Basketball and So Much MORE

Symmetrical Love Story


The gang of teenagers headed off to their usual basketball court, Youngbae and Jiyong racing on ahead while the others walked. Seunghyun and Dara walked a few metres behind most of the group, hand-in-hand.

Reaching the basketball courts, they separated into teams as best as they could. Seunghyun and Dara refused to be separated, and they also took Jiyong and CL onto their team. Youngbae, Bom and Minzy had one less person on their team because Youngbae had so loudly insisted that Dara was useless at this game.

Wait until I show them… I've been practicing, she giggled to herself. Seunghyun glanced her way as she grinned, and he smiled. He'd been her coach.

The game began when Jiyong and Youngbae jumped for the ball that Seunghyun had bounced. It went in the direction of Dara's team, and she bolted for it. She caught the orange ball on the bounce and threw it to CL, over Bom's tall frame. CL dropped it, Minzy grabbed it, and the game took off.

Jiyong and Youngbae, obviously the best at basketball, took over then, running up and down the court alternately. They dominated the playing field, and Dara knew that they'd be an unstoppable force if they were on the same team.

She didn't care that it'd become a one-on-one match, however, when Seunghyun pulled her over behind the basketball hoop post and began to kiss her passionately. She melted, but he held her upright with his arms that had wrapped around her waist.

He was perfection. She thought to herself, but she knew that perfect was a practical impossibility in this day and age. However, she thought as he deepened the kiss further, he's pretty damn close. If anything is perfect, it's him~

"Oi, what are you doing? You're not even playing?" CL called out from over the other side of the court. They broke apart with a start, before realizing the source of the commotion. She laughed, and he grinned, kissing her on the forehead.

"Oh well," CL muttered to herself, before grabbing Jiyong by the scruff of his jacket as he ran past with the ball. He shouted in surprise, dropping it. Youngbae hooted loudly and picked it up. Annoyed, Jiyong span around to yell at CL.

"What are you doing?" He demanded, "You're on my si-"

The black-haired teenage boy's eyes widened with shock, when CL pulled him towards her and kissed him on the lips.

Everyone was stunned as they gazed upon the now-kissing people. Jiyong, although surprised, didn't seem to be too displeased when he deepened the kiss. Sitting down, her in his lap, they began to make out, more than Seunghyun had ever made out with Dara.

Looking at the two teenagers, she noticed that that wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

"Looks like she's eating his face, huh?"

"Mhhmm," Dara said. Seunghyun drew her attention away from the kissing couple, and kissed her again. Neither of them noticed that at the other end of the court, Bom and Youngbae had also started making out, while Minzy ran back and forth up and down the court, continuing to play basketball against the other, occupied, team.

Walking home from the courts with Seunghyun, she joined in the conversation- she had a lot to offer on the topic of interest.

"So, what are you going to do about Sohee?" She asked her meister. She'd been upset about him cheating on her with the lantern girl, but she had no issue with him going out with CL. And, hey. It was payback for that backstabbing that stole him in the first place.

A small part of her mind nagged at her, telling her that it was probably his fault, but it didn't really matter. As long as he didn't break CL's heart, it didn't matter because she now had Seunghyun.

"I dunno," he said, in response to her previous question. "I like CL better, I guess… the only reason I went out with Sohee was because I didn't know what I wanted." She grimaced, but he ignored it. It was probably good enough that he deemed it "cool" enough to talk about it.

"I dunno, Dara, I'll sort it out later. See ya," he said, leaving the group to walk in the direction of their- Dara paused- his- apartment. Youngbae and Bom went with him, as their apartment was in a similar direction.

Dara went home, confused about her meister and his stupidity. Although, I suppose it doesn't matter, she said, noticing how good it was to be holding hands with Seunghyun, and how warm his hand was, and that he was wearing a small smile on his face, because I have Mr. Not Quite But As Close To Perfect As Anyone Can Be right here.

On Sunday night, Dara laid on her stomach on her and Seunghyun's bed, a book open in front of her. She wasn't really reading it though, as her mind was full of a million thoughts about this latest development in her friendship group.

Geez, what is our life? It's messed up, like some stupid manga or something. Like something that Youngbae would read. It's ridiculous.

No sooner had she had that thought than the phone next to her buzzed. She sighed to herself, now everything was going to be blown out of proportion and screwed up. She picked it up and hit the green button to talk.

