I’m just being nice. I didn’t mean to make you fall for me.


Those words echoed in my head as I stare at the ceiling.

“Ahhhh… how I want to get him off my head!”

I dug my face to my pillow. I felt my eyes started to swell and become watery.

“Why did it have to be him?”


The next morning my face was all puffy and my eyes are all red.

“Wahh…otteoke… how can I face him with this face…”

I took a small towel and run it through the tap water and placed the towel over my eyes.


“Ommo…SeoRin… what happened to your eyes?” my friend,  Shin HeeTae asked me.

“Uhh… I cried hard..while watching a sad movie.”

“Oh… okay.” Then she turned her head and pointed at the other direction.

“oh, look! Its Chanyeol! Oppa-“

I grabbed her before he could notice us. I stopped as soon as we reach the gates.

“Hey. What’s wrong with you? Don’t you always go to school together with ChanYeol?” HeeTae said as she pants.

“That’s the problem! I can’t go to school with him anymore!”

“Eh? Waeyo!?” HeeTae’s eyes widened.


I told her what happened to me yesterday when I tried to confess my feelings to Chanyeol and those words that he had said that still hurts my chest.


“Aw… I feel for you…” HeeTae said as she tapped my shoulder. “But did he say that you shouldn’t see him anymore? I mean I know it might be awkward but you are still friends.”

I can’t place the idea of talking to him in my head. I feel like I’d just embarrass myself in front of him.

“No, no! I can’t!”

“Why? Is it because you still like him? Well, I can’t argue with that since those feelings cannot be easily ignored.”

I just look down at my feet.

She is right. I can’t forget my feelings but I can’t ignore him forever…

“Why don’t you try making him fall for you?” HeeTae suggested.

“Mwoh?! But haven’t I already been rejected?”

“Beign rejected is one thing and making him fall for you is another.”

Can I really do that? Make Chanyeol fall for me?

“H-how!?” I asked her as I enthusiastically shook her.

“w-wa-wait! S-st-stop shaking me!”  HeeTae flaps her arms.

“First thing’s first…” she straightened her blouse and skirt. “….What’s his ideal girl?”



I went asked JongIn since they are best buddies.

“Chanyeol’s ideal?” JongIn thought hard. “He likes girls with long black hair and gentle.”

Okay. I got that mentally noted in my brain.

“Thanks JongIn!” I thanked him for giving me the info.

“what is that for? Is someone trying to confess to Chanyeol?”

Err… what should I tell him?

“Uhh… yeah… my classmate was asking for help.” That’s the best I could do.

JongIn sips from the soda that he’s drinking.

“Iths hopeless.” He said while biting the straw’s tip.

“Huh? Waeyo?”

“Because he’s already going out with someone.”

Going out…with someone?

I felt as if all the blood in my yhead went down and I became stunned there for a moment.

“Yah Seorin, are you fine?”


“You seemed to black out for 3 minutes.”

“Uh yeah… I’m just thinking what answer should I give my friend.”

“Then just tell her everything before she fall on Chanyeol deeply.”

Too late…I already did.


Chanyeol… has a… girlfriend…

I can’t help but think about those words as I walk my way back home.


“Chanyeol oppa…”

“What is it Sungyu?”


I heard someone talking around the corner and when I took a peek to see who they are, my eyes widened as I saw Chanyeol with a very pretty girl. She looks like a model. With a slender body, white complexion, pretty face and long black hair.

“Uhm…” the girl was looking down at her feet while Chanyeol stood up straight staring at her.

“I don’t think I can go out with you anymore. I’m sorry! But I really like you! It’s just that…”

Chanyeol’s eyes widened cause of the shock.


“I’m really busy! That I don’t think I can still give you enough time!”

Then the girl placed her hands on her face and starts sobbing.

“What the!? That flirt!”

I jumped a bit when someone talked above me.

“Oh sorry. Did I disturb you?”

“Ah, no. it’s okay” I said to the girl who is also watching them.

“Do you know her?” I asked.

“Know her!? She’s Sungyu! My ex boyfriend is dating her!” she said in fury.

“Wait. I need to get this on camera.” She took out her phone and started taking pictures of Sungyu and Chanyeol. When she was done, she closed her phone and asked,

“Aren’t you gonna take a picture? He’s your boyfriend right?”

Her question hits me hard and I only look down at my feet and answered,

“He’s… not my boyfriend…”

“Oh… sorry…”

Then I just have this urge to tell her my feelings and how I got rejected.

“Oh… so you got rejected because he was going out with Sungyu…” I nodded.

“Wait. Do you want to get back at that girl?”

“Huh? W-why?”

“Why? Because of her that you didn’t get to go out with him!”

“Uh… I don’t know…”

“Just agree and I’ll lead you on.” She said and winked at me.

“Oh, by the way, I’m Shim Minyeon.”

“I’m Go Seorin.”

We both shook each other;s hand and exchange numbers.

“I’ll just send you a message if the plan is on the go.”


It has been three days since the incident happen and I haven’t seen Minyeon since then but we always exchange messages. And Chanyeol… looks grimmer day by day. He’s not like that before… he always used to smile and make jokes but now… sigh… must be because of that Sungyu… if only he’d know that that girl was only playing with him then he wouldn’t suffer like this and brush it off.


