I used to take up piano lessons after school but I stopped halfway due to school work.

I really love the piano and the sound it produces after pressing each key.

The studio was still open when I decided to visit after cram school.

There was this girl who also takes the piano lesson after school. She was a bit timid and shy; often looks at the door of the other room.

Her boyfriend must be there.

The thought of other people falling in love...

When will I experience that feeling?

Here is my confession... I haven’t got a boyfriend since birth! Yeah I’m new to those stuff that’s why I’m standing in front my school’s gate and staring at the petite guy who’s a few inches taller than me. There is something about that guy that seems to beguile me.

When our eyes met... my stomach turns a bit and air left my mouth and I was... stomping on my feet LAUGHING! HIS EYES!

Uh-oh...he’s coming my way. Shoot! What should I do!? Me and my stupid humour.

I can feel my hand sweat up on the palm as the guy with the funny eyes came.

“I-uh...how can I help you?” I stopped laughing and now feeling embarrass cause I did.

His eyes narrowed and look at me from head to toe.

“Song Chaerin?”

“Ye-yes?” I tried not to croak up.

From narrow-eyed-guy back to still-big-eye-eyesmiling guy.

“Do KyungSoo.” Still smiling he held out his hand. I took it, trying not to be rude as I already did a while ago. His hand was soft and small. Compared to mine.

“You have such long, slender hands. Really pretty.”

In an instant, I blush on the compliment. No guy had given me a compliment. Especially my hands.

“so...uh...” as we let go of each other hands he placed his on the back of his head and started rubbing the nape of his neck. “can you go with me?”

Go out with him!? Wait, he said go with him.


“Just come!”


One moment I was just staring at this wide-eyed guy at the school gates then the next thing I’m at a music studio with a big microphone in front of me and a keyboard just below it. Kyungsoo was outside of the room looking at the big window and waving with headphones on.

“What am I supposed to do now?” I muttered under my breath.

“Just play.” The man behind the complicated machine outside with Kyungsoo said through the microphone.

I played ‘Franz Liszt’s Liebestraum’ (Love Dream). One of my favourite.

I closed my eyes as I start pressing down my fingers on the keys. Upon the sound of the piano, I open my eyes and my eyes lit up and my ear seethe for it is hungry for this kind of playing. Each key has a different tone, like a candy with different flavours. Each sound makes my ear sway at the sweet delicious sound that it produces. I was too absorbed into playing that when I realized that I was still at the studio and I’m done with my playing.

Someone clapped, and when I looked at the window it was him. Everyone followed him except for the guy in the complicated machine.

“Hyung! Isn’t she perfect for the role?”

Huh? What role?

I overheard Kyungsoo as I stepped out of the room.

“But...she seems to lack something?”

Me? Lack in what?

“Kyungsoo, come here.” The guy called him. Kyungsoo obediently followed and when he was in front of him, the guy hits him in the head.

“Hyung! What was that for?”

“Did he drag you here from school with only an introduction?” he was looking at me with piercing eyes.

“Y-yes sir!” I answered immediately. He sighed and I relax a bit.

“I told you not to do this again and yet you did!”

“But I just want you to hear her play! I saw her at the recital 2 years ago and she is still great as she is now.” He said as he rubs the back of his head.

Recital? 2 years ago?

“Yes! But you don’t just grab people just to have them play at your whim. Stupid little brother.” He was about to hit him again but stopped when Kyungsoo takes cover.

He sighed again. A heavier one. “Just take her back home. You’re bothering other people.”

“B-But Hyung! The musical!”

“No.” The words were spitted on Kyungsoo’s face.

Kyungsoo sighed and moves in front of me and said, “I’m sorry. Let me take you home.”


The sorry Do Kyungsoo is now standing at our gate.

“Uhm, thanks for taking me home.” I shyly said to him while looking at my feet. Feeling sorry about him being hit twice in the head.

He smiles while shaking his head, “It’s okay, hyung is always like that and I’m at fault here.” His hands were in a knot and shaking a bit. “I really love how you play the piano.” Those words were said with much compliment that I felt really glad that someone appreciates how I play my beloved instrument. I took his hands and held them in mine, “Thank you.” But I can’t play the piano anymore. I want to add it to my last words.

“So, I’ll be seeing you play again?” he asked.

How can I answer him when I know in myself that I also want to see myself again in front of the black and white keyed instrument?