"HI DARA!" A voice screamed down the other end of the line. Dara winced, holding it away from her ear a few inches. It was CL. The blonde girl had left earlier that evening to hang out with Jiyong, Minzy had gone shopping with Bom, and Seunghyun had gone for a haircut. She'd decided to stay at home- she never really liked shopping with Minzy, as she made her try on fifty different articles of clothing, and it was a two hour walk across the city to Seunghyun's hairdresser, but, as her boyfriend had stated, his hairdresser was "the only one who would cut it symmetrically."

"CL? Are you drunk?" Dara said, her voice echoing back in a metallic fashion. The other teen giggled loudly. The thud-thud-thud of music in the background was grating on her nerves, and she guessed that they were in a club somewhere.

"N-nope! I'm SMASHED!" CL laughed uncontrollably, barely managing to form her words. Dara then heard Jiyong's droning voice in the background, slightly more uplifted than usual. She rolled her eyes, and then clapped her hand to her forehead in pain. She'd done that so often lately that it was starting to hurt.

"So? You want me to come and get you?"


Dara face palmed again, this girl was really starting to annoy her. She was ok sober, but drunk she was as annoying as the mosquito ringtone that Jiyong used to use all of the time. Through gritted teeth, she asked, "Then why did you call me?"

CL screamed on the other end, and Dara almost dropped her precious mobile phone. She gathered that through her and Jiyong's combined laughter, he'd picked her up.

"Coz I wanted to say HI! Now, gotta go, y times for CL!" the girl said, her voice borderline hysterical from laughter.

"Wait, CL, don-" The line went dead. Dara sighed. CL was a grown woman and could make her own stupid, drunken decisions. She just wanted to prevent the heartbreak that was inevitable for her friend. Jiyong had cheated twice- he'd do it again with no qualms, she was sure of it.

Sighing yet again, Dara stretched out on the bed, attempting to go back to her novel. She had no idea how long she stared at the same page for, but she leapt up when the front door slammed shut.

"Seunghyun?" She called, leaping off of the bed and running to the door. He was there, taking off his jacket and putting it in the cupboard. She raced down the stairs and jumped into his arms as he turned to see what the commotion was. He fell back into the door that he'd just shut, but didn't seem to mind, staring up at his girlfriend with a smile.

"Anyone would think you were desperate to see me," he muttered, and she grinned, kissing him quickly on the lips. Well, that was her intention anyway. He deepened the kiss, opening his mouth for her as she did the same for him.

Is it just me, or did it get really warm in here? Dara thought, not really paying attention to her thoughts. All she could think about was Seunghyun.

Pulling  back to stare at her boyfriend, she noticed that she'd straddled him when she'd knocked him over. He didn't seem to mind, but she blushed, sliding off of him and standing up, before walking into the kitchen.

He followed, of course, and saw her flicking through a recipe book that Spirit had bought for his father as a joke a while ago. Shinigami-sama was well known for his lack of cooking skills.

"You hungry?" She asked, not really paying attention to him as she flipped a page. He grinned.

"Depends," he said, and Dara looked up at him curiously, "on what you're offering."

She whacked him over the head with the book. "ert," she muttered, smiling. He shrugged, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing the back of her neck, which was bare because of her pigtails. She dropped the book.

"Really? Seunghyun, I'm hungry," she complained, not really caring about the food anymore.

"So am I," he said, and the pair moved out of the kitchen and into the bedroom for hygienic reasons.




ANY COMMENTS?! CONCERN?! Or things you want to know don't hesitate to ask me Okaaay? :D

Love You all Till next update :*

Yours Truly,

One.Four.Three :*

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Chapter 19: I am glad they accepted it..I am happy that Seunghyun is a responsible parent to be.
jekomgarcia #2
Chapter 19: I'm glad that their friends took the news well. I hope Dara's father will too.
msdeathstalker #3
Chapter 17: done reading :)
ellisd #4
Yey! The awesome family!!!
Rhavege #5
Just getting a taste of this fanfic and it's intriguing enough for me to want to finish this at once...
please finish this soon^_^
choomtop22 #6
dara' pregnant! this is surprising :)
OMG they're going to have a baby, gorgeous family .. aigoo i love this so much. thanks for the updates.
Wow, dara and her pregnancy
i'm speechless here
I'm glad he accepted it open heart..kekekek..Dara has nothing to worry about..If I am right..hehehe..;)
I don't understand a thing about shinigami, symmetrical thingy and all, but i think i enjoy your story so far
keep going :)