I'm Sorry

Symmetrical Love Story

He was gone before Jiyong had even realized what he said. Half-stunned, the black haired boy sank to the bench- he hadn't even put up a fight!- and smacked himself in the head for allowing himself to look so uncool. He'd get Seunghyun next time, for sure.

Dara was in the guest room, changing into her jeans and a t-shirt-and-jacket combination. The door opened as she was halfway through swapping her shirts, and in walked Seunghyun.

The boy was a deer-in-the-headlights for a moment, staring at her for a few seconds before she slipped the clean shirt over her head. Seunghyun turned around and got out of there as fast as his legs could carry him, blushing like mad. She remained frozen, surprised at his sudden entrance- and his disappearance.

Then, when she realized what happened, she fainted.

Coming around, she gazed at her surroundings and recognized the guest room. She could only have been out for about a minute, but it was still embarrassing- not to mention the reason why she fainted.

Heh, bet he doesn't think I'm beautiful now, she thought to herself, slipping her jacket on over her top and opening the door. She saw CL and Minzy glancing at each other with worried expressions, and she looked at them questioningly.

"We were wondering why Seunghyun suddenly ran past us, gabbling about something. We figured it was just something off-centre and ignored it, but we thought we'd come up and ask if you knew anything…" CL trailed off, suddenly grinning.

"What?" Dara asked nonchalantly, gazing at the blonde pair, who shared a look. Then Minzy spoke up, "He saw you getting changed, didn't he?"

The way the girl spoke, barely containing her laughter, astonished the other girl, who broke out in a sweat. CL laughed and poked her friend in the ribs.

"He totally did. Well, that explains a few things…"

"Why did he walk in there anyway? You told me he rarely goes into the guest rooms!" she snapped, annoyed.

"Well, he doesn't. But that's his room," Minzy wheezed, between giggles. The pair was laughing heavily now, tears streaming from their eyes. Dara stared at them, confused for a moment, before turning and stalking down the staircase to apologize to Seunghyun.

Infuriated, Dara sat on the couch in the library of Seunghyun's home. She'd been reading for about half an hour, trying to calm down- but she couldn't help be angry at Minzy and CL for setting her up like that!

In her anger, she hadn't realized that she was still on the first page of her book, or that she'd read the same paragraph ten times over, and that it still hadn't sunk in.

She'd never been too emotional to read before.

She couldn't quite understand why she was so mad. Obviously, she'd been set up- and that annoyed her, but it seriously wasn't that big a deal. Jiyong had walked in on her changing countless times.

But let's not think about him.

She shuddered slightly as the room seemed to get colder. Looking around, she met Seunghyun's gaze- he was standing in the doorway, watching her.

She blushed and turned away, looking back to her book.

But why does someone of such brilliance dedicate himself to such activities? This is a question that can be answered by only one person. And he delights in not talking. CONCENTRATE, Dara! Think about what that means…

Dara was still trying to get her head around that paragraph when she noticed that Seunghyun had crossed the room, sitting opposite her on the centre of the couch.

But why does someone of such brilliance dedicate himself to-

"I'm sorry, Dara." Seunghyun said quietly, from the other couch. Distracted, she glanced up at him, noticing that he was looking the other way.

"That's Minzy and CL's fault, not yours." She told him quickly, before looking back at her book.

But why does someone of such brilliance-

"I know. I just didn't want things to be awkward between us…"

"Seunghyun," she said, snapping the book shut. "You walked in on me when I was getting changed. It's not that big a deal."

"Then why are you avoiding me?" he asked.

"Obviously I'm not avoiding you; you're in here talking to me!" She said, annoyed.

"You know what I mean," Seunghyun said calmly. "And I just wanted to apologize." With that, he got up off of the couch and walked out of the room, pausing at the doorframe.

"And I was right, you are symmetrical," he said, before fleeing down the hallway as she ditched the book after him.

Remaining on the couch, her face tinged with red, she wrapped her arms around her knees, resting her head on them. She stayed that way for a while, before she heard a rap on the doorway.

Looking up, she saw the Lee sisters, looking incredibly guilty.

"Sowwy, Dara-chan!" Minzy cried, bouncing over to the other girl and hugging her.

"Yeah, I'm sorry too, Dara. We shouldn't have done that." CL said, joining her sister and giving Dara a hug.

Dara just shrugged. "I don't care, really… although, I'd like to know why you thought that would be so hilarious."

CL grinned now, sharing a knowing look with her little sister.

"Because Seunghyun totally has the hots for you, he just didn't know it until we gave him a shove in the right direction!"

This time, the book that Dara threw actually connected with her target.




Double Update :D

Wohoooooooooooooooooooooooo !

Since I Love You all :)

I'll be doing double update everyday WOHOOOOOOOOO :D

Until Next Double UPDATE :*

Yours truly,

One.Four.Three :*

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Chapter 19: I am glad they accepted it..I am happy that Seunghyun is a responsible parent to be.
jekomgarcia #2
Chapter 19: I'm glad that their friends took the news well. I hope Dara's father will too.
msdeathstalker #3
Chapter 17: done reading :)
ellisd #4
Yey! The awesome family!!!
Rhavege #5
Just getting a taste of this fanfic and it's intriguing enough for me to want to finish this at once...
please finish this soon^_^
choomtop22 #6
dara' pregnant! this is surprising :)
OMG they're going to have a baby, gorgeous family .. aigoo i love this so much. thanks for the updates.
Wow, dara and her pregnancy
i'm speechless here
I'm glad he accepted it open heart..kekekek..Dara has nothing to worry about..If I am right..hehehe..;)
I don't understand a thing about shinigami, symmetrical thingy and all, but i think i enjoy your story so far
keep going :)