Hi! Seorin!
Guess what?!
 I now haveplanned it!
Here’s what we’re gonna do…..”

I continued on reading her message and okay-ed to her plan. There’s no turning back now. I really want him to know what kind of girl she is…


“Oppa! Here!” I called to Chanyeol.

“Seorin, I thought you want to go to a music store to buy a guitar?”

“Uh… well… I got hungry so let’s get something to eat first.” I happily answered.

We went to the ice cream store as told by Minyeon. There I saw Sungyu and an unfamiliar guy.

“Oppa, can you buy our ice cream while I get a chair?”



I headed to the table near Sungyu and sat down there. On the store window I saw Minyeon walking towards the ice cream store.

“I hope this plan works.”

Then I saw chanyeol turning his head around, I waved so he could see me.”

“Phew. It was hard to pick from those flavors at the counter.”

I laughed, “yeah, but you knew what I like so its okay.” I smiled at him and he also smiled back.

“Know what… thanks for inviting me here. I’ve been depressed lately that I didn’t have the urge to go out…”

I felt my heart sting. This is bad… my conscience is kicking in my head.

Should we go? I don’t want him to be miserable anymore that this… he’s fine now…

“Happy 100th day anniversary Sungyu!!!” the guy who was behind me shouted.

“gomawo jagiya~”


“That voice sounds familiar…” CHanyeol muttered but I heard him.

I flinched thinking what would happen next then I look at the window and saw Minyeon with a guy who also look stunned at what he had seen. Chanyeol stood up and move to the next table.


Sungyu didn’t look up at his first call but when he called her again.


She looks up and her face was in shock.

“O-oppa!? W-what are you doing here?”

Then the guy with Minyeon was tapping at the window. Sungyu looks pale and her date was asking her,

“Who are they?”

In an instant, Chanyeol stormed out of the shop. “Chanyeol-oppa!”

“Baekhyun!” Minyeon called the guy who had walked away.


This is pathetic…

Where would he go when he wants to be alone…

Only one place came up on my mind and I quickly rushed to that place. I saw him sitting at the edge of the concrete and looking at Han River. As I move closer he duck his head onto his knees.

“I’m laughable aren’t I?” he muttered as I sit down beside him.


“That girl that I used to go out with was also going out with some other guys. I thought that she really love me…”

“Oppa…” I comfortingly placed a hand on his shoulder.

“…And I was even mean when I rejected you…yet… here you are comforting me…”

I felt a pang of guilt dug onto my chest. Should I tell him or not?

“Actually…” I started off but fell half way when he suddenly hugged me. His warm grasp coated my whole body yet his tears were as cold as it slides through my cheeks.

“She was my first love…”

First love… just like what I feel for you…

I also clung back to him and cried all my feelings out. Sadness, guilt…

“Oppa… I’m sorry… if I hadn’t invited you there you wouldn’t-“

“Shhss… it’s okay. I know we would eventually meet there ‘coz that’s her favorite shop and I think it’s best that I would learn about it (her relationship) sooner or later. So it’s okay.”

“Oppa…” then I continued crying out loud in his arms.

You’re so nice and I hate it that I keep falling for you.


The next morning, I didn’t have the urge to go to school and told my mom that I wanted to rest. She saw how I looked last night that’s why she agreed.

Seorin-ah, how are you?
Oppa was looking for you…

I didn’t reply at my friend’s message as I still feel guilty.


The day after, I decided to go to school. Feeling much better than yesterday, though I wish I won’t encounter Chanyeol today.

As soon as the class ends, I packed my things in my bag and headed towards the gates.

There he was, leaning to a post as if waiting for someone. I was about to walk past through him but he stood in front of me and said,

“Are you okay now? Hm?”

“Uhm… yeah…” I answered as I try to shove him off slightly so I could walk past through him.


I can hear him call but I can’t look back now. If I did, it’d only make my feelings worst as it is now.

“Seorin.” I spun around as someone grabs my arm.

I can’t look at him…

“W-what? I thought you’re done talking? I’m fine now so can you please let me go?”

“That’s the problem… I… can’t let you go.”

There we stood in silence as he embraces me and whispers to me those words,

“I love you.”

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sorry about the 'rated' thing. this chap is not rated fyi!!!! i dunno why its checked...=_=


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Chapter 3: Woah!! Cute!!!
Alyshawol #2
Chapter 1: omg joonmyun baby
Chapter 12: So FU-ng FLUFFEY!! hahaha!
I can't help but refer to that old 90's movie.. (can't recall) because of the cheezyness that happens in that same scenario (at the airport) Cliche but cute >w<
tinecrust #4
Chapter 10: amwtpgdmwtp luhan you bstrd amgjtm hahaha
Chapter 11: Omo, I just died laughing, this day had turned into a night XDD Cute bit though =D
Chapter 11: auuwww... Chen is such a sweet guy~~
Chapter 10: Awwwwwwwwwwww.
Chapter 10: so fluffy XD
Chapter 9: Tao's story was beautiful.
troll...post another one at chapter 8...