`-hook up.

s i c k [r]

“Hey, babe,” Kaia smiled, hugging Yunho tightly, “How are you?”
“I’m fine,” he nodded, “How are you?”
“I’m great,”

Yunho sighed as he sat down across from her. They were located in Starbucks, which Kaia personally didn’t care for.

“What’s up?” she asked, “My Yun-Yun is usually smiling from ear to ear.”
“Nothing,” he smirked, rubbing her hand, “But Yoochun told me something…about you two.”

Kaia rose an eyebrow and awaited his continuance.

“What about us?”
“What you two did,”

Kaia’s heart stopped and she could feel herself sweating heatedly. Her and Yoochun promised not to tell their partners.

“You went shopping and saw Jaejoong!” he finally exclaimed.

Kaia sighed in relief, grabbing Yunho’s arms.

“Yes, we did,” she confirmed, shrugging.
“Drop that Changmin loser and get with Jae!” he exclaimed, nearly begging her and pouting.
“You know I love Changmin,” she admitted, “Jaejoong is a nice guy, but I’ve only met him twice.”
“Babe, he’s such a sweetheart. You two would be perfect for each other,”

Kaia shrugged, getting up from her seat to go order them something. She ordered him a caramel cappuccino with a chocolate chip cookie and she ordered a cheese danish with a vanilla macchiato.

“So, have you thought about it?” he teased, sipping on his cappuccino.
“Yunho…” she groaned, “I just can’t. The timing…and everything…it’s just off.”
“Kaia!” he exclaimed.
“Yes?” she asked, batting her eyelashes.
“Changmin is much too young and inexperienced for you,” he confessed, “But Jaejoong…that boy…I mean, man, will have you out of control. In a passionate way of course. I could see your little kids now.”

Kaia rolled her eyes, swishing the hot substance around .

“Haha,” she fake laughed, “enough about me and—”
“Hey, man, wasup?” a familiar voice abruptly came.

Yunho manically grinned, nodding at Jaejoong.

“Hi, Jaejoong,” Yunho smiled back.

Jaejoong’s eyes then averted to Kaia.

“Hello, dear,” Jaejoong gently pursed.
“Hi,” she softly chirped back.

Jaejoong had on black sweatpants and a tight black muscle shirt. His hair swarmed around his face and his chiseled features deemed ruffled. He had on a pair of bright white Nikes that seemed as if he’d just opened them from the box.

“What’s up?” Jaejoong asked Yunho, “I thought you wanted to talk to me about something.”
“Yes, I do,” Yunho confirmed, placing down his hot beverage.

Kaia made a face and watched the two men.

“Yeah?” Jaejoong encouraged.
“Do you find this young lady attractive?”

Jaejoong coolly smirked, gazing back at Kaia.

“Yeah, but who wouldn’t?” he honestly replied without giving himself away, “She’s obviously very beautiful.”
“Mhm,” Yunho nodded.

Kaia didn’t know whether to say thank you or not, so she just smiled and made a tiny laugh.

“Would you her?” Yunho seriously asked, “I’m talking pulling hair, biting marks, body-banging, full on rough .”

Jaejoong looked at Kaia easily and his lips.

“I think you should reconsider being his friend,” Jaejoong joked towards Kaia, “because I truly am.”
“I know right,” she sighed, feeling uneasy.
“Answer the question,” Yunho demanded.
“Considering I don’t ‘’ the women I’ve been intimate with, I would say no,” he replied, “Making love is my choice of word.”
“Stop sliding around my questions,” Yunho barked.

Jaejoong carefully nodded, “I don’t think it’s kind to talk about her while she’s sitting directly beside us, smart .”
“Kaia, do you mind us discussing you?” Yunho asked Kaia.

She profusely blushed, shrugging.

“I don’t know why Yunho’s doing this,” she apologized to Jaejoong, “I have a boyfriend.”
“See, Yun,” Jaejoong laughed, “Babygirl has a boyfriend.”
“You two are so sickly stubborn,” Yunho sighed.

Kaia slightly giggled, Jaejoong grinning at her laugh.

“You think I’m stubborn?” Jaejoong asked her, “I don’t think you are.”
“I don’t think you are, either,”
“So…Yunho must be the problem,” he continued.
“I agree,” Kaia nodded, “Let’s do something about that.”

The two laughed at one another and Jaejoong looked at his cellphone, telling them he had to go.

“Thanks for playing 50 questions with me,” Jaejoong told Yunho.

Yunho seemed angry that his plan didn’t work out well.

“And this is our what, third time meeting, Miss Patel?” Jaejoong asked, “So, I will be claiming us as honorary friends now.”
“I guess so,” she agreed.
“Do you mind me asking your ethnicity?” he continued.
“Oh, my dad’s Indian and my mother is half Indian and Puerto Rican,”
“Wow, you are gorgeous,” he commented in awe.
“Oh, please,” she laughed, “You’re the gorgeous one.”

Jaejoong held his eyes in shock.

“No woman has ever called me gorgeous before,” he admitted, “I thank you for being the first.”

They smiled and Jaejoong soon left Yunho and Kaia to being alone again.

“Yunho, please stop trying to hook me up,” Kaia begged.
“I wish you two would get together,” he disagreed, “Jaejoong is one y motherer.”
“He is,”
“So, why not?”
“I don’t know, Yunho,”

Kaia sipped on her macchiato and Yunho looked at her.

“What?” she asked.

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Chapter 16: love love love love this. ha ha
Chapter 2: ur ugly son of 'changirly'!