Chapter 14

BOF the story continues..


Chapter 14
  Yi Jung finally had his auction dinner after much postpone due to recent events. It was very meaningful for Yi Jung and Ga Eul since this it the first event Ga Eul will be assisting Yi Jung in. The hall was filled with huge figures in the industry, politicians, and  celebrities, all wanting to own a piece of Yi Jung's art work. Jun Pyo, Ji Hoo and Woo Bin showed their support to their childhood friend by buying several items too. The auction proceeded well and ended with a success. The guest were slowly leaving the hall as the remaining were lingering around, having their drinks and socializing. Ga Eul was accompanying Yi Jung as he mingled and talked to his guests.
  Woo Bin turned to Jae Kyung, "Yah monkey, why didn't you bid for anything?" Given Jae Kyung's family background, she should be able to participate too. Jae Kyung pouted, "Aniyo, Yi Jung's art work are all great, but they all look the same to me." Woo Bin burst out in laughter. "Yah! LOL! Just like how architecture designs look all the same to you?" Woo Bin teased. "Yah! I bet women's clothes look all the same to you yah, Song Woo Bin!" 
  Jae Kyung was about to leave but Woo Bin grabbed her hands and pulled her into his embrace, "Yah monkey, come let's dance." He said as he pulled Jae Kyung to the center of the hall. Jae Kyung was surprised by Woo Bin's action, before she could react, they were already in the center of the hall, and Woo Bin held her close to himself and started slow dancing with Jae Kyung although there wasn't any music. Jae Kyung was blushing, Woo Bin was holding her so close to himself, and she noticed that people around are starting to notice them, not to mention Jun Pyo, Jan Di and Ji Hoo were smiling as they looked at them. 
  Jae Kyung felt so shy and embarrassed, she pushed Woo Bin away, "Yah Song Woo Bin you wanna dance right? Okay let's dance." Jae Kyung started doing a moon walk and electric bungalow with her arms, but all her moves looked so retarded and goofy. Woo Bin was shocked when Jae Kyung pushed him, but he soon burst into laughter when he saw what Jae Kyung was doing. "Yah monkey, you want a dance battle yah? Fine!" Woo Bin teased and started doing some popping moves that he saw on television, he too, looked very retarded and goofy. 
  Jan Di, Jun Pyo and Ji Hoo were all laughing out loud when they saw it. Ga Eul and Yi Jung joined them, "What is Unni and Woo Bin sun bae doing?" Ga Eul asked as she tried to stop herself from laughing. "Omo, Ga Eul ahh, those two idiots.. hahaha.." Jan Di replied as she held her pregnant belly, "Omo, i think i'm gonna go into labor soon if i continue laughing like this, hahaha..."
  Jae Kyung's face was as red as a tomato, "Yah Song Woo Bin, that's all you got yah? You want freestyle? I got freestyle too.." Jae Kyung started shuffling as Woo Bin laughed, "Yah this looks so retarded, i can do airfreeze, breaking and so many more okay.." Woo Bin teased. Jae Kyung stopped her 'dance moves', "Mwo?! That's all? I can do...i.. i can do ballet, salsa and martial arts okay!" Jae Kyung stick out her tongue. Woo Bun chuckled, "Ha Jae Kyung, martial arts is not even a type of dance okay, and since when you learnt ballet, i doubt monkeys learn ballet.." "Yah..."
  F3, Jan Di and Ga Eul were all laughing out loud. "Those two idiots are definitely made for each other..." Ji Hoo said. Ga Eul smiled as she nodded, she sincerely hoped that Jae Kyung and Woo Bin sun bae will find their happiness in each other.
   Woo Bin's men approached Woo Bin as he was going through some documents, "Boss, Mr Gong San is requesting a meeting, he insist.." Woo Bin held his hand up, "Kim, I won't entertain his request, you can tell him to give up the next time he approaches you again."
