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“Calm down,” Yoochun laughed, rubbing her hair so that it fell past her shoulders, “you look perfect.”
“What if nobody shows?” she panicked, “What if I fall down the steps or what if I let the charity down? Oh my gosh! What if—”
“Relax, please?” he softly asked, smiling on her lips, “It’s okay.”

Kaia smiled back, her heart still racing speedily. Yoochun grabbed her hand and led her down the steps, grabbing his keys that he had thrown down hours earlier.

“Ready?” he asked, walking out to the car.
“As I’ll ever be,” she sighed, “Yunho’s there, right?”
“Yeah,” Yoochun nodded, “He’s been there for 2 hours. He said he wants to make sure everything is right and the people are situated.”
“He’s so great,” she said more to herself than aloud.

Yoochun only shrugged, cranking up the car.

Pulling up to the event only 10 minutes early, Kaia saw that it was filled with businessmen and businesswomen alike. She hadn’t expected so many professionals to show at the event, but she was highly grateful. She even saw clusters of people from other organizations align the outside of the palace-like show room.

“See, babe?” Yoochun acknowledged, “Worried for nothing.”

Kaia nodded, hopping out of the car excitedly. Yoochun met her around the side and looked down at her before leading her past a group of supporters at the front door. She greeted all of them and thanked them all for coming.

By the time they made it inside of the building, the sun was just settling down.

Kaia greeted everyone inside and thanked them all as well. Many of the participants were donating to every stand they stood in front of.

2 hours seemed to drift by, yet the event was still going on rather rapidly. Kaia began to clean up some of the areas where people failed to and gently smiled at a young guy she passed by.

“Why, hello there,” the young man greeted Kaia as the crowd became more dense and the night became darker.
“Oh, hello,” she smiled, reaching out a hand to him.

He took it and softly kissed it, his dark eyes staring into hers.

“Kaia Patel,” he softly murmured, “This event is quite marvelous.”
“Thank you…” she paused, waiting for his name.

He continued to stare into her eyes, his plump pink lips quivering slightly as he smirked and stepped a bit closer to her.

“I do not mean to be prude,” he began, biting his lower lip, “but…is that gentleman your boyfriend?”

His question hung in the air as he glanced over at Yoochun. Kaia glanced at Yoochun as well and then back at the beautiful stranger.

“He’s a male that’s my friend,” she replied with a gentle smile.
“Mhm,” the guy nodded, “So I take it that you’re single?”
“Not quite,” she replied, shrugging her right shoulder.

The man slightly shook his head, smiling into her face.

“Well, I’ll be damned,” he laughed, kissing her hand once more, “But surely we can be friends?”
“I’ll add you to the list,” she joked.

Slowly, he called out 10 numbers to her. She smiled, implanting the numbers into her mind. When he walked away, she hurriedly saved his number for fear of forgetting, but had no name to give him.

“It’s dying down, now,” Yunho smiled at Kaia, his hands wrapped around Yoochun’s waist, “You tired, yet?”
“No…not at all,” she yawned, her eyes red and hazy.

Yoochun leaned backwards to look into Yunho’s eyes and they both laughed at her.

“Relax,” Yoochun suggested, “We can handle the rest of the night.”
“You sure?” she asked, barely holding enough strength to look at them.
“Sure,” Yunho laughed, “It’s only, like, 30 minutes left.”
“I love you guys…” she yawned, leaning on a chair and sitting down, slowly closing her eyes.

Yunho looked down at her and pouted, rubbing the top of her forehead.

“Poor girl,” he sighed, “she works too hard and never sleeps.”
“I agree,” Yoochun nodded, kissing Yunho’s lips, “But she has us.”

The two men left her alone, tending to the event.

Kaia’s eyes popped open once she realized she had dozed off and by the time she looked around her, she noticed the entire place was cleared out with nothing, but empty air.

“Hey—” she called out.
“Well, look who woke up,” Yoochun smirked tiredly.
“Sorry,” she sheepishly smiled, “I—”
“Oh, hush,” Yunho denied, throwing her the keys to lock up the show room, “You’re fine.”

Kaia sleepily hugged them both.

“You spoil me, Yun,” she smiled.
“I know,” he playfully agreed, “That’s what I do.”

