Forgive and Forget

Symmetrical Love Story


When she got there, however, she didn't notice the place. The whole of Starbucks had been decorated in pink and sky blue- her favorite colours, she noticed- and the shop was empty.

Walking in, she sat at one of the couches, waiting and wondering what the hell was going on. Even the staff had disappeared.

"Tabi?" She called out, nervously.

"Hi, Dara!"

Choi Seunghyun sauntered into the room, sitting next to her on the couch. An awkward silence reigned for a few moments.

"So, why are we here?" she asked.

"Oh!" Seunghyun cried, "How rude of me. Would you like some coffee?" She shook her head, and he sat back down from when he'd leapt off the couch to get the beverage.

"Tabi, why are we here, and why is no-one else?" she asked again, and he hesitated before answering.

"Uh… well, I wanted to show you that not all guys are the same, and we aren't all useless bastards."

Dara laughed out loud at his revelation. He was such an idiot that it was kind of sweet. But there had to be another reason. After some more prodding and poking, he told her.

"Dara," the boy said, "I want… well, I don't know quite how to say it, but.."

"Spit it out, already!" She laughed, poking him- physically this time.

"I know this is probably stupid, but I don't think you and Jiyong should stop being partners. Your resonance is so strong, and I know he hurt you, but you had a good partnership, and you should try to keep it." Seunghyun said in a rushed voice, as though the world might explode if he didn't say it all quickly enough.

Dara paused to consider his words, mulling them over thoughtfully.

"Hmmm," she said to herself. "No."

"But-!" Seunghyun began, but she started laughing.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm just joking. Uh, yeah, I guess I can try it, if you feel so strongly about it.." she said uncertainly, before being glomphed by her boyfriend.

"Now, should we get some coffee?" He asked, and she took his hand, getting up off of the couch as staff began walking out of the staff room, where there was no doubt that they'd been listening intently at the key hole.

The usual, deafening din of the hallways was missing when Choi Seunghyun, Dara Park, Minzy Lee and CL Lee walked towards their classroom. In fact, the walkways were almost empty.

Strange, Seunghyun thought. Where is everyone?

Turning down a hallway which led to Class Crescent Moon, they stopped in their tracks. Every student of YG, or so it appeared, was listening at the keyhole to the classroom.

Elbowing his way past several students, and pulling his entourage along with him, he pushed himself through the crowd to the door. There sat Bom, kneeling on the floor, as white as a ghost. Youngbae was laughing obnoxiously, and Jiyong stood, paralyzed in horror. Sohee was nowhere in sight.

Dara knelt down to her best friend's eye-level. Seunghyun watched her, and glanced at Jiyong with a question written in his dark eyes.

"She walked… oh Death…" he said, slapping his open palm across his face.

"What?" Seunghyun asked, concerned about the wellbeing of Bom.

"She walked in on… hahahaa…. Dongwook and the eye patch lady!" Youngbae laughed hysterically, slapping his thighs in mirth.

"Dongwook-sensei and Hanbyul-sensei? So what?"Dara asked innocently, not understanding the insinuation.

"They were having , Dara." Jiyong said, staring at her. She got it this time, and blushed a furious red tone.


That pretty much summed it up. Minzy burst out laughing like Youngbae, and CL just groaned.

"They… they could have at least put a sign on the door!" Bom cried, tears streaming down her face. "I feel so bad for intruding!"

Seunghyun could barely contain his laughter. One of his friends had just walked in on two of her teachers having , and all she could say was that she felt bad for intruding? Besides, with-

Seunghyun's thoughts were interrupted suddenly when Bom fainted.

The crowd around them got closer to see the girl sprawled on the floor. Seunghyun sighed, and Youngbae continued laughing.

"I'll take her," Jiyong suggested. "We'll go to Jang-sensei and have her treated for shock."

With that, the red-haired teen lifted the poor girl up and the crowd miraculously parted for them. Dara ran along behind them, hand-in-hand with Seunghyun.

"Hey! Don't take her, I'll do it!" Youngbae called after his best friend, running to snatch his buki from the grasps of the other boy.

"I was fine with it," Jiyong said, but he was cut off when Youngbae took off running for the dispensary, yelling over his shoulder.

