`-vodka drunk.

s i c k [r]
It was Saturday. It was super hot. Changmin was acting like an . Yoochun and Yunho would be over to comfort her. All of that added up to Kaia doing her favorite summer sport; swimming. She didn’t know why, but swimming let out a rebellion she always felt when no other solution could help. Slipping into her favorite 2-piece black bikini, she grabbed a towel and headed outside to the pool room.

Her father had a construction team build a room outside of the house that encased a pool. The pool room was built from glass and stone walls that looked as if it were a part of the home, itself. Yoochun and Yunho knew to come to this section of the house if they planned on coming over early.

Kaia entered the pool room and let out a sigh of relief. She hadn’t been in the crystal clear water of the pool in forever. Well…5 days, but that was forever to her.

Without a wait, Kaia jumped into the pool, the water cascading over her body hypnotically. Her body was a mermaid becoming captured in the Atlantic as she breathed and sighed and cried into the wetness that she escaped into. Feeling a burst of energy, she screamed loudly, jumping out of the water and diving right back in. Her hair clung to her face, but the feeling was so powerful…so overbearing that she continued to scream and surround her body in the fluid.

After settling in the water for over 40 minutes, she emerged with a smile and refreshed, more relaxed body. Her eyes were red from the water, but she casually patted them dry and continued on drying her body, then hair. Once drying off, she looked at the corner of the pool and smiled.

“Hey, good looking,” she joked, running over to him and bear-hugging his strong physique, “How long were you here?”

“About 25 minutes,” Yoochun replied, “enough to see you in the pool.”

“I was not!” she protested, “I always scream when I get in the pool.”


“Where’s my Yunho-bear?” she pouted.

Yoochun shrugged, not looking at her face.

“He left earlier this morning. Before I even woke up,” he finally replied, “His dumb didn’t even call me.”

“Yoochun, come on,” Kaia pleaded, rubbing his shoulder, “stop being so hard on him.”

“I know…” Yoochun said, “But…dammit, I’m so ing ! He could atleast spare me a …”

Kaia laughed, shaking the leftover water in her hair on him, to which Yoochun slightly smirked.

“Babe, this is a new shirt,” he pouted, looking down at his damp purple shirt.

“Whatever…” she sighed, helping him up, “come with me to the kitchen. I have to tell you about Changmin,”

Yoochun smirked, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Together, they walked from the pool room to the house. Kaia ran straight to the kitchen and told Yoochun to take a seat. As he sat down, Kaia reached into the freezer and grabbed 2 cherry-mango popsicles. Yoochun accepted, pressing the coolness of the wrapper against his skin before actually opening and eating the delicacy.

“Thank you,” he politely nodded, “It’s hot out there.”

“I know right,” Kaia agreed, “anyways, I have to tell you about Changmin.”

“All right,”

“Okay, well, he’s so cute and you know how I told you he was all nice and sweet?”

“Yep. The perfect gentleman,” Yoochun replied, mocking her.

“Well, we went on a little date at the park,” she continued, “and we were talking…and he ended up being the biggest jerk I’d ever met in my entire life!”

Yoochun choked on his popsicle slightly, laughing hysterically at her.

“Dude, that is so not funny!” she cried, “I thought he was the one!”

“Well, tell me what happened. What did he do?”

“He asked me if him being younger than me had anything to do with the way I was acting around him and then he accused me of just using him as my ‘boy toy’,” she explained, purposely leaving out what they did at his house.

“You kinda treated him like one…” Yoochun admitted.

“The ? How?” she sincerely asked.

“I mean, you’re a sweet girl, so you probably didn’t mean to do it, but you acted as if he were your boyfriend without claiming him…”

Kaia sighed, at her popsicle. Yoochun rubbed her hand, looking apologetic.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered.

“It’s not your fault,”

They decided to stop talking about their messed up relationships for a while and focused on lighter subjects. Yoochun began talking about work, but his eyes traveled around her kitchen until it reached above her cabinets...

“Yo, is that vodka?” Yoochun asked, peeping out a crystal bottle above her cabinet.

“Yeah, it was a gift from a friend,”

“You said you hated vodka,”

“I do. It doesn‘t look like it‘ll taste good,”

Yoochun glared at her sneakily, his lips.

“You wanna taste a sip of life?” he asked, wagging his eyebrows.

“I guess so,”

“Vodka is the best way to do it…”

Kaia was unsure about that, but she pushed it out of her mind and decided to enjoy his company. Everything else had been a living hell; might as well get a little alcohol.

Yoochun grabbed the bottle and Kaia grabbed the glasses. With laughter, she opened the bottle and poured the clear liquid into their vessels.

“Am I gonna get drunk?” she asked, looking at the large amount Yoochun made her pour.

“Probably not,”

Kaia closed her nose and downed the liquid in 3 big gulps. Yoochun drunk his smoothly, smiling when he finished his glass. Kaia smirked, pouring herself more. Yoochun told her to open , which she did, and let him pour the liquid into . Once was full, she pressed her lips to Yoochun’s and he sipped some of the vodka from her luscious lips. They burst out laughing even though their throats were burning like hell. They continued on taking shots until the vodka bottle was nearly empty…

It didn’t take long before Kaia’s head started to throb painfully. She laid on the couch for a brief second, but the alcohol started to really get her rowdy and hyper. Yoochun could see how dazed she was…but hell, so was he. He picked her up and slid her on his lap. They both were a sloppy, drunken mess.

“Stoooop,” she groaned, “I want more…”

“No,” he breathed, laughing hysterically, “I think you’re drunk.”

“Nooo, Chunnie, I’m fine,” she whimpered.

“You drunk!” he screamed-laughed, “And I drunk too!”

Kaia laughed, hopping off of his lap. She fell on the floor right after she stood up, dragging Yoochun with her. Yoochun’s lips were red and his eyes glazed over in confusion.

“How do you kiss?” he slurred, rubbing her lips, “Kiss me.”

“Nooo, we can’t kiss,” she laughed, “You like boys.”

Yoochun laughed and then Kaia laughed, then they just started laughing even louder.

“Kiss…me…Kaia…” Yoochun begged with tears in his eyes, “Please?”

“Nooo, you….kiss…me,” she protested.

Yoochun nodded, the liquor warming his body. He rolled Kaia next to him and she could barely open her eyes.

“You kiss me, yet?” she asked.

Yoochun pressed his lips to hers, Kaia’s eyes popping open. She kissed him back, finding his tongue and pressing hers against his. The kiss was sloppy, but Yoochun enjoyed her soft lips, just as much as she enjoyed his playful tongue.

“Umm…you kiss me,” Kaia acknowledged, her eyes weighing heavy as her intoxication took over her whole body, “I like it.”

“You‘re mouth is ing soft!” Yoochun screamed in a drunken rant, “Dammit…why did…we not…have ?”

“Because…I don‘t…have a ,” she replied, “Duh!”

“Oh…yeah,” Yoochun laughed, “Goodnight.”


And together, they slept on the floor; their minds faded from their thirst of vodka.

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Chapter 16: love love love love this. ha ha
Chapter 2: ur ugly son of 'changirly'!