`-discovering it.

s i c k [r]
Yoochun worked skillfully on his architectural design for the new state building that was needed in place by this time next year. He sat in his cushioned office chair, sketching the layout in a finely pointed pen, his thoughts running rampant on when he was going to get the design in.

He stopped for a while, trying to figure out if the garden would fit beside the building without construing the entire plan. His pen was working magically over the blueprint until his co-worker knocked on his door.

“Hey, dude,” his co-worker smirked, “Somebody is here looking for you.”
“Who?” Yoochun asked, making a weird face.
“I don’t know, but give her my number,”

Yoochun nodded, knowing it could only be Kaia or his cousin, So Yahn. Moments later, his visitor walked into his office.

“Okay, Chun,” Kaia sighed, “Why aren’t you picking up your phone? I’ve been calling and calling and calling and you know how panicky I get when you go long times without calling! I thought you died or something, you little ! You could’ve sent me a ing text or some—”
“Whoa…” he said, holding her arms, “I’m sorry. I was just focusing on getting this design done. Besides, you’ve had Yunho to talk to; didn’t he say I was fine?”
“Conceited much?” she asked, “Yunho and I do not talk about you when we’re talking.”
“Oh, whatever,”

Yoochun dropped his pen on top of his desk, his eyes settling on her. A smile rose on his face as he leaned onto the desk.

“Why are you really here?” he asked.

Kaia rolled her eyes, digging into her black leather brief case. She pulled out a sheet of paper and hit his stomach with it.

“You said you were helping me with the charity event, so I was wondering if you could help me this weekend with the whole organization…” she replied, smiling up at him.

Yoochun glanced at the yellow and black paper, his brown eyes frowning over it.

“Okay, okay,” he nodded, “Will do.”
“Thanks, hun,” she smiled, leaning over to kiss his cheek.

Yoochun grinned, slightly moving his head so that their lips touched instead. Kaia rose an eyebrow, smirking onto his lips. What was going on with him lately?

“See you later,” she said, walking towards the door.
A nice dinner. A some-what loving couple. Candles. What more could you ask for without being selfish?

“Can you look at me, please?” Yunho asked, fixing his glasses onto his nose as he grabbed Yoochun’s hand from across the table.

Yunho looked down, his eyes growing heavy. Yoochun was really digging under his skin lately.

“We haven’t been seeing each other lately…” Yunho sighed, “I miss how we used to be.”

Thunder and rain could be heard shaking from outside, tree branches swiping against windows and the sides of the house. Heavy drops hit the window pane continuously…

Yoochun made a snide smirk, stabbing his fork into his salad. Did this really just say some like that?

“What the do you mean by that?” Yoochun snapped, “You mean, go back to being your little slave and you leaving at any time you please? Those days?”
“Don’t even start with that,” Yunho screamed, “You know that everything I’ve ever done has been because of us, but you’re too ing selfish to see that!”
“Oh really, Yunho?” Yoochun asked, “Even after you ed around with Seung Hyun? Was that for me?”

The thunder began to scream louder, seemingly roaring in agony…

Yunho had tears in his eyes as he stared into Yoochun. Why would he bring something like that up?

“It was a mistake!” Yunho cried, “You know I’d never hurt you like that again!”
“I’m not so sure,” Yoochun said, leveling his dark eyes, “I don’t think the office needs you that badly.”
“Baby…” Yunho whispered, tears dropping down his cheeks, “I only kissed him, I swear. You were my first…and only. Ever, baby.”
“I was the first and only guy to you?” Yoochun laughed, “Yeah, ing right.”

Yunho threw his plate at Yoochun, his eyes red of tears and fury. He hated arguing with the only person that ever truly loved him for him.

“So, you think I don’t care about you, you ungrateful bastard?!” Yunho screamed, “I made my whole ing life about you! I ing love you and the only time I mess up is the only time you can’t forget? It was three ing years ago!”

Yoochun dusted off his shirt, taking a long sip from his cup. With a smile, he patted Yunho’s cheek and thanked him for dinner.

“Now, if you don’t mind,” Yoochun nodded, “I have work to continue.”
“Please talk to me,”
“About what?”

Yunho grabbed his hand and cried into his neck. He was deeply apologetic.

“I love you so much,” he whispered into Yoochun’s ear, “I’m really in love with you.”

Yoochun let a tear fall from his eyes.

“I know,” was the only thing he said aloud.
Kaia was rushing to get into her house, the pattering of rain and shouts of thunder, scaring her immensely. She rushed to gather her appliances from her car, struggling to get her keys. She finally reached them and shoved it into the lock, running inside to its’ warmth. The lights were off and it was too dark for her to see much of anything

“Stupid rain,” she grumbled, dropping her things on the couch.
“Don’t blame the rain,” she heard a voice echo.

Kaia froze in her footsteps, her nerves getting the best of her.

“Who is this?” she called out, “Min, stop playing!”
“This isn’t him,” the angry voice barked back.

She covered in shock, her breathing becoming slowed and chopped. What the hell was going on? The entire house was dark, so her only option was the door. She walked backwards to it, her hand on the knob, but a grip on her arm pulled her away.

“Shh…” the voice whispered into her ear, tightening a hand against .

Kaia cried, breathing furiously into the hand of her capture. He traced a fingertip against her face and gently down over her s. She kicked furiously, her tears stinging her eyes.

“I won’t hurt you…” the voice sighed into her ear, “But you have to help me.”

He removed his hand from Kaia’s lips, making her quickly jerk away from him. She tried to make out a face, but couldn’t see much at all. Her eyes were quivering in nervousness.

“You’re a sweet little catch, Kaia,” the voice laughed as her name trickled from his lips, “Maybe I should take you…”
“How do you know my name? Why the hell are you here?” she screamed.
“Shh,” he whispered, “Just know that I’m watching you.”

The voice placed his hand over her neck and tightly squeezed over it, his tongue warming the side of her neck.

“You’re a sweet girl,” he told her, smiling onto her now-wet skin.

Kaia slapped the faceless perpetrator, but he only laughed, opening the door and slamming it closed right after.

Just as he left, her light turned back on…
He pressed his body against the cool of the brick wall, trying his best to catch his breath. The wind was cool against his skin, but he was pissed that the rain had slacked up.

“,” he groaned, kicking the wall.

He ran alongside the wall and finally trucked his way up towards the cemetery on the hill. He tripped over a stone, but quickly gathered himself together.

“…” he growled, snatching the material from his skin and digging a tiny hole into one of the graves.

He threw the material into the hole and covered it up with his shoe. He patted it very nicely to reinforce its’ shape with the other surrounding earth.

“See if they can find that,” he mumbled.

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Chapter 16: love love love love this. ha ha
Chapter 2: ur ugly son of 'changirly'!