I just smiled at him with no words of promise coming from my mouth. Even if promises are made to be broken, I don’t want to break anymore promises... like the last time.

I went inside my house and seated at the edge of my bed. I glanced at my desk and saw a photo frame of me and my piano teacher. She was an old lady with her grey hair tied up in a bun. She was really nice and she had thought me how to play and love the piano.


[When you reached highschool I want you to meet my grandson...

He has a really nice voice, just like how you have a pretty way of playing the piano...

Both of you could complement each other...]

She was in her hospital bed and I was 15 then. The day after tomorrow is my recital and I want her to watch me.

“Granny,” I called to her.

“Chaerin-ah,” she smiled as I entered the room with a bouquet of flowers.

“Granny, the competition is the day after tomorrow...”

“I know and that’s why I’m praying for you to do well.” She coughed. “But I want you to play from your heart.” She pointed her hands on my chest. I know what she’s telling me. I held both of her hands and nodded, “Uhn!” and then I gave her my pledge, “I promise I’ll win the competition and give you the trophy!”

That day of the competition I looked all over the theatre and never saw a shadow of Granny. She’s the only one who’s giving me confidence other than my family. I started to feel very nervous; I prayed hard that I finish this clean and with no problem at all. But I failed in one thing. My heart. My heart is empty and full of tense and anxiety that it also fills my head.


“Ahhhh!” I threw my pillow above me and landed on my face. “Ouch!”

Just remembering what happened makes me feel mad about myself for forgetting Granny’s words. I shook my head to rid of the past memory and mistake.

Do Kyungsoo

The guy with very wide eyes, a nicely shaped lips and a voice that seems to pair up nice in any instruments.


The next day is the announcement for the Kor-Chi exchange. Where they would choose students to go to China and study there for a year or so was told. I entered the exam not having any expectations of joining the said exchange I just entered to know how much I know now after going to cram school.

After school the wide eye Kyungsoo greeted me by the gates.

“Hey!” he waved and walked towards me. I waved back.

“Hi.” He was smiling at me again, that smile that seems to remind me of Granny.

“So, wanna hang out or someting?”

Should I say yes? Or no?

“Sure.” I smiled at him. He seemed glad that I answered yes.


For two weeks we’ve been hanging around each other that never were a day that Kyungsoo missed waiting at my school’s gate and walking me back home in from of my house. Those were one of the best two weeks that I had, but what is it really? What are we? Can I call Kyungsoo mine? Are we going out?

These questions were bothering my head for quite some time that when I try to shake it off it just floats in again. Should I ask him?


Today was the day the results for the Exchange stuff will be posted. I’m not particularly interested but I’m just curious of the results. I walked to the registrar window where the results of the exams will be posted. A girl in a red framed glasses was standing already in front with a pen tapping on her chin and grinning widely then she yelled on top of her lungs.


“Shhhhssss!!!!!” the old lady behind the registrar window sshhhsss-ed her.

“Sorry...” she bobbed her head down. Then she skipped away happily and whistling.

I got a glance of her nametag that was placed on her right pocket.

[Park Gyuri]

I guess some really want to enter the student exchange program.

I walked towards the window where the results was posted.


I was pointing along the S section.

[Song Chaerin (3-B)]

“OH...” my eyes widened in surprise as I took a second look at the list, making sure that it was my name listed and my section and grade. I was speechless and surprised. I didn’t expect my name to be on that list but I felt really glad.

I’m gonna surprise Kyungsoo with this!

Surprise Kyungsoo? By telling him I’ll be staying in China for 2 years? Is it his concern?

I was bombarded with several questions in my head and I haven’t even confirmed what the status of our relationship is.


“Do Kyungsoo, what are we?” I said as I paced in front of the bench where I am supposed to meet him. “No,no. That doesn’t sound right.” I cleared my throat and did my monologue,

“Do Kyungsoo, I like you. Do you feel the same?”

“I feel the same what?” Kyungsoo anwered.

Oh shoot...

“Nothing, nothing!” I waved my hands at him. “So how’s school?”

“So-so. Nothing new. You?” he said as he sat on the bench and invited me to sit beside him.

“ehem, this is a big surprise,” I cleared my throat and stood up in front of him.

“woah, surprise?” he was showing his cute smile. The smile that I really like.

