Forever And Always

What To Do With Mr. Vain?


   *Why did she go back to him? She knows he hurt her. She knows what kind of guy he is.* Youngjae shakes his head and covers his head with a pillow. The thought of you taking him back kills him even more . The thought that he didn't ask you out when he should have made him think of himself as a coward. *She deserves better, but if she's happy, she's happy.* He quickly falls asleep and the time when he first met you repeats over and over in his dreams. 
   "So what are we doing today guys?" You ask stretching your arms above your head. 
   "SLEEPING!" Everyone screams but Ukwon screams. You laugh as you realize how much time they actually spend sleeping.  The guys run up the stairs and head to their rooms.
   "So what are we going to do?"  You sit down next to Ukwon on the couch.
   "We could watch tv or a movie, if you want. I was going to watch One Piece." He says as he wraps an arm around you.
   "One Piece sounds good. I like that show." He turns on the tv and you lay down, with your head in his lap. After a few reruns, you fall asleep. 
   "Come on Heejin, wake up!" Ukwon pinches your cheeks and your eyes flutter open.
   "PANCAKES!" You fall off of Ukwon's lap and into the floor.
   "Sorry, no pancakes here, but we have to go get cake mix and icing." Ukwon pats your head.
   "Why do we have to go get that? Why can't we have pancakes?" You whine.
   "Because today is a very special day." Ukwon says with a mysterious voice.
   "Is it, let your sleepy girlfriend stay home and sleep day because on those days I love to recieve cake." You give him a big grin. Ukwon pinches your cheeks.
   "Aren't you just so adorable, but no. Today is Taeil's birthday and I'm making the cake!"  Ukwon helps you up from the floor. 
   "Come on, before the others wake up. I promised them that I would be out of the house today before anyone woke up, so the cake could be a surprise. Now come on sleepy head! "  He grabs your wrist and pulls you out the door.
   "Oh, what a cute couple. So young and innocent!" One of the cashiers say as you and Ukwon enter the store. Ukwon searches the aisles for the perfect cake mix.
   "Um... Why don't we go over to the bakery, order a cake then look around the store while they make it?" You say, since he looks overwhelmed by the many types of cake.
   "That's a good idea! What would I do without my little Heejin?" He ruffles your hair, then links arms with you. You two skip over to the bakery.  You search through one cake book and Ukwon searches through another. 
   "OH! HOW ABOUT THIS ONE?" You point your finger at the picture of the fish shaped cake. 
   "Hmm, sure, why not? Can you read my mind? I was just looking at that picture and thinking about choosing it." Ukwon smiles then tells the only lady working in the bakery about  the cake.
   "And when do you need it by?" She asks as she pulls out a notepad.
   "As soon as possible, but don't rush. Take your time. Thank you very much." He slightly bows his head then hunts the store for anything else Taeil might like.
   "Heejin? Where are you?" He looks around searching for you. 
   "I'm right here!" You pop out from behind him and give him a little scare.
   "Don't do that!"  He says, then he laughs so you bust out laughing too because his happiness always seems to make you smile.
   A few hours later, the cake is ready and you two walk back to Block B's house to surprise Taeil.
   "WAIT! I have to invite Yoomi!" You pull out your phone and text Yoomi.
        Hey, we're throwing a surprise party for Taeil, wanna join?
Yoomi almost replies instantly.
       Yes, yes I'm on my way. I'll be there in a few. 
   You, Ukwon, and Yoomi all reach the house at the same time. Ukwon slowly opens the door, trying not to make any noise. You three quickly walk to the kitchen and put the cake on the table. 
   "Let me go get the others."  Ukwon scurries up the stairs and gets Bbomb, Zico, P.O, Kyung, and Jaehyo.
   "TAEIL! COME DOWN HERE WE HAVE TO SHOW YOU SOMETHING!" You all scream. Taeil slowly walks down the stairs and rubs his eyes.
   "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAEIL!" Everyone screams simultaneously. Taeil's eyes widen in surprise. 
   " Thank you guys." A smile comes across his face.  Someone knocks on the door and Zico goes to answer it.
   "We heard it was someone's birthday and we couldn't help but come and wish the birthday boy a happy birthday." Yong Guk walks into the room, followed by Himchan, Daehyun, Youngjae, Jongup, and Zelo.
   "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAEIL!" They shout, since they missed it when it the first time.
   "Thank you." You see a tear roll down Taeil's face from happiness. 
   "What would you like to do, birthday boy?" Zico asks.
   "I would just like to spend time with my amazing friends. This is one of the greatest surprises I have ever gotten. Thank you guys so much." He hugs everyone.
