we bought it a while ago.” He was grinning and took out a paper bag from his jacket and took out what’s inside it. A square box about a square foot with black and red cover.

“Oh, that looks awesome. Can I see?”

He gave me game. Little did he know what I’m gonna do with it.

“And now, this will be my hostage!” I stood up and he looks at me with a stunned face.

“Be my slave for a week and I’ll give this back to you.”

“What!? As if I’ll do that! I can easily take it from you.”

“Nuh-uh. Did you forget that I used to be on the Track and field’s team when we were in middle school?” I snickered at him. I’m amused on how his face looks like. So I quickly stood up and run away from SeHun.



I reached my house panting and exhausted.

“YooHee-ah, you’re here.” My mom greeted me.


“When JongIn?” she asked as she stood still in the kitchen wiping her hands with a white towel.

“Eh? He’s still not home? He’s probably at the studio practicing.”

I went upstairs to my room. I never felt so tired yet it feels so fun running away from SeHun.

Since when did we stopped doing this?



The next morning I went to school expecting to see SeHun but then I’m still concerned with Hera. I hope she’s okay last night. Did she confessed her feelings to the prince?

“Oh Hera! Good Morning!”


Hera and I were walking to the school when suddenly I felt chills and started to get goosbumps. Someone greeted us and in an instant I started to run.

“Kim YooHee! I’m not done with you yet!”


I quickly ran through the alley, through the street and lastly at the park. When I slowed down to take a rest, all of a sudden someone glomped on me. He held me tight as me landed on the green grass. We were rolling around and when we stopped I opened my eyes to see who it was.


With his face an inch away from mine, I could feel his hard breathing on my face and his sweat drips on my forehead. He wiped the sweat with the back of his hand and said, “Sorry.” He quickly stood up but I remained there for a minute like a stone catching for my breath.

Since when did SeHun become so handsome? I never saw him anymore than a little brother like JongIn.

“How long do you intend to stay ther like that?”

I was alarmed by his words.

“Oh no! school!” I glanced at my watch and it was already pass 8 and for sure the gates are already closed.

What should I do now…

He held out his hands.

“Come on. Let’s go.”


He smiled that smile that I last saw 2 years ago.

“Some place fun.”


We went to an arcade house just near the park. It’s been like 2 yuears since we’ve been together to an arcade. But this time it’s just the two of us without JongIn.

“Here, try this.” He pulled me to a shooting game. He gave me a ball and tells me, “Shoot!”

I threw the ball the best that I could but it just didn’t reached the ring.

“Aww.. You have to do it like this.” He stood at my back and took a ball.

“You hold it like this.” His hands works on mine. Making it grip on the ball. His hands touching mine like this after 2 years makes me feel embarrassed. But why? Don’t we always held hands like before when we were in middle school…

His chest was close on my back and I could feel his warm body. His head went close to mine as his lips slightly touched my ears and said, “Are you ready?”

He took my hand and shoot the ball into the ring.

“Alright! That’s how you do it!”

“Wah! That feels so great!” I jumped in joy and hugged SeHun.

“Uh… YooHee-unnie…” SeHun called as I realized that I was hugging him for more than a while now and everyone was looking at us.

“Uhm, sorry sorry.” I apologized at him. Ahhh this is so embarrassing.

We walk back home together. I was carrying the bear that I won at the arcade it was half my size.

“Here. Let me take it.”

It was really awkward. Us not saying anything to each other.

“SeHun-ah, can I ask you something?”

“Hmm?” he said as he was walking a bit ahead of me.

“Why did you stop hanging out with me 2 years ago?”

There was silence for a few minutes.

“Hey, say something. This is really awkward you know.”

“…because I don’t want to be treated like your brother…” he muttered.

“huh? What wrong being treated like my brother?” I tilted my head and asked.

“…you’re really dense you know.” He said and grinned and me.


He stopped walking so I stopped too. He looked back as the sun’s light hits his body and creates a shadow in front of me.

Cheowah." (like or can be ‘I like you’?)

“Huh? What? You like what?”

He was laughing and walking ahead of me. “Nothing.”

“Wahh.. SeHun-ah you’re so unfair!”

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Chapter 3: Woah!! Cute!!!
Alyshawol #2
Chapter 1: omg joonmyun baby
Chapter 12: So FU-ng FLUFFEY!! hahaha!
I can't help but refer to that old 90's movie.. (can't recall) because of the cheezyness that happens in that same scenario (at the airport) Cliche but cute >w<
tinecrust #4
Chapter 10: amwtpgdmwtp luhan you bstrd amgjtm hahaha
Chapter 11: Omo, I just died laughing, this day had turned into a night XDD Cute bit though =D
Chapter 11: auuwww... Chen is such a sweet guy~~
Chapter 10: Awwwwwwwwwwww.
Chapter 10: so fluffy XD
Chapter 9: Tao's story was beautiful.
troll...post another one at chapter 8...