"I don't want you touching her, when you had Dara you broke her heart! I don't want to see what you break of Bom's!"

Jiyong stared, wide-eyed, at the retreating back of his best friend. Seunghyun winced at the low blow, but it was true. No-one could trust their girl with Jiyong anymore. It was an unspoken, mutual agreement.

Nevertheless, three of the five teens followed Youngbae and Bom. CL and Minzy remained in the crowded hallway, Youngbae sat by Bom's side, Seunghyun sat next to him, and Dara and Jiyong remained in the hallway outside of the dispensary door, to talk.

Seunghyun could only hear muffled parts of the conversation, mainly when Dara raised her voice or Dara-Chopped the teenager. However, when he left the dispensary after Bom woke up, to give her some private time with her shokunin, he saw his girlfriend and her buki engaged in a friendly, non-committal hug.

He grinned to himself. She was still his girlfriend, still loved him the most- but a shokunin without a partner that they trusted was like a shokunin without a partner at all. He was glad they were getting better towards each other- as long as he kept his stupid, cheating claws away from her. Seriously, he was happy for them.

One person watching the scene unfold, however, was not. Standing at the other end of the hallway, she narrowed her eyes in her boyfriends' direction. Cheating bastard, she thought to herself. However, she knew how to get him back, and wanted to do it as publically as possible, so she continued walking for now.

Choi Seunghyun remained standing in the hallway until it was realized that he was there. Jiyong looked a bit guilty, but Seunghyun ignored it, hugging his girl.

The three of them couldn't hear the sounds of Bom and Youngbae discussing what had happened before, between the odd, occasional kiss. That was probably a good thing.

"Good," Seunghyun muttered to himself as he stood in the training fields, next to Dongwook, Bom and Youngbae, and his two weapons.

Together, they watched as Dara sliced through the air with Jiyong, the two of them creating almost-perfect resonance. Seunghyun admired his girlfriends' devotion- only that, could allow her to work alongside her buki with such skill after what had happened between them.

Dara neatly executed two overhead, spinning, and attacks. Walking forwards with her weapon in her left hand, she continued to spin the scythe, flicking her wrist. She stopped just short of a tree, and completed her final spin, bringing the blade of the scythe to rest against the tree lightly.

"Better," Dongwook said from where he sat. None of the students could look at the teacher in the eye after what had happened a couple of days ago, but they agreed with his assessment. Dara and Jiyong were really getting better.

"Class dismissed," the doctor called loudly enough for everyone to hear it, before leaving the clearing. The students sighed- class had only just started. It didn't matter, though.

Dara ran over to Seunghyun, hugging him tightly.

"Did you see that? We did it, we managed to work together!" She cried, squeezing him tightly. He grinned at her, hugging her back. She was so cute when she was so proud of herself, he noted.

"So," CL said, "we have the rest of the day off. What are we going to do?"

"How about a game of basketball?" Jiyong asked. Seunghyun looked up, only just noticing that he'd approached as well. The others- except for Dara- were nodding. It had been a long time since the group had simply hung out together, but now that Dara and Jiyong weren't fighting, they were able to.



So how was it?!

Thanks For TabisanGbom in reminding me to update thid fic!

Mian *scratches neck while bowing

as Promise here's the first part of my double update :*


Yours Truly,

One.Four.Three :*

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Chapter 19: I am glad they accepted it..I am happy that Seunghyun is a responsible parent to be.
jekomgarcia #2
Chapter 19: I'm glad that their friends took the news well. I hope Dara's father will too.
msdeathstalker #3
Chapter 17: done reading :)
ellisd #4
Yey! The awesome family!!!
Rhavege #5
Just getting a taste of this fanfic and it's intriguing enough for me to want to finish this at once...
please finish this soon^_^
choomtop22 #6
dara' pregnant! this is surprising :)
OMG they're going to have a baby, gorgeous family .. aigoo i love this so much. thanks for the updates.
Wow, dara and her pregnancy
i'm speechless here
I'm glad he accepted it open heart..kekekek..Dara has nothing to worry about..If I am right..hehehe..;)
I don't understand a thing about shinigami, symmetrical thingy and all, but i think i enjoy your story so far
keep going :)