Chapter 5

BOF the story continues..


Chapter 5

Ha Jae Kyung arrived at Woo Bin's mansion within the next half an hour, she was totally out of breath by the time she reach Woo Bin's office.

"Ya..ahh.. Song Woo Bin! You think im some sort of Olympic athelete yah.. " still gasping for air. "Omo,i think im gonna have a heart attack soon."

Woo Bin on the other hand found it very amusing to tease Jae Kyung. "Nah,i thought monkeys are quick and agile,but you seem to be the opposite."


Before Jae Kyung can come out with something to retaliate,Woo Bin gently pushed Jae Kyung to sit in the chair next to his. "I brought a lot of referencing materials here,you can chose whatever designs you like and i'll figure out how to execute it." Jae Kyung said as she placed a few thick,hardcover architecture books and several magazines on Woo Bin's table.

Woo Bin gaze at the books, "What? You plan to copy other designers' design and put it in my house? Yah,Ms Ha..."

Jae Kyung pouted, "Urmm,but they all look the same to me..."

"Mwo?They are totally not the same okay. Come,let's draw some designs.."

For the next hour,Jae Kyung was flipping through the magazines, trying to visualize what Woo Bin is describing to her and put it into a drawing.

"Omo,monkey yah,do you even know how to draw a building's plan? Your angles are totally out of proportion. And,how can you built a 45 degree pitch roof?Not possible yah.."

Jae Kyung was on the verge of breaking down into tears. The truth is, she has been putting a lot of time studying architecture,but everything seems like Greek to her. Woo Bin noticed Jae Kyung's teary eyes, she looked so helpless and fragile."Yah monkey are you okay? Im sorry,here,let me show you lar." He grabbed the pencil from Jae Kyung's hands and started sketching, "See,this should be like this...the line must go all the way up here,okay? And this shouldn't be drawn like this.." Jae Kyung sat closer and watch like a little school girl as Woo Bin begin sketching and drawing. Jae Kyung was amazed, everything seems so easy for Woo Bin.

"Song Woo Bin ar,don't tell me you really know what you are doing..." She knew that Woo Bin majored in Architecture and Social Studies for his degree,but she didn't expect him to know that much.

Woo Bin stared at Jae Kyung,"yah dont tell me you thought i bought my way in and out of university."

"..." Jae Kyung gave Woo Bin a poker face look.

Woo Bin's eyes widened, "What? You actually thought so!"

"Aiya,mianhe..hehe.. please continue,please continue.." Jae Kyung smiled sheepishly.


The usual F4 gathering in the famous club XOXO.

"Yi Jung you've really decided to announce Ga Eul to the media?" Jun Pyo was surprised. Truth is,he just touched down yesterday from US after attending a meeting. Jun Pyo never stays long whenever he goes abroad for meetings or conferences, the only reason being his pregnant wife Jan Di, and her superb ability to escape from the bodyguards.

"Yups,i think this would be best,i can't keep it a secret forever anyway." Yi Jung said and took a sip of his drink. Ji Hoo looked at Yi Jung and gave him a nod, he was definitely in favour with Yi Jung's decision.

The soft music in the club changed to loud,fast beat disco music and th lights were dimmed. "Yah Woo Bin,happy hour has already begun,why are you still sitting here instead of "hunting"?" Jun Pyo was surprised to see Woo Bin still glued to the couch playing with his cell phone. Yi Jung and Ji Hoo were surprised too.

"Nah,i'm not in the mood today." He said and continue to to play with his cell phone. Woo Bin thought of Jae Kyung this afternoon, he knew Jae Kyung was trying to lift up to everyone's expectations to take over her father's company, but the truth is, it's too much for her to handle.

F3 was totally surprised by Woo Bin's statement.

"Yah! What happened to the playboy mafia king? Don't tell me you've retired like Yi Jung. Nah impossible." Jun Pyo teased.

"Woo Bin,why are you stating at your cell phone? Are you waiting for someone?"Yi Jung asked.

Woo Bin chuckled, "Haha, guys, i'm just not in the mood today."

"Woo Bin,i noticed that you've been hanging out a lot with Jae Kyung recently. By any chance, are you..." Ji Hoo couldn't finish his question when Woo Bin stiffened upon hearing Jae Kyung's name. "Neehhh! It's what you guys think!" "Yah Woo Bin,Ji Hoo didn't even say anything yet.."Jun Pyo reacted. Yi Jung and Ji Hoo smiled, "I know what's going on already.." "Yah..we're just working together for my project,nothing more nothing less."

