Family Like >

Symmetrical Love Story

The weekend ended as quickly as it came, (A/N: Doesn't it always? D: ) and Dara found herself once again racing up the millions of stairs that lead to YG, Seunghyun and Minzy in tow. CL was "too ill", aka too hung over, for school, so she stayed at home. She'd come home at around three o'clock in the morning, still a little drunk and wearing her skirt inside-out. The other teens knew this because they'd been unable to sleep, worrying about her- although she reassured them that she'd had much worse in Brooklyn.

Dara sighed tiredly, wishing that there was an easier way to get upstairs. All things considered, it wasn't necessary for her to go to school at all, since she was simply doing remediation with Jiyong, who would also be at home sleeping off his hangover. However, she wanted to be the best, so she still went along to class.

The classroom was half-empty, which wasn't unusual. Most people their age went partying on Sundays, regardless of the fact that they had school the next day. Sohee and Kim glared at Dara as she entered, but she was used to that by now. Even the teacher was absent- which would be normal if Dara, Seunghyun and Minzy had been on time, but they were twenty minutes late. Everyone seemed to be either talking or going on with study, so Dara pulled out one of her many books and began to read.

A shadow fell over her desk and she glanced up, expecting Seunghyun, who had gone to the library for a few minutes. Then she realized it was a stupid idea, because he'd only been gone for seven minutes.

Staring into the hate-filled eyes of the brunette that had caused Jiyong to cheat on her, she wondered what she'd done wrong now. The girls' pink-haired friend was standing to the left of her.

"You and me, outside, now." Sohee said, not even bothering with pleasantries. Dara knew this couldn't be good, but she was never one to back down from a challenge. Standing upright, she followed the slightly-taller teen outside. Kim stood lookout as the girls reached the corridor.

"So," Sohee began, folding her arms and glaring at Dara for all she was worth. Dara rolled her eyes again, leaning against the wall.

"So," Dara repeated. It was just what Sohee had been looking for. In seconds, the taller girl had Dara pinned by her green-and-white striped tie against the wall.

"You little , don't patronize me! Now," she began again, while Dara stared at her, annoyance in her eyes, "I hear you've slept with my boyfriend."

Dara snorted- she'd never slept with Jiyong, but if she had, it was none of this girls' business. Jiyong had been her boyfriend first.

"Don't you ignore me," the other girl hissed as Dara laughed. She could easily knock the other girl away, but it was pointless. It'd only start another fight- and besides, if the girl wanted to hurt her, she was holding the tie in the wrong spot.

"I've never slept with him," she replied. Obviously that was what the other girl didn't want to hear, because Sohee thought she was lying. Dara didn't even sound scared.

"LIAR! There's a reason he's been so distant from the woman he loves!" She snapped. Dara rolled her eyes again.

"If you think he truly loves you, why do you suspect him of cheating? Now, I have work to do. I'll leave you to sort out your petty fights with your one," Dara snorted, "true love." Delivering a roundhouse kick, she knocked the buki sideways and walked back into the classroom coolly.

Minzy glanced up as she walked in- the pistol had obviously been concerned- but upon seeing that Dara was fine, she went back to what she was doing- making yet another giraffe. Her room was so full of the origami that she could barely walk around in it.

Sitting back in her seat, she noticed that Seunghyun still wasn't there. Glancing around the room- it'd been ten minutes at least-she breathed a sigh of relief as he walked in. She wanted to tell him what happened.

He crossed the room, and instead of making her move from her seat so he could get to his, he walked down the aisle in front and pulled himself up to the desk, then sat down.

"Why did that take you ten minutes, Tabi?" She asked, putting her elbows on her desk, chin resting on her palms. He smiled good-naturedly.

"It meant that I could spend eight minutes in the library," he said, kissing her cheek before opening his bag, which was bursting at the seam. She wasn't surprised- every time he went to get one book, he had to get another seven around the same size.

So, he had his awkward, OCD moments, but then, she wasn't exactly normal either.

Dara went back to reading her book, which was still open on her desk. Once again her mind wandered, this time worried about what would happen to CL if Sohee ever found out that she and Jiyong had slept together.