  Woo Bin was feeling very irritated by Senator Lee and his man, Gong San. He has clearly rejected their offer yet they are still bugging him. Apparently Senator Lee has been involved in major drug trafficking and he wishes to use Woo Bin's casino to conceal the transactions. Woo Bin closed his eyes and massaged his temples as his childhood memories begin to flow into his mind. He remembered vividly that it was an afternoon, he was only ten years old when several men broke into his home and started harming and shooting his parents. Woo Bin was hiding behind a door when he witnessed his parents being killed brutally by all these anonymous men. The police arrived a little too late, his father was already shot dead and his mother died on the way to hospital. Woo Bin was then under his relatives' guardianship until he was of age of majority to inherited all the property, money and business his father had. It's only by then, he found out the real reason behind his parents' murder, they were threatened to be involved in illegal activities and their refusal brought them death. Woo Bin was very firm, he will not and never will get himself involved with such illegal activities, drug trafficking is too huge an offense. But the threats and danger are still present.  And you intend to carry on like this forever? Woo Bin was reminded of Jae Kyung's words. He sighed. He felt sadness flowing into his hearts, he had the urge to end all of these suddenly, he wanted to have a safe, stable and quiet life with Jae Kyung, even if it meant giving up all riches and titles, he was willing to. He used to laugh at people who believed in fairytale endings, but right now, he wished that fairy godmother will grant him and Jae Kyung a happily-ever-after ending.
  Jan Di, Jae Kyung and Ga Eul were attending their usual cooking classes together this saturday morning. Jan Di's belly was already quite huge and there were speculations as to whether Jan Di is carrying twins, but this upset Jan Di a lot, she felt that people were indirectly saying her fat because she was in fact, not carrying twins.
  "Jan Di ahh, are you sure you're suppose to leave home? Jun Pyo sun bae said before that these two weeks are very crucial, you might go into labour anytime." Ga Eul said as she held Jan Di's hands.
  "Ga Eul don't worry, i needed to breathe some fresh air too anyway." Jan Di smiled, Jun Pyo would be so furious if he were to found out that she left home. But with all the preparations going on at home and the many relatives and people visiting her, she felt that she needed to get some fresh air.
  "Yah Jan Di, are you sure?" Jae Kyung was a bit worried too, Jan Di's belly looked as if she was going to to give birth anytime from now onwards.
  "Unnie don't worry, hehe."
  Jan Di was about to put her apron on when she felt a sharp pain. "Ahh!" 
  Ga Eul and Jae Kyung rushed to her side. "Jan Di! What's wrong?"
  "I... I dont know, i felt a sharp pain just now..Ahh!" Again! Jan Di looked at Jae Kyung and Ga Eul with her eyes opened wide. "Omo, the pain is here again! Ahh.." Jan Di said as she sat on the floor.
  "Jan..Jan Di yah! Your water burst!" Ga Eul pointed at her wet pants. 
  "Omo! We.. we need to get Jan Di to the hospital now, Ga Eul shii!!" 
  In the taxi....
  "Ahhhh...!!" Jan Di screamed. The contractions were getting more frequent and she was already sweating in pain. Jae Kyung held Jan Di's hands as Ga Eul attempted to contact Jun Pyo. "Unniee, Jun Pyo sun bae isn't answering his handphone!"
  "Ahhh!" This time it wasn't Jan Di who was screaming, it was Jae Kyung, "Jan Di yah!" Apparently Jan Di was squeazing Jae Kyung's hands. "Try again Ga Eul shii!" 
  "Sorry Unnie, but...its..its so painful..Ahhhh..!!" Jan Di felt the sharp pain again, but this time not only did she held onto Jae Kyung's arm, she held onto Ga Eul's arm too.
  "AHHH!" (LOL)
  Ga Eul and Jae Kyung screamed at the same time. "Omo! Jan Di yahhh..."
  Ga Eul never knew that Jan Di had such a strength, nevertheless, she still held onto her best friend's hands. Jan Di was beginning to cry, the pain was unbearable. "Ga Eul shii, remember lesson 101? Relax and breathe.." Ga Eul nodded her head, "Oh yes Unnie! Jan Di yah, let's breathe. In...Out...In...Out.." Jan Di was panting heavily as she tried to breath in and out. 
a quick update, might update slower than usual because of exam preparations..hehe..nevertheless, i promise i will try my best to update fast..hehe..
thanks for all the support! stay happy and healthy always yea.. =)
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Chapter 10: I don't know about Yi Jung but the doctor new seriously give me relief... Because I was thinking of miscarriage or something...😌😌😌
Chapter 18: Love ur story..... ??
yongseo14 #3
Chapter 18: ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 4: Hiiya!! I hope you remember me!!!
I re read your story!! And man it just got to me again!! Hehe! As much as I love the SoEul couple, I just was so attached to Woobin and Jae Kyung's couple story!! I just adore them too even now hehe
Chapter 18: What a sweet story..
Koreanfood #6
Long chaps><
SONE_hyo #7
Love it!!!!
Hyohyuk_forever #8
Bof but it seems interesting
Hyohyuk_forever #9
Whoa i havent read the story of
That was really cute. You even got me to love Woo Bin and Jae Kyung! :))