Kang Suji, Who Could She Be?

What To Do With Mr. Vain?


     You, Ukwon, and P.O walk to meet up with the others at the food court, and you were stuck between the two guys.
    "So, I see you were a little bit sleepy today. What's up with that?" You poke P.O. He shrugs his shoulders and the conversation between you and P.O couldn't be considered any more awkward. *Fine, I didn't want to talk to you anyways.* The furniture store was on the whole other side of the mall and it was the furthest store away from the food court.
    "So.....How was school today?" Ukwon asks, trying to break the silence. You give him an odd look for asking a ridiculous question, school is school.
    "It was okay...until the carrot war." You look over at P.O. "And how was your school day, P.O ?" 
    "It was quite hilarious. Especially when Zico got the carrot in Yoomi's mouth." He looks down at the ground.  You kind of laugh because you did think it was funny.
    A short 15 minutes later you arrive back at the group. 
   "LOOK IT'S P.O!" Zico shouts and ruffles P.O's hair.
   "Did the baby finally get his nap out?" Zico turns to face Jaehyo. "You know how he gets when he doesn't have a nap." P.O lets out a soft sigh. His sigh turns into a long yawn. 
  "Looks like he's still tired." Ukwon pats his back awkwardly. You laugh a little because Ukwon is shorter than P.O and P.O is younger than Ukwon. 
  "Yeah yeah yeah. Can we go now? " P.O starts to walk out of the mall and you, yoomi, and the five other guys take off running to catch up with him.
  "What's wrong P.O?" You look up at his sad face. *Did they hurt his feelings that bad?*
  "Nothing, nothing. I'm just tired, that's all." He smiles down at you. *Glad to see someone cares.*
  "You don't act like Zico and Ukwon, why is that?" You regretted that question as soon as it left your mouth. 
  "I don't act like them because I actually have a heart. I actually care about what a girl thinks about me. I try to be extremely respectful, but the others they laugh at the idea. They say the only reason people like me is because I'm the maknae of the group." He looks down at his shoes. *For a maknae he's pretty tall.* The others catch up with you two and you leave the mall. 
  You end up walking inbetween Ukwon and P.O .... again. *It seems like these two only like walking with me.* It was kind of awkward walking between them because they were both taller than you, so they made you feel the shortest. Yoomi was walking inbetween Zico and Jaehyo. You debated whether her face was happy or upset. On one hand she looked happy because she's walking with Jaehyo, one of the sweetest people you know, but on the other hand she looked grumpy because she was walking next to the jerk who hit her with a carrot. You two communicated telepathically. 
  "I'm going to kill him. Just wait." The look in her eyes kind of terrified you. 
  "Don't let's get through the year without murder, kay?" Yoomi let out a sigh.
   Finally you guys arrived at Block B's house. 
   "Are you guys gonna come in?" Jaehyo steps forward , so he can open the door. You check the time. It was 8:30. *Eh, I guess it's okay. I really don't care if I get any sleep right now.*
  "Yoomi, what's your opinion?" Yoomi glances down at her phone and nods her head up and down.
  "I guess we can stay for a few." You follow Jaehyo through the door and  plop down on the couch. *My feet are killing me.*  This time all the guys stay downstairs and Zico actually talks to you.
  "So, did you eat all of that food, Heejin?" P.O looks at you and smiles. He missed so much since he fell asleep. 
   "Why yes I did and my tummy is very satisfied." You pat your belly and grin a little. This gets everyone to laugh, especially Yoomi.
   After you guys talk for a few more...hours, you and Yoomi eventually decide to go home.
  "Bye guys! See you tomorrow!" You wave goodbye and walked out the door. 
   "Yoomi, my legs feel like murder. Carry me, please?" You gave her puppy dog eyes.
   "First off, you know the puppy dog eyes don't work on me. Secondly, if I carry you, I'd die. No, that is not a fat joke, I'm just that weak."  You continue to look at her with the saddest looking face, but eventually you give up.  You yawned as soon as you entered Yoomi's driveway. *If I keep staying up this late, I'll die of sleep deprivation.* You slowly walk up the stairs, hoping not to miss a stair. You manage to climb up the stairs and get to your room, without hurting yourself. You fall face flat on your bed and in seconds you're asleep.
   ~BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!~ The sound of your lovely alarm clock wakes you up this morning. *Ugh, I hate alarm clocks.* You walk into Yoomi's room and see that she is pratically spread out all over the bed. You walk over to Yoomi's peaceful sleeping self and nudge her.
   "Yoomi, it's time to get up." She barely opens her eyes and nods back asleep. You walk downstairs and get a bucket of ice cold water. 
    "If you don't wake up right now I will throw this bucket of water on you." She rolls over on her side.        *Oh well, I warned you." You pour the water right over her face.
   "I'M UP! I'M UP! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" She looked horrified by her wake up call.
    "I warned you, and you needed to get up." You smile sweetly at Yoomi and walk out of the room.
    You guys arrive at school and surprisingly Yoomi isn't mad at you. 
    "Yoomi, just look on the brightside, you had a towel and a hair dryer." She looks over at you and shrugs. *Is she really mad at me over that?*
    "And in case you're wondering, I am NOT mad at you. I'm just freezing." She gives you a smile and you feel sudden relief. 
   "Class, settle down. Now we have a transfer student today and I would like for you to listen up." Mrs.Lee says, glaring at anyone who was still talking. A girl with flaming red hair and kind of short appears behind Mrs.Lee.
   "Hello, my name is Kang Suji." She bows and turns to Mrs.Lee. 
   "Where exactly do you want me to sit?" She taps her foot impatiently. 
   "Sit in front of Kwon Heejin." Mrs.Lee points in your direction. 
   "Do you need any help ?" You ask looking at her. She was very quiet and indepent. She didn't ask for any help at all for the first 30 minutes of class.
   "No, no. I'm fine, but thanks for asking." She smiles and turns back around to complete the assignment. *For a new student she's quite...indepent. I like it.*
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I will update this soon you guys, I promise. I'll try to before the weekend because I won't be able to get access to a computer then.


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kojafan #1
Chapter 42: Now that what I called a sweet story it was really good considering it was your first^^ the romance moments in the story was perfect^___^ I love it<3 Keep going
Chapter 42: Awhh!!! That was adorable! But did yoomi end up with daehyun or zico? :/ but still a cute ending.. <3
Chapter 42: yayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!
Chapter 42: awesome love it they make ____ a cute couple:)
You'll find out soon ^^. I will not be able to update tonight because I will be at a friend's house, but tomorrow expect a new chapter! :D
You are killing me right now Author-nim! Is it yoomi?
Haha, well I'm glad you are enjoying it ^^
awwwwwww >< I'm happy now~ :D but I don't really want to say what happens because sometimes I find out what happens before I read the actual chapter because I accidentally scroll down. :P
LOL Jaehyo and his Pikachu outfit.
OhMyJaehyo #10
ROFL warning warning warning warning~ B.A.P!!! <3 Update soon!