Symmetrical Devotion

Symmetrical Love Story

Dara's Journal- KEEP OUT!

Month 1

Hey, it's me. I know it's been a long time since I've written anything in here- about a month. I remember writing about Jiyong and I breaking up, but that was it.

So, I think I should probably mention that Seunghyun and I got together shortly after Jiyong and I broke up. Since then it's been CRAZY, and Jiyong's dated Sohee, and now he's dating CL.

I'm glad, I guess, that we broke up. CL and Jiyong seem to be genuinely happy, and I'm so lucky to have a boyfriend as awesome as Seunghyun.

CL seems to be the type of person who would break up with Jiyong before he broke up with her. But that doesn't mean that if he does break her heart, I won't break his face- permanently.

And CL has been worried lately. She knows she's not pregnant- or, at least, she thinks she isn't. The test could have been wrong, or she could have read it wrong- but if she isn't then she's got some pretty serious virus. Gastroenteritis has been going around lately, and she hasn't eaten much. She's always complaining of headaches, too- but I don't know.

Um, so this major thing happened in my life a few days ago. I know this is going to sound weird, coming from me, but I'm pregnant. See, that was so much easier to write than to say to Seunghyun. He's the father, obviously. He was my first, and hopefully my last.

And we have to tell the others… I hope Jiyong takes it okay. He's been acting like a brother to me lately, which is good. It's not very awkward anymore, but I feel sick just thinking about telling my best friends that I'm going to have a baby.

Scratch that, WE'RE going to have a baby. Seunghyun and I a mother and a father. Parents. That's scary… but I still have at least eight months to worry about it.

We don't have long before we have to tell everybody, however, because we go to a school where many people are able perceive Souls, and they'll see that I'm expecting a baby.

Mira, my doctor, has been good about it as well. I thought she'd be disappointed in me, but she seemed happy. Like this was a good thing.

Well, it is. In a way. Because Seunghyun and I are having a baby, and I love him, and I'm sure we'll love this baby too. Which reminds me that I haven't told Seunghyun how much I love him yet, because I've been so caught up with this pregnancy and everything.

I've got to go, which is good because I might stop rambling. I just had to make sure that I wrote this down, beca-

The book Dara had been writing in with her tiny print was suddenly lifted above her head. She jumped after it, thinking it was one of the Lee sisters, but relaxed a little when she saw it was Seunghyun.

Then she leapt after the book again as she realized that he was attempting to read it, and that she'd just written that she loved him in there…

It wasn't that she didn't want him to know, it was that she wanted the moment to be right when she told him. That's what motivated her to tackle her boyfriend to the ground on the floor of the study, wrestling for the book.

He closed it, and put his hands on her hips, staring at her firmly.

"You shouldn't be wrestling like this in your condition," Seunghyun said, and he rolled her over so that they could sit up.

"Seunghyun, I have eight months. It's not a big deal." She shrugged, and he shook his head.

"You have to be careful. Shinigami children, while incredibly strong, are more fragile than a normal child in the womb." He explained, and she furrowed her brow.

"Well, you can't expect me to sit here doing nothing for the next eight months! I want to be able to go to school!" she snapped, standing up huffily. He sighed.

"I never said you couldn't go to school. I just told you to be careful!"

"Yeah?"Dara half-yelled, half spoke as she strode to the door. "Well, good. Because I'm going to school regardless!"

Seunghyun sighed yet again as she slammed the door after her.





I'm back. 

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Chapter 19: I am glad they accepted it..I am happy that Seunghyun is a responsible parent to be.
jekomgarcia #2
Chapter 19: I'm glad that their friends took the news well. I hope Dara's father will too.
msdeathstalker #3
Chapter 17: done reading :)
ellisd #4
Yey! The awesome family!!!
Rhavege #5
Just getting a taste of this fanfic and it's intriguing enough for me to want to finish this at once...
please finish this soon^_^
choomtop22 #6
dara' pregnant! this is surprising :)
OMG they're going to have a baby, gorgeous family .. aigoo i love this so much. thanks for the updates.
Wow, dara and her pregnancy
i'm speechless here
I'm glad he accepted it open heart..kekekek..Dara has nothing to worry about..If I am right..hehehe..;)
I don't understand a thing about shinigami, symmetrical thingy and all, but i think i enjoy your story so far
keep going :)