   "It's no problem, Taeil. When a friend's special day comes along, we have to make it the best. Then make it better the next year." You say. You guys just watch movies for the rest of    Taeil's birthday. 
   "Well, we better get to going. See you guys later." Yong Guk waves goodbye and leaves Block B's house. All of the others follow except Youngjae.
   "Umm....Heejin, can I talk to you for a second?" He asks. You get up from the couch and walk outside with Youngjae. The others were pretty far away.
   "Can you at least tell me why you went back with Ukwon? I mean, I can't control your life and who you like, but I at least want to know why you went back with him, even though he cheated on you." Youngjae looks at you with a concerned look in his eyes.
   "He said he didn't cheat. He said Yun Hee came up to him and made that lie up. I don't believe he was lying because he was in tears when he was explaining this to me. I couldn't  say that I was over him, because that would just be lying to myself, but in the end I'm glad he  didn't  really cheat on me because I know a certain someone that would have probably beat him up for hurting me. Thanks Youngjae for always being there for me. You're an amazing friend and any girl would be lucky to have you." You give him a hug and that brightens up Youngjae's mood.
   "Thanks Heejin and if he breaks your heart, or if you just want to talk, I'm always here for you." He waves goodbye and quickly runs to catch up with the others. You walk back inside and Ukwon automatically raises an eyebrow at you. 
   "What was that all about?" He asks with a jealous tone in his voice.
   "He just wanted to ask me something don't worry so much. You know you're the only guy for me." You kiss his forehead and go into the kitchen to wash the dishes. Later on you and Ukwon are sitting on the couch, snuggling.
   "Heejin, I love you so much and I want us to last forever. I want us to be together until the world ends. You're my everything and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. " His words cause a tear to roll down your face.
   "Ukwon, I do too. I want us to last forever. I love you more than anything." You fall asleep with his arms wrapped around you. 
   ~Years Later~
   You and Ukwon were walking down the beach and just enjoying the summer sun. You gys run into the ocean and have a splash war, like your first trip to the beach with B.A.P and Block B.
   "You're so cute when you think you can beat me at a splash war." Ukwon says as he picks you up and throws you.
   "You're just so cute." You say when you come up from being underwater. 
   Once you guys leave the beach because it was getting dark, he takes you to the park. You guys lay on the grass and just stare at the moon.
   "Heejin, are you awake?" Ukwon asks.
   "Yes, why?" You sit up and give him a curious look.
   "I just remember after I told you everything that happened with Yun Hee and when we got back together that you fell asleep. You looked so beautiful then, but words can't describe how you look now. Your beauty then, can not compare to your beauty now.
   "I probably look like a wet dog." You say jokingly. Ukwon laughs and his mood turns extremely serious.
   "Do you remember the day when you spent Taeil's birthday with us for the first time?" He asks. *What is up with the interrogation today?* You nod your head up and down.
   "Well. . . " He gets on one knee and pulls out a small black box.
   "I was wondering if you would be mine, forever and always?"  
   "YES! OF COURSE YES!" He jumps up and hugs you, after he puts your ring on your finger. 
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I will update this soon you guys, I promise. I'll try to before the weekend because I won't be able to get access to a computer then.


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kojafan #1
Chapter 42: Now that what I called a sweet story it was really good considering it was your first^^ the romance moments in the story was perfect^___^ I love it<3 Keep going
Chapter 42: Awhh!!! That was adorable! But did yoomi end up with daehyun or zico? :/ but still a cute ending.. <3
Chapter 42: yayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!
Chapter 42: awesome love it they make ____ a cute couple:)
You'll find out soon ^^. I will not be able to update tonight because I will be at a friend's house, but tomorrow expect a new chapter! :D
You are killing me right now Author-nim! Is it yoomi?
Haha, well I'm glad you are enjoying it ^^
awwwwwww >< I'm happy now~ :D but I don't really want to say what happens because sometimes I find out what happens before I read the actual chapter because I accidentally scroll down. :P
LOL Jaehyo and his Pikachu outfit.
OhMyJaehyo #10
ROFL warning warning warning warning~ B.A.P!!! <3 Update soon!