`-mister boss.

s i c k [r]

She lay on the dusty ground, her tears her only comfort.

Yoochun couldn’t stand to look into her eyes, for fear that he’d do something menacing to her.

Kaia stared into his eyes as if a lost puppy, gently drawing them back down to the ground.

The loud voices of the two unknown men began to bark back in forth in another language.

“Are they speaking Japanese, Chun?” she stuttered, bringing her knees to her face and laying on them as she shook.
“Probably,” he muttered, too pissed to think straight at that moment.

“Hey, you,” the man barked at Yoochun, puffing white air into the atmosphere, “What would you do if I ed her, right now?”

The van shook as the other man took a sharp left turn.

Yoochun smirked, only shaking his head.

“Or if I made this little call me daddy while pushing this gun up her tight little ?” he continued, laughing.

Yoochun gripped his fists together.

“Aww, he’s getting so upset. Why? Are you ing this ?” the man hurled at Yoochun.

“Who…are…you?” Yoochun rasped, his breathing in pain.
“Your worst nightmare, motherer…”

He sat there, his legs crossed on the desk, watching a gray video flash across his television screen. He saw the fear that ran through his victim, but also the anger that reaped through the other.

“You need something else?” a sultry voice whispered into his ear, kissing on his neck and massaging his shoulders.
“Just let me breathe, mkay?” he asked, kissing her lips, “I’ll call you if I get bored.”

She walked away, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

“Hey, boss, we got ‘em,” one of the two men called out.

Kaia and Yoochun stumbled through the dark, Kaia coughing at the dust that surrounded her.

A man’s laughter could be heard in the shadows, sending a wave of suspicion through Yoochun.

“You motherers are hilarious…” Yoochun growled.

The man that they claimed as “boss”, kept hid in the shadows, his footsteps seeming close.

“Mmm…Kaia, Kaia, Kaia…” the boss chuckled.

And that’s when she knew.

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Chapter 16: love love love love this. ha ha
Chapter 2: ur ugly son of 'changirly'!