We're done. Hope you're happy with her!

Symmetrical Love Story

The black-haired boy that Dara had so dearly loved for all of her teenage years was lounging on the couch in their main room. Wanting to avoid a confrontation for as long as possible, she tiptoed her way over to her room to get changed and freshen up.

Unfortunately for her, he noticed her presence almost immediately, and turned to stare at her, astonished by her appearance- both the way she looked and the fact that she showed up.

The look of surprise disappeared from his face quickly, however, and was replaced by a look of anger that went deep into his red eyes.

"Where have you been all night?" He demanded, leaping off the couch to go over to the teenage girl.

"None of your business," Dara snapped, attempting bravado. She couldn't shake the uncertainty inside of her, however, and this showed through the slight waver in her tone.

"It is my business if you're my girlfriend, and you've been out all night with another boy!" Jiyong said, his voice cool and collected until the last word, where it cracked, and she knew that he was furious now.

"I haven't been with anyone-" She began, but he cut her off rudely, "- You must have been! Coming home looking like that in the morning!"

Dara took a moment to glance down at her attire. She could see his point. Her hair was all out of its customary ties, and her shirt was creased beyond belief- well, she had slept on the floor. Kind of. And she was missing her shoes- in her haste; she had picked up a pair of Minzy's shoes instead.

"You have no right to talk to me about cheating," she mumbled to herself, gazing at the shoes that didn't belong to her.

"W-what?" Jiyong asked, almost confusedly.

"I saw her, Jiyong. You and her… Sohee." She said, still not looking him in the face. Luckily, a distraction came along- her mobile phone rang. Its rather-cheerful jingle grated on Dara's nerves, so she answered it quickly.


Before she heard who was on the other end, Jiyong snatched the phone from her hand and held it up to his own ear.

"- I'm just calling to make sure you got home all right, I was a little worried that you left so early, but I expect you had to get back to-"

"SEUNGHYUN?"Jiyong half-yelled into the receiver. "What the HELL were you doing with my girlfriend last night?" His accusing gaze swung around to rest on the –innocent- girl.

"Nothing. She wanted to spend some time with CL and Minzy, after seeing you with Sohee yesterday. Naturally, I saw her, and I was worried about her wellbeing." Seunghyun informed the enraged teen from the other end of the line.

"Yeah?" Jiyong snapped. "Well, stay out of it." And with that, he slid the phone shut with a click.

Dara stared at him for a moment as he breathed deeply, as though to calm himself.

"So. You slept with Seunghyun, huh?" her boyfriend asked her, turning to face her.

"No! I told you-"

"Dara, don't lie. I know you like him."

"I don't! And I didn't- I would never cheat on my boyfriend, Jiyong!" She yelled, grabbing a book from the bookshelf and smacking him over the head with it.

"Ow, shi- DARA!" he cried, as she continued to swipe at him, hitting him as hard as she could with the book- a dictionary that Seunghyun had bought her on her last birthday, in fact. Years of training to be a Meister hand strengthened her greatly, and there was a lot of anger behind each swing. Eventually she stopped, glaring at the boy that had been her best friend and boyfriend.

"We're done. Hope you're happy with her," she said coldly, before running into her room and slamming the door."

Inside of her bedroom, she breathed deeply for a moment- that hadn't gone too badly.


So What do you think?!

Comments Are LOVE <3

See you until the next update


Yours Truly,

One.Four.Three :*

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Chapter 19: I am glad they accepted it..I am happy that Seunghyun is a responsible parent to be.
jekomgarcia #2
Chapter 19: I'm glad that their friends took the news well. I hope Dara's father will too.
msdeathstalker #3
Chapter 17: done reading :)
ellisd #4
Yey! The awesome family!!!
Rhavege #5
Just getting a taste of this fanfic and it's intriguing enough for me to want to finish this at once...
please finish this soon^_^
choomtop22 #6
dara' pregnant! this is surprising :)
OMG they're going to have a baby, gorgeous family .. aigoo i love this so much. thanks for the updates.
Wow, dara and her pregnancy
i'm speechless here
I'm glad he accepted it open heart..kekekek..Dara has nothing to worry about..If I am right..hehehe..;)
I don't understand a thing about shinigami, symmetrical thingy and all, but i think i enjoy your story so far
keep going :)