“I... I passed the Exchange program!” I said out loud. “Hurray?” but Kyungsoo just gave me a stiff smile.

“Congrats.” Then he looks at his hands.

“aren’t you happy for me?” I asked him.

“yes, I am.”

“No, you’re not.

“yes, I am..not happy.” Then he face palmed himself. “ah! I don’t know what to do!”


He stood up from his seat and facing me. His face was serious and then he kneeled on his right knee.

“Do Kyungsoo?”

“Song Chaerin,” he said my name like a how he’d sing a song, in a really sweet tone.

“ack! I’m getting nervous!” he was still staring at his feet.

“Do Kyungsoo look at me,” I told him and he did what I said. His eyes were wide while gritting his teeth a bit. I can’t help but giggle at his nervousness.

“hey, don’t laugh at me. I’m being serious here.” He pouted.

“Hahaha! Im sorry.”

“Song Chaerin,” now he was in his serious tone again. “would you believe me if I told you I’ve been in love with you for 5 years already?”

This got my eyes wide and dumbfounded. “HUH?”

“I hope you still remember my Grandmother, Daeya, I’m her grandson.”

This got me formed a speechless O in my mouth. Just hearing granny’s name already gave my head a clue on what Kyungsoo is saying.

“But-but I just met you like two weeks ago.”

“No, two years ago. You met me two years ago but...”

“Two years ago...Granny’s funeral?”

He nodded and then continued, “You were weeping so much then and I think you didn’t notice me since I never had the guts to talk to you.” His nodded his head down and we were silent for a while. Everything seems to be going too fast, now how do I tell him that I have to leave by the end of the term and will not be able to see him after what? a year? Just when I finally found this feeling called Love.

“Do Kyungsoo,” I gulped the small lump in my throat and said, “I have something to tell you.”

He looks at me full faced with his soft brown eyes.

“I love you too.” He was smiling that I now know why it resembles Granny so much. “But...” but then went to a frown immediate as I said the word.

“But what?”

“I’ll be leaving for China by the end of the term.”


“Then I won’t see you for a year.”


“we can’t see each other. I’ll be in China and you’ll be here. And that’s it.”

“So?” his face was serious and his eyes were searching for mine.

“Ahh! Do Kyungsoo! It’s a year! I can’t see your cute bugsy eyes for 365 days and now that I know what we feel for each other do you think I can stay calm!?”

He stood up and laugh with his hand in his stomach.

“So you will miss my ‘bugsy’ looking eyes? That hurts Song Chaerin.” He stopped laughing but he can’t help showing his large grin. He stepped in front of me, his finger trailing my jaw line in a soft caress that I leaned to it in an instant.

“even if I can’t see you for 365 days as long as I know that I have this effect on you I know that I won’t disappear in your head.” With those words, he sealed my mouth with his and our body melted to each other as we find each other’s warmth.



sorry that i've been busy with my other fanfics. ugh i hate this =_=

the ideas were just too.... how do i say this... ugh...i mean i just can't let the plot slip while its still in my head. 

please bear with me...i trying to finish the Days and Nights with EXO. 

ahhh~ sorry for the pending fics.



Sorry that I didn’t get to include her story while she’s in China but you’ll probably hear from her more in the following chapter!

Well, this concludes for EXO-K chapter!

I’ve already started on Kris’ day, then Lay’s day is a bit different since it’ll be a one shot I’ll just post a link to it.

Please do subscribe and stay tuned for more!^w^

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sorry about the 'rated' thing. this chap is not rated fyi!!!! i dunno why its checked...=_=


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Chapter 3: Woah!! Cute!!!
Alyshawol #2
Chapter 1: omg joonmyun baby
Chapter 12: So FU-ng FLUFFEY!! hahaha!
I can't help but refer to that old 90's movie.. (can't recall) because of the cheezyness that happens in that same scenario (at the airport) Cliche but cute >w<
tinecrust #4
Chapter 10: amwtpgdmwtp luhan you bstrd amgjtm hahaha
Chapter 11: Omo, I just died laughing, this day had turned into a night XDD Cute bit though =D
Chapter 11: auuwww... Chen is such a sweet guy~~
Chapter 10: Awwwwwwwwwwww.
Chapter 10: so fluffy XD
Chapter 9: Tao's story was beautiful.
troll...post another one at chapter 8...