`-making up.

s i c k [r]

“Hey,” he smiled towards her, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Hi,” she replied back.

They stood in silence, Kaia’s voice shaking at what she was about to say next.

“I missed you,”
“Kaia, I was sick with worry at what could have happened to you,” Changmin sighed, “I didn’t mean to hit you and yell at you. I was just so upset…I just…I don‘t know.”

Kaia deemed bashful as a tear slipped from her eyes. Twice, he’d been abusive to her; verbally and physically. And both times, she’d taken him back, forgetting the pain he caused when things didn’t go his way.

“I don’t want to be alone anymore,” she cried into his ear.
“Baby, you’ll never be alone,”

Changmin gripped her jaw and pulled her in for a kiss. Her lips trembled on his delicate skin and he took that as a sign to stop for a while.

“Wanna come in?” he asked.
“I’d love too,” she accepted.

Kaia knew the main reason for her coming back to him was so that she could stay at his house instead of her own…where the creeper was likely to be. There was no one else she could stay with unless she told all of her business to them.

Changmin walked her to the living room, both of them plopping down on the couch.

“You’re beautiful,” he acknowledged, rubbing across her brown skin sensually.

Kaia smirked, leaning in to kiss his lips. He accepted, her warm body manipulating him. As their kiss deepened, he noticed something about her. He slightly pulled back and tasted the bites she produced on his lips. Kaia stared into his eyes, unable to read them.

“What?” she curiously asked.
“Nothing…” he muttered, shaking his head and leaning in to kiss her hot lips once more.

Her body felt insanely different and her lip-action was completely changed. She had to have been ing somebody behind his back. She was becoming too ual, now.

Kaia nibbled his neck and ear just the way he liked it, her hands slipping into his black pajama pants. Changmin was slightly caught off guard, his eyebrows frowning downwards.

“Did you just come here…to ?” he oddly asked.

Kaia pulled back slightly, her body heated and her breath tattered.

“No,” she replied, fixing her clothes, “I just thought I’d make up with you.”
“Have you…”

Changmin wanted oh-so badly to ask the question that burned at his realm, but he refrained from doing so, for the sake of their relationship.

“Let’s just relax, today,” he smirked, “I’ve missed just holding you…”

Kaia nodded, rolling underneath his caring touch.

Yoochun had been laying on his hard abdomen, Yunho’s hands caressing his lover’s body up and down. Yoochun moaned slowly, biting his lips at each sensual movement. Yunho traced his warm tongue down Yoochun’s spine, his tongue at his waistline.

“Baby, quit ing teasing me…” Yoochun gasped, flipping over and ing his hips in the air.

Yunho nodded, taking Yoochun’s lips into his own. Yoochun’s hard was retrieving an electric friction from Yunho’s briefs-clad . Yoochun pressed his hips closer and harder over Yunho’s , his fingers trailing down Yunho’s back to penetrate his tight .

“Uhhh…” Yunho cried out.
“Mmm…haven’t ed you this hard in years!” Yoochun exclaimed, as soon as they were done engaging with one another.
“I know,” Yunho moaned, hands over his own , “I couldn’t resist…”

They sprawled across one another, exhausted and silent.

Suddenly, Yunho burst into a laughter.

“What?” Yoochun asked.
“I don’t know,” Yunho shrugged, “I was just wondering…have you ever…ya know…had with a girl?”

Yoochun was caught slightly off guard. It was quite ironic how he was being asked this question not too long after he lost his “straight ity”.

“Why? Have you?” Yoochun threw the question right back.
“Actually, yeah,” Yunho coolly responded, “but it was oral. It was my first year in college and I was still in that awkward stage of not knowing who I was, ya know?”
“You still keep contact with her?”
“Yeah. We talk every now and then,” Yunho honestly replied, “So, back to you. Have you?”

Yoochun didn’t want to lie, but he didn’t want to leave it hanging in the air neither.

“Well…yeah,” he finally said.
“Who was it?”
“A close friend,” Yoochun cleared his throat briefly, “A one time thing.”

Yunho nodded, kissing Yoochun’s abdomen.

“Well, I have you now,” Yunho remarked passionately.
“And I have you, my little love bug,”

Kaia’s face became lost in Changmin’s loose hair. She kissed his neck repeatedly and bit at his cool neck.

“You missed me that much?” he asked, biting her ear.
“Yes,” she whispered into his ear, “You missed me?”
“All day, everyday,”
“Mhmm,” she moaned, at his lips.

He soon got up and told her he had to use the restroom. Minutes passed and his cellphone suddenly vibrated.

Kaia glanced down at it and saw his phone continuously blow up with 10 texts. Curiosity made her open them.

‘Watch your back’
‘He doesn’t know does he?’
‘Feel bad yet?’
‘Naughty girl…’

Suddenly, a picture of her and Yoochun appeared once more, her lips over his manhood.

She didn’t waste any time deleting the messages, her eyes watering over as she breathed rapidly and stressfully. Hearing Changmin wash his hands, Kaia quickly placed his phone back. If he ever found out, she knew he’d do something uncalled for and treacherous.

“Was that my phone, baby?” he asked as soon as he stepped into the living room.
“It was mine,” she lied, smiling up at him, “my dad’s been calling like crazy.”
“Such a daddy’s girl,” he grinned, “but tell him, I’m your daddy now.”

They both laughed, Kaia pulling on the hem of his shirt.

“What?” he asked, biting the sides of his pink lips, “I’ve been craving you for weeks.”
“Obviously,” she agreed, looking down at his .

Changmin rubbed his fingers through her hair, moving her head back and kissing her neck softly. Kaia was becoming so , but that quickly died down as she thought of someone watching her Changmin…whoever they were.

“Hey,” she called out, slowly leaning off of him, “I gotta go…I’ll be back later on tonight.”
“Why?” he desperately asked, hands clung to her hips, “Just 20 more minutes, baby. Please.”
“I have to go do some work for tomorrow,”
“Can I be your work?” he teased, nibbling on her ear.
“Min…” she moaned, “Quit it.”
“Okay, you’re right,” he breathed into her ear, his body hardening as they touched, “I’ll let you go.”

Sharing a final kiss, Kaia walked outside to her car. She was highly determined to find out who was hacking into her phone and spying on her life…

Skillfully, he pressed his palm to the martial arts dummy that was now worn and torn. He kicked at the dummy’s neck and slashed it onto the ground. The sweat that drizzled down his body made his lifeless face deem even more menacing. He continued on kickboxing the fake body, his mind drifting into another world.

Hours passed him by and he realized that his body was tired and exhausted from over training. His breath ragged, he reached over and grabbed a bottle of water.

“Oppa,” a girl called, removing the stray hair from his eyes, “You need to go rest, now.”
“Get…the……away…from…me,” he barked lowly, pushing the girl out of his room.

She stumbled backwards and ran away from his presence.


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Chapter 16: love love love love this. ha ha
Chapter 2: ur ugly son of 'changirly'!