`-confusing you.

s i c k [r]
“Where were you?” Changmin asked Kaia as he caught her around the waist, “I was worried about you.”
“I told you,” she sighed, pushing appliances into cardboard boxes, “The charity event is tonight and Yoochun’s helping me out.”

Changmin rubbed his stiffly across her while rubbing at her shoulders.

“How about you help me,” he playfully remarked.
“Later,” she promised, kissing his lips, “You’re all mine.”

Kaia then stopped pacing and had a quick flashback of the night the perpretrator broke into her home. It was over a week ago, but her heart pained every time she thought about it. She wanted to tell Changmin, but figured it was best if she kept closed.

“So, only Yoochun is helping you?” Changmin suspiciously asked.
“Babe, he‘s gay, okay?” she sighed, “I think he’d prefer to you rather than me.”

Changmin shivered at that disgusting thought, but remained cool.

“Okay,” he mumbled, “Just making sure.”
“Or what?” she playfully suggested, “You’re gonna be my superhero and save me from danger?”

He kissed her lips demandingly, smirking onto , “stop tempting me, girl.”

Kaia pushed off of him, taking a box from off the floor. Changmin grabbed it from her and walked her out to her car. He helped organize the stuff in the back seats and kissed her soothing lip-glossed skin. She bit her lip afterwards, leaning into him to smell his strong masculine scent.

“Please come tonight,” she whispered into his ear, “It’s for a really great cause.”
“Mmm…I’ll think about it,” he promised, “But I don’t know. Charity events and stuff aren’t my thing.”
“You always say that,” she sighed, rolling her eyes.

Changmin grabbed her chin, making her look forcedly into his eyes.

“What have I told you about your tone?” he snapped, “Stop with the attitude. It only pisses me off.”

Kaia walked towards the driver’s seat and was about to climb in, before Changmin snatched her left arm.

“Hey,” he gruffed, “Who the hell are you talking to like that?”
“Get off of me,” she sighed.

He pressed his nose to hers, gripping the sides of her face with his bare palm.

“Don’t forget who‘s the ing man,” he warned, leveling his eyes downward.

Kaia gasped from the pressure he put on the sides of her face and fell back onto the car. She glared at him, but he only clenched his jaw together.

“What‘s your problem?” she roared, slapping him.

Changmin growled inwardly, looking around his neighborhood before flinging his hand backwards and smacking her across her cheek.

“Get the out of here,” he commanded, pushing her into the car, “You make me so ing sick.”

Kaia gripped her face tenderly, glaring viciously at him. Changmin only walked away, closing the door to his house.

She was beyond pissed, her mind blowing heated steam. She fell so hard for his charm, but his deception was inconceivable. Quickly, she pulled out of his driveway, speeding down the street rapidly.

“It’s about time you got here,” Yunho smiled at Kaia.

Kaia grinned, hugging Yunho tightly as they rocked back and forth in one another’s arms. She hadn’t held him so close in years and it felt so good to finally feel his warm flesh after years of a distant friendship.

“You’re helping too?” she kindly asked, still holding his waist.
“Yeah,” he nodded, “Yoochun said he was helping and I wanted to finally do something with you, again,”
“I missed you, buddy,”
“I missed you, too,”

Kaia finally let him go, walking into the open venue with him. Standing there in a brown and white plaid button-down and skinny blue jeans with brown Louis Vuitton’s high-top shoes was none other than Yoochun. He had just completed the design and layout of the entire building.

“Ah, Chun!” she happily cried, “This looks amazing!”
“I know,” he smirked arrogantly, “I’m so ing great.”

The entire venue was furnished in burgundy with hints of black and dark brown. The chairs were laced in thick coated fabric and the tables were aligned with dark brown corduroy. The middle of the floor had a long burgundy carpet and Yoochun smiled at how excited she was.

“Thank you guys, so much,” she gleamed, hugging them both, “I don’t know where I’d be without you guys.”
“Anytime, love,” Yoochun nodded.

Yunho softly broke away and looked around the venue briefly.

“Oh yeah, honey,” Yunho sighed, “I forgot to buy the tickets. The most important thing.”
“It’s okay, babe,” Kaia shrugged, “I can go get those—”
“Oh, hush,” he laughed, “I’ll be right back.”

Yunho stepped away, leaving the dynamic duo alone in the large venue. Kaia glaced at Yoochun from the side of her eye and smirked.

“You’re truly my Superman,” she smiled, patting his back.
“Better not let Changmin hear that,” Yoochun joked, pushing his glasses on his nose.

Kaia only half-grinned, leaning over to flip his shirt collar down. Yoochun grabbed her hand and kissed it.

She stared into his eyes and slightly frowned; just moments ago, she was in an argument with Changmin and her entire body felt weak and wasted.

“What’s the matter?” he asked.
“I just…” she shook her head, ceasing the emotion she felt, “I just really need a friend.”
“You have me,” he insisted.

Kaia laughed, clicking her black ankle-high boots to the staircase and sitting down on it. Yoochun followed, wrapping a playful arm around her shoulder.

“Describe me in one word,” she sighed, rubbing his thigh.
“I’m so ing crazy,” she whispered, rubbing her temples, “I’m just gonna end up alone with 50 cats.”
“Shutup,” he laughed, rubbing her hair and kissing her head, “You’re amazing.”

He kissed her chin and Kaia smiled, kissing his neck. Yoochun stared at her and leaned in to kiss her lips. He paused to look at her shaking eyes and leaned in to kiss her again. Kaia’s hand was on his lap, near his , but she hesitated going too far.

“Thank you,” she smiled.

Yoochun nodded, curiously pressing a palm to her left . Kaia chewed the side of her lip, his teeth biting her ear.

“I feel weird…” she finally uttered.
“Me too,” he admitted, smirking a little bit, “But I really like your body…and it has me…kinda curious.”
“About?” she teased, rubbing her s against his right bicep.
“About…having …with you,” he admitted.

Kaia laid her head on his lap, feeling his fingertips brush through her hair.

“Are you sure you’re not bi?” she curiously asked.
“I’m not,” Yoochun responded in offense, “You‘re the only girl I want like that.”
“Do you want to…do it with me, too?” he finally asked.

Kaia her head against the cloth of and grinned.

“Yeah,” she responded, “I think you’d be a big boy.”
“I’m a very big boy, babe,” he ersely expressed as he grinded his hips to her face.

Yoochun bit his lower lip in agony, touching her again until they heard the door of the venue open.

“Hello!” Yunho’s happily excited voice rung, “I bought the tickets!”

Kaia pushed off of Yoochun and ran down the steps to meet Yunho.

“Thanks so much, Yun,”
“Anything for you,”

Kaia semi-laughed, feeling nauseous. Yunho was so amazing to her, yet she just talked about having with his boyfriend.

“Well…umm…I’ll see you both later on tonight, right?” she asked, walking out of the door.
“Yes ma’am,” the both agreed, walking out with her.

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Chapter 16: love love love love this. ha ha
Chapter 2: ur ugly son of 'changirly'!