Kaia turned off the lights and locked up the place, Yunho and Yoochun ahead of her. She lazily stumbled to her car, but Yoochun grabbed her car keys and pushed her into the passenger seat.

“What are you doing?” she asked, rubbing her eyes.
“You’re sleepy,” he responded, “No way in hell are you driving.”
“He’s right,” Yunho agreed, kissing Yoochun on his lips.

Yoochun leaned in for another kiss from Yunho and smiled on his lips passionately.

“Besides…I have to pick up some paperwork,” Yunho sighed, rolling his eyes.
“Love you, babe,”
“Love you, too,” Yunho called, walking to the car.

Yunho pulled off first, followed by Yoochun with Kaia. Yoochun easily slid onto the highway, there only light being light poles and headlights from other cars.

“You guys are too cute together,” she laughed, “And you’ve been getting along so great.”
“Yeah,” Yoochun nodded.

Kaia became quiet, closing her eyes tightly. Yoochun didn’t care to speak either, rolling through the night as if he had forever.

“Thanks,” she smiled as soon as Yoochun pulled up to her house.

She kissed his forehead, but he pulled away, turning off her car and giving her the set of keys, so she could find her house key. She locked the car door, easily unlocking her home afterwards.

“Chun, it’s 1 in the ing morning,” she acknowledged seriously.
“I can tell time,”

Kaia rolled her eyes, stomping to her bedroom as Yoochun sat on the couch with a sinister smirk on his face, loosening his gray tie. He looked towards the ground, his ears perking up as he heard water running from the bathtub.

Inside of the bathroom, Kaia had the shower. Steaming splashes of water hit her arm, but she pulled it back. Her exposed skin reflected in the mirror and she couldn’t help, but pull at the slight flesh of her stomach.

“If you need me, the door’s open,” she called out to Yoochun.

Pulling her hair up into a sloppy bun, she stepped one careless foot into the water.

She lathered the soap to a white perfection and slid the bubbly cream across her arms and down her legs. Her fingers laced themselves in the warm temptation of her body and she continuously massaged the soap onto her skin.

The door came open and Kaia saw Yoochun laying against it, his zipper to his black slacks widely open and his white button down opened completely. She ignored him, but felt him get closer to the shower.

“Kaia…” his raspy voice rung, “Come out to play…”

Kaia smirked a little, pressing her back against the glass shower and biting her lower lip.

“Play with me, Kaia…” he whispered again, outlining her body with his fingertips, “Please?”

Yoochun dimmed the bathroom lights and opened the shower door. Kaia turned away from him, her cheeks gaining a rosy color. Her arm automatically reached up to cover her s. She felt too exposed to him.

Yoochun stared at her body, his slacks, shirt, and neatly combed hair sticking to his skin from the wetness of the shower. He stepped closer to her cold body and pinned her to the wall. Kaia gasped, opening weakly. Yoochun took advantage, slipping his tongue into . Kaia’s eyes rolled backwards, her teeth biting at his tongue loosely. Yoochun breathed heavily on her neck.

“Not now,” she pleaded.
“I can’t wait…”

Yoochun took the time to peel his pants off of his legs, his body moving fluidly to hers. Using his upper body strength, he pulled her legs around his waist and roughly pressed his to her thigh. He gently took her into his mouth and began his tongue around her hard s.

“I hate you…” she screamed, her hair falling over her eyes.

Yoochun’s left hand squeezed around her neck as he used his right hand to penetrate 2 fingers inside of her. Kaia’s tears stained her cheeks, her breath catching in as she rocked her hips to his movement.

“Am I doing it right?” he teasingly asked, gliding his 2 fingers up and over her .

She contently moaned, guiding her hands down his stomach. Yoochun smirked, watching her grab his into her tiny hands and jerking him off as he continuously her.

“Let it go…” he whispered into her ear, but she continued on him faster.

He bit his lower lip in a struggling addiction to her touch and carefully grabbed from her. Kaia whimpered as if a child, ily moving her hips so she could find her own way of getting him inside of her. Yoochun rocked her on his hips for a while, teasing the slit of her wet labias.

“Chun,” she moaned, leaning into his neck and biting him.

