Changing Protectors

What To Do With Mr. Vain?


   You slide down the door with your mouth open in disbelief. You want to cry, but you also want to hunt this guy down and question everything about him. You slowly stand up to your feet and walk back inside, quietly closing the door to make sure you didn't wake any one up. The clicking of the door closing disturbed the silent house but no one woke up. You let out a sigh of relief and walk into the kitchen. You set the note on the table and stare at it. *How does he know where I live?* You stare at it for quite some time before deciding to call Yong Guk
   "Hello?" A sleepy Yong Guk answered.
   "It's Heejin. I'm scared. I woke up this morning and there was a note on my window." You bite your nails 
   "Where are Youngjae and Daehyun?" Yong Guk asks sternly.
   "Well... I decided since they were asleep and everything that I should just let them sleep." You look over at the sleeping boys and Yong Guk lets out an annoyed sigh.
   "I'll be over there. Don't panic." Yong Guk hangs up the phone. *Don't panic? Let's see you get a note threatening to kill you on your door and see how you react.* A long forty five minutes pass by while you wait for Yong Guk to arrive. He knocks on the door three times then lets himself in. He walks over to Daehyun and slaps the back of his head. 
   "Ow, what was that for Youngjae?" An exhausted Daehyun asks as he rubs his eyes.
   "Youngjae? Think again, or do I need to slap you again?" Yong Guk asks angrily.
   "Oh! Yong Guk hyung!" Daehyun jumps to his feet.
   "Tell me why both of you were asleep. Is this mission not that important?" Yong Guk crosses his arms and gives Daehyun a scolding gaze. 
   "Well, there is no real explanation. I guess we both were extremely tired and passed out." Daehyun says with a look of guilt on his face.  Yong Guk walks into your kitchen.
   "Heejin, do you still have the note?" He asks. You point over in the direction of the pink paper and Yong Guk picks it up. He reads over it and sticks it in Daehyun's face.
   "She recieved a death note, while you two were asleep." Yong Guk drops the note at Daehyun's feet. Daehyun bends over to pick it up. His eyes widen at the red words. 
   "We'll be going. I'll send some of Block B over to watch over you guys." Yong Guk taps Youngjae's shoulder and the three walk out of the house.
   "Zico! Some one is at the door! Go answer it please!" P.O says. 
   "Alright, but next it's your turn." Zico rolls off of his bed and walks downstairs. He opens the door to reveal Yong Guk, Daehyun, and Youngjae.
   "And what brings me the pleasure of seeing your lovely faces this early in the morning ? " Zico asks.
   "Heejin recieved a death note on her door last night. These two were passed out, so they couldn't stop him. Send some of Block B down there for now because there is no one watching the house." Yong Guk says then turns to leave. Zico nods his head and shuts the door. 
   "Ukwon and Bbomb hyung!" Zico shouts and the two sleepy figures appear. 
   "What's up?" Ukwon asks. He slowly walks down the stairs and runs into a wall.
   "Get dressed, we have to go watch over Heejin and Yoomi."  Zico demands. Ukwon and Bbomb nod their heads and head up the stairs to get dressed. 
   "YOOMI!" You scream because you're afraid of being alone right now. She lets out an annoyed sigh and walks down the stairs. You run and give her a hug. 
   "I love you too, but why did you wake me up to give me a hug?" She asks and gives you a confused look.
   "This morning, there was a...note on the door so I went outside and read it. It was threatening to kill me." You shudder at the scary thought. Yoomi pats your back.
   "Don't worry. In total we have thirteen guys protecting us. I think we're safe." Yoomi says giving you a smile.
   "Promise?" You look at her with a puppy dog face. She nods her head, still smiling. *Yoomi, you have no idea how much better that smile makes me feel.*
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I will update this soon you guys, I promise. I'll try to before the weekend because I won't be able to get access to a computer then.


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kojafan #1
Chapter 42: Now that what I called a sweet story it was really good considering it was your first^^ the romance moments in the story was perfect^___^ I love it<3 Keep going
Chapter 42: Awhh!!! That was adorable! But did yoomi end up with daehyun or zico? :/ but still a cute ending.. <3
Chapter 42: yayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!
Chapter 42: awesome love it they make ____ a cute couple:)
You'll find out soon ^^. I will not be able to update tonight because I will be at a friend's house, but tomorrow expect a new chapter! :D
You are killing me right now Author-nim! Is it yoomi?
Haha, well I'm glad you are enjoying it ^^
awwwwwww >< I'm happy now~ :D but I don't really want to say what happens because sometimes I find out what happens before I read the actual chapter because I accidentally scroll down. :P
LOL Jaehyo and his Pikachu outfit.
OhMyJaehyo #10
ROFL warning warning warning warning~ B.A.P!!! <3 Update soon!