"Of all the architects in Korea,you chosed to work with Jae Kyung,not to mention she's not even an architect"Yi Jung chuckled.

"Ahhhh yah..."

"Woo Bin ah,you better not mess with Jae Kyung,Jan Di will definitely give you a flying kick if she finds out."Jun Pyo suggested, "Plus her mood swings are crazy nowadays."

Woo Bin chuckled. "Haha,dont worry ya Mr Goo Jun Pyo,things wouldn't go that way.." Woo Bin shaked the thought away. Come on, it's impossible, how on earth will he fall for Jae Kyung, impossible,totally impossible.


Ga Eul stepped into the grand entrance of the So Museum. She brought with her her handmade lunch bento for Yi Jung. Yi Jung has been busy with his pottery recently because of the upcoming exhibition. Ga Eul prepared Yi Jung's favourite food and dessert,hopefully this will cheer her seemingly stressed out husband up.

Ga Eul went straight to the basement where Yi Jung's private work shop is and spotted her husband concentrating in molding his pottery. Yi Jung looked so attractive and charming when he is serious in his work, Ga Eul was again falling for her husband. With such an attractive husband, no wonder Ga Eul felt slightly insecure.

Yi Jung sensed someone staring at him and turned over to realize that it was none other than his wife. He smiled and opened his up his arms. Ga Eul embraced her husband and smiled sweetly, "Jung ahh..." "What brings my Jagiya all the way here?" Yi Jung planted light kisses on Ga Eul's forehead and cheek. Ga Eul broke away from Yi Jung's arms and pulled out a bento from her bag. "Ta dah! I brought lunch and afternoon desserts for my husband,hehe."

Yi Jung's smile widen and his heart felt so warm. He knew from the start that Ga Eul always puts his needs before hers, this made him even more certain with his decision of announcing Ga Eul to the world. "Thanks Jagiya,how did you know i was hungry?My Jagiya can read my mind now yah.."

Ga Eul sat beside Yi Jung and watch as Yi Jung starts to eat the bento she prepared. "Jung ah,do you like the sandwich wraps? it's new,im not sure whether you will like it or not," "Ermm!I love it,it's nice Jagiya."Yi Jung smiled. "Jagiya,i've decided to announce you to the media during my upcoming exhibition." "Mwo?Jung ah howcome.." Ga Eul was shocked. "I want you to be by my side for the dinner party,i want to introduce you as my wife to the world."Yi Jung said firmly and squeezed Ga Eul's hands. "But..Jung ah,it is because of last week's incident? I'm sorry, i promise i wont.."

"No,jagiya. i think it's time. And i dont want our marriage to remain a secret forever."Yi Jung smiled. "Besides,i've already released the news that i will bring along my wife to the exhibition and the media has been probing me alot these few days."

"Mwo?" Ga Eul squeaked. "Don't worry jagiya,i will be with you,everything will be okay."Yi Jung spoke tenderly.

Ga Eul wasn't sure. A part of her is dying to be able to hold her husband's hands in public, but the other part of her was afraid that their relationship might suffer or change. Nevertheless, Ga Eul knew that this decision would come sooner or later, it's time to be brave. She was determined to be the best wife of So Yi Jung's in the public eyes.


KimSang-Roll : oh icic! whao tats cool,studying in korea! =) thanks! i will try to google translate your fics to english and read too,keke. =) it's a pleasure to know you too! keep up the good work ya.. =)

thanks for support! appreciate it lots!

classes are so freaking packed these few days because official exams are coming soon.

and fanfics are my temporary escape from study stress.. =)

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Chapter 10: I don't know about Yi Jung but the doctor new seriously give me relief... Because I was thinking of miscarriage or something...😌😌😌
Chapter 18: Love ur story..... ??
yongseo14 #3
Chapter 18: ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 4: Hiiya!! I hope you remember me!!!
I re read your story!! And man it just got to me again!! Hehe! As much as I love the SoEul couple, I just was so attached to Woobin and Jae Kyung's couple story!! I just adore them too even now hehe
Chapter 18: What a sweet story..
Koreanfood #6
Long chaps><
SONE_hyo #7
Love it!!!!
Hyohyuk_forever #8
Bof but it seems interesting
Hyohyuk_forever #9
Whoa i havent read the story of
That was really cute. You even got me to love Woo Bin and Jae Kyung! :))