`-[un]happy birthday.

s i c k [r]
“Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Chunnie! Happy birthday to you!” Yoochun’s friends laughed as he blew out his birthday candles.

Yoochun had turned 25 and it felt great! He saw the beautiful faces of his friends and thanked each and every one. The love of his life set up the entire birthday event and although he didn’t show it, Yoochun felt overly gracious of his partner. The event was held in a large night club that his love paid thousands to rent out just for him…

“Happy birthday, baby,” Yoochun felt a calm voice whisper into his ear.
“I love you so ing much,”

Yunho laughed, kissing Yoochun’s lips, “prove it, tonight,”
“Don’t worry. I’ll be proving it all night,”

Yunho was getting hard from Yoochun’s soft touches on . Taking Yunho’s hand into his own, Yoochun slow danced with him, resting his head into his neck. All of their friends ‘awed’, clapping and cheering for the happy couple. Yoochun eventually stopped dancing to go mingle with some more of his friends, though the booming music that the DJ played drowned out most of everything.

The lights soon dimmed and a fast track was being played. Yoochun jokingly danced around for a while, some of the faces of his associates being drowned in by the darkness.

“Chunnie, you’re an old man, now. How does it feel?” one of Yoochun’s friends joked, dancing against him slightly.
“Shutup. You’re just jealous ‘cause I’m cute,” he said after adjusting his eyes to see the person’s face.

She laughed, punching his shoulder lightly.

“And what the ?” he asked, “I told you to wear the purple dress, not the blue one.”
“The purple one made me look like Barney! The blue gives me the taste I want,”
“Your looks huge in that one,” he commented, laughing.
“Now, Chunnie, is that really a bad thing?” she remarked, raising an eyebrow.

Yoochun sighed, pulling at her skintight material, “you’re right, Kaia. It’s hot,”
“I know. Anything I wear is hot,”

They were quiet for a while. Yoochun and Kaia had known each other for 7 years, after going to college together, but they never could be called best friends; they were more like close buddies. They actually met through Yunho, but became closer friends because of their love for fashion.

“Are you still ing with that young kid?” Yoochun smirked, biting his lower lip.
“Changmin?” she asked with a laugh, “I’m not ing with him…but he’s a cutie.”
“Whatever. I didn’t know you liked them so young,”
“I didn’t, but he’s a nice guy,” she giggled, blushing, “He’s easy to talk to.”

Yoochun rolled his eyes, “Whatever, . I bet his is big, huh?”
“Yoochun!” Kaia whispered-screamed, “I’ve never even seen it before!”

Yoochun stifled a laugh, “What? You have to see if it’s big enough to with. I don’t want you playing with tiny toys…you might choke,”
“You would know about tiny toys, huh?” she winked.
“Excuse me,” Yoochun growled, “Yunho’s is big enough for us to do plenty of things, mkay?”

Kaia fake gagged and threw her hands in the air.

“You disgust me,” she expressed.
“Wait…I don’t believe I’ve ever shown you my—”
“Okay, Yoochun!”

Yoochun laughed, his gentle cheeks rising and lowering repeatedly. Before much more could be said, Yunho grabbed a hold of Yoochun’s waist and whispered something into his ear. Yoochun’s smile faded and his jaw clenched together, the muscles in his cheekbones hardening. Yunho looked apologetic and gave Yoochun a soft kiss on the lips. Yoochun didn’t react to the gentle motive and didn’t budge when Yunho walked out of the door, away from the event.

Kaia eyed him, placing a hand on his arm. Yoochun jerked away, his face not reading his true emotion.

“Damn it,” he cursed, rubbing his eyes tenderly, “I really have to leave this place.”
“Come on, Chun,” she encouraged, “Let’s take a walk, yeah?”

Yoochun turned his back to Kaia, but she grabbed his hand and shook her head no.

“What the hell is going on?” she asked.
“Ask the bastard that just walked out of here,” he snapped.
“What happened? I thought you were—”
“Just get these people out of here!” he roared.

Nobody could hear the angry rant of Yoochun because the music had gotten just that much louder.

“Let’s go upstairs,” she requested.
“No…I just really want to get the outta here! Every time I think me and Yunho are—” he cut himself off and just stopped talking.

Kaia put down her strawberry margarita and took a hold of Yoochun’s hand. She pushed past a crowd of people, mainly friends and cousins of Yunho and Yoochun. Once making it to the other side of the building, her electric blue Jimmy Choo heels clacked up the velvet red steps. Once making it to the top, there was a small brown room with black design and coffee colored rugs. Kaia pushed up against the wall and took off her heels, throwing them on the floor. She sat down in the room, staring at Yoochun.

“What?” Yoochun asked her, his eyes bloodshot red.
“You tell me,” she sassed, leaning against a brown wall, “you’re pissed at him because?”
“Look, I know me and him look so perfect and happy on the outside, but we’re not,” Yoochun confessed, “What else is there to know?”

Kaia could hear more sadness than she could anger in his voice and that disturbed her beyond belief.

“What did he say to you before he left?” she asked, not understanding the whole concept of what he was saying.

Yoochun gazed into her eyes, dropping them slightly.

“He said what he usually says,” Yoochun grinned, “He said ‘I love you, baby…but I gotta go back to the office,’. The same words I’ve been hearing for the past 4 ing years.”

Kaia was silent, Yoochun smiling at her. His eyes were so cold and frozen that she even had to look away.

“Sometimes…I wish I never loved him,” Yoochun admitted, “Sometimes I wish I could just get up and leave.”
“Honey, don’t say that,” she warned, “He loves you! Look at all the stuff he does for you.”
“He buys me whatever the hell I want,” he agreed, “but what about when I’m sitting in bed alone at night because he just so happens to get a call from the office? And what if he’s not going to work, Kaia…what if he’s ing around behind my back?”

Yoochun loosened his tie, his anger becoming prominent. Kaia wrapped her arms around Yoochun and softly kissed his cheek.

“Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Yoochun. Happy birthday to you.” Kaia whispered in his ear, rocking him in her arms as he folded into her like a baby, “Happy Birthday…”
a/n:: It’s Yoochun’s (25th) birthday today, so I just had to do this chapter ♥ Mwah! And thank you guys for the beautiful comments!

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Chapter 16: love love love love this. ha ha
Chapter 2: ur ugly son of 'changirly'!