Yoochun felt the intensity of the water beat on his back as he finally built enough strength to enter inside of her. Kaia cried out loud, her head hitting against his chest. Yoochun found a constant pace with her body, pushing the head of his slowly inside of her. Their eyes locked heatedly, Kaia‘s lips rubbing his.

His face glowed in a red haze as he pulled out of her. Kaia sighed in a frustrated manner, slipping her legs from around his waist. Yoochun turned the water off and slid out of his soaked white button-down.

He noticed Kaia staring at him and he smiled, walking over to kiss her lips.

“Bedroom?” he asked, rubbing the back of her neck and walking her to the bedroom.

Their soaked bodies fell on the plush of the large bed, Kaia falling on top of him. Yoochun her chin playfully and tried kissing her, but she pulled away and kissed him a few seconds afterwards. Kaia softly rocked against him, Yoochun laying back and playing with her fleshy s. Her hair fell out of the hairbow, her big innocent eyes staring down at him.

“What?” he asked, throwing her underneath him and rubbing her wet body.
“I wanna play with it,” she softly responded.
“Yeah?” he asked, rolling off of her and slapping his against his thigh, “Be gentle, babe.”

Kaia felt the warmth of his , her hand slipping over it and feeling a tiny vein. She liked his size and realized he was much larger than Changmin…

“What do you want me to do?” she asked, rubbing him at a constant rate.

He didn’t respond, only closed his eyes and bit his lower lip to her heated movement across his . Kaia kissed the tip of his twice, her tongue slightly dipping on top of it. Slowly, she pushed his entire length into . Yoochun’s eyes popped open, his fingers trailing through her hair. He was quite surprised at her considering the fact that he thought she was pure.

She stopped for a brief moment and nervously placed her hand over . Yoochun sat up and grabbed her hand.

“Hey,” he cooed, “what’s wrong, babe?”
“This is so not right,” she mumbled, rolling her eyes and hiding her face.

Yoochun grabbed the tip of her chin with his finger and kissed her softly, but she angrily jerked away.

“You’re a ing gay guy, Chun!” she roared, “Don’t you realize that, you er?!”
“And you’re a straight girl…that’s laying in bed with a ‘gay guy’, so maybe you’re the ed up one.” he calmly, yet forcedly reminded her.

Kaia shook her head, grunting angrily into her hands.

“Kaia…” he groaned, “I didn’t—”
“It’s okay. Whatever,” she sighed with a slight smirk, “I am pretty ed up, huh?”
“I just like that tongue of yours,” he moaned, “Can you finish?”

Kaia gripped his , it up and down, before yanking it into her palm and releasing it. Yoochun was in so much pain, his turning a bright red.

“Ouch, Kaia!” he screamed, hitting her hand away.
“Stop being a baby,” she laughed, it, slowly breathing on it, and finally kissing his tip, “Better?”

He kissed her s, his teeth biting at her hard specks. She indulged in him, watching his hands fit around her waist. With his back to the wall and legs sprawled widely on the bed sheets and her body sitting comfortably on his lap, facing him, they entangled passionately. Kaia’s head rubbed into his neck as she gently rode upon his . His hands fit snuggly under her as he forced her to ride over him harder.

“I can’t take it…” he found himself moan as she exploded onto his lap.

His eyes were closed as his head pressed to the wall. She vibrated against him from her , thus making it difficult for him to continue penetrating. The feel of her body was so different compared to the feeling of being inside of a man. Yoochun had never felt so relieved and ually charged until he’d been with Kaia.

Lifting her up higher onto his lap and pulling her hair through his fingers, he came inside of her. Kaia panted gruffly, still shaking against him. Yoochun’s was so sore and limp, but he needed to be inside of her. He had to be…

“Chun…” she breathed, trying to push off of him.
“Please stay,” he begged, pressing her harder against his body, “Please?”

And she nodded, kissing his forehead as she wrapped an arm around him.

a/n: this was very very rushed. I’m sorry it guys! It took me a while to update but I promise the next chapter will be much better! And thank you all for the amazing comments ♥

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Chapter 16: love love love love this. ha ha
Chapter 2: ur ugly son of 'changirly'!