A loud crash sounded from the kitchen, followed by a yelp of pain. Dara, who had been doing homework at one of Seunghyun's bedroom desks- he had two to preserve the symmetry- jumped. She went to the door to call out to the Lee sisters, who were in charge of cooking that night, but Seunghyun beat her to it, running from his seat at his other desk.

"You okay down there?" He yelled from the top of the staircase.

Minzy appeared at the doorway to the kitchen. "Yeaaaaah! CL just dropped a plate!" Seunghyun went as white as a sheet, which wasn't saying much as he was naturally pale anyway, and jumped over the barrier of the top landing to land on his feet on the first floor.

Dara would have followed- she'd jumped off of buildings before- but decided it wasn't worth the risk, running down the stairs instead. She ran after her boyfriend, who had dashed into the kitchen after Minzy.

CL stood at the bar, her hand bleeding from a serious-looking gash. Seunghyun went to the cupboard, obviously to get the first aid kit, while Dara guided CL over the broken plate shards to sit on a barstool. The girl was in shock.

Another crash sounded and she jumped again, as did Minzy. Turning to the source of the noise, they saw Seunghyun, who was now also standing amidst a pile of broken plate shards.

"TABI? WHAT THE HELL?" The be pigtailed (A/N: yeah. That's now a word. Like bespectacled.) Girl yelled. Her boyfriend smiled at her happily, stepping over the shards neatly to grab the first aid kit out of a different cabinet.

"I'm sorry to have startled you, but we only had eight plates." He informed her, passing her the box. He and Dara then set to work cleaning CL's wound, while Minzy swept up the broken plates. "I had to get rid of one so that there'd be a symmetrical number of them."

As he spoke, Minzy accidently nudged a plate that had been sitting on the counter ready for their meals. It fell to the floor with an almighty crack, once again leaving debris on the floor. Seunghyun then got up calmly, while Minzy giggled, and picked up another plate, dropping it to the floor and destroying it.

The front door opened as this happened and in walked Shinigami-sama, in his usual happy mood. He took one look (or so they thought, they were never sure because of that mask) at the kitchen, shrugged, and kept walking. When Dara looked at CL questioningly, who had seemed to come out of her shock, holding the bandage as Dara tied it up, "He's used to seeing this when he comes over. This is the seventh dinner set we've broken in the last year."

The other girl laughed, rolling her eyes. "I suppose that we'll have to go shopping soon, then."

CL grinned. "That's the plan."

/lol this is a line break, or is it? Doesn't look like one, but that's what it's here for. It's a pretty good line break, don't you think? I like this line break, because the other ones are too small and it annoys me./

The whole "family" woke up extremely early the next day. Dara had come to think of them as a family, because of all of the roles they seemed to have in their house. Dara was like the mother- always making sure that the others were okay, and looking out for them. Seunghyun was like the father, who let the others have fun as long as they were within reason (and didn't break the symmetry.) CL was like the teenage daughter who wanted to stay out late, have boyfriends and get drunk, and Minzy was the incorrigible, yet playful child.



Annyeong !

Welcome back to me =))

Sorry For Not Updating Too Busy with School :(

Gomenasai! Mianhe! :*

I'll be doing multiple updates ;)


Your's Truly

One.Four.Three :* >///<

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Chapter 19: I am glad they accepted it..I am happy that Seunghyun is a responsible parent to be.
jekomgarcia #2
Chapter 19: I'm glad that their friends took the news well. I hope Dara's father will too.
msdeathstalker #3
Chapter 17: done reading :)
ellisd #4
Yey! The awesome family!!!
Rhavege #5
Just getting a taste of this fanfic and it's intriguing enough for me to want to finish this at once...
please finish this soon^_^
choomtop22 #6
dara' pregnant! this is surprising :)
OMG they're going to have a baby, gorgeous family .. aigoo i love this so much. thanks for the updates.
Wow, dara and her pregnancy
i'm speechless here
I'm glad he accepted it open heart..kekekek..Dara has nothing to worry about..If I am right..hehehe..;)
I don't understand a thing about shinigami, symmetrical thingy and all, but i think i enjoy your story so far
keep going :)