It's Over

What To Do With Mr. Vain?


   You start to worry about Yong Guk and his feelings. You think about all the stress you've gave him. You start to think that this entire mess was all your fault. You pass out on the middle of the floor, which causes all of Block B and Yoomi to run towards you. They carry you to the hospital and everyone stays by your side until a nurse comes in.
   "Visiting hours are over, you can come back again tomorrow. She should be awake by then." She smiles then leaves the room, with everyone following her. 
   "Since when do visiting hours stop at five?!" Ukwon asks, showing that he was extremely worried about you. Everyone shrugs their shoulders and walk to the ice cream shop. Ukwon carelessly pokes at his ice cream, while everybody else tries to cheer him up.
   "Come on, Ukwon, she'll be alright." Yoomi says and pats his back. A girl walks into the shop and instantly starts screaming as soon as she spies Ukwon.
   "KWONNIE, KWONNIE, KWONNIE! I'VE MISSED YOU. I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN FOREVER!" The girl runs over to Ukwon and strangles him in a hug. Ukwon shrugs her off and walks outside.
   "KWONNIE! WAIT FOR ME!" The girl chases after Ukwon with her heels clicking with every single step. Ukwon lets out a sigh.
   "What do you want Yun Hee?" He asks, obviously annoyed. 
   "YOU, SILLY! You need to cheer up, buttercup. I'm here now." Yun Hee pats his head and smiles.
   "I'm in a relationship, with the most beautiful girl in the world. There is no way you can ever be anything like her. She's caring, funny, sweet, beautiful, an all around amazing girl. So leave me alone." Ukwon says as he shows Yun Hee a picture of you and walks away.
   "YOU WILL BE MINE KIM UKWON! JUST YOU WAIT!" Yun Hee screams as she walks in the opposite direction of the ice cream shop. Ukwon walks back into the shop and sits down in the chair.
   "Who was the insane chick?" Kyung asks as he stuffs his face with a big, melting glob of ice cream.
   "Yun Hee." Ukwon says.
   The next day you wake up and call for a nurse.
   "Oh, good! You're up. In a few hours you can be discharged, if you're still awake by then. Would you like anything?" The overly giddy nurse asks. 
   "No, but thank you." You give her a slight smile and look for your phone. *Aish, I can't find it. I guess it can be a surprise to Ukwon.* You smile at the thought of him. The nurse comes back in a few hours later and hands you your discharge papers and your belongings, which included your phone. You start to walk to Block B's house, but on the way there you see Ukwon. You take off in a slight sprint to go hug him, but stop dead in your tracks when you see a girl hugging him. You slowly approach Ukwon and the girl. 
   "W--Who's this?" You ask, the tears already starting to fill your eyes.
   "I'm his new girlfriend, and who are you?" Yun Hee says as she places her hand on her hip. Ukwon pushes Yun Hee away. He walks over to you and gives you a hug.
   "NO! DON'T TRY TO GIVE ME A HUG AFTER YOU CHEATED ON ME WITH HER! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" You scream at him as you start running towards Yoomi's house. You forgot your key and just sit outside the door. You call Yoomi to let her know that you're out of the hospital and that you're ready to just stay at her house and relax for a while. You call Ukwon and leave him a voicemail stating that your relationship was over. Yoomi arrives at the house and you tell her everything that happened.
   "YUN HEE, GO AWAY. I NEVER WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU. JUST GO AWAY!" Ukwon screams at her. She nods her head and walks away. Ukwon pulls out his phone and listens to the voicemail you left him. He falls to his knees, knowing that he lost a wonderful girl just because Yun Hee is a liar. *Heejin, you're my world, I would never cheat on you.* He walks home with tears stinging his eyes. He walks inside, with nobody asking him any questions and just stares at the picture of you and him together. *I almost lost her once, and that killed me. Now I lost her and I'm probably never going to get her back.*
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I will update this soon you guys, I promise. I'll try to before the weekend because I won't be able to get access to a computer then.


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kojafan #1
Chapter 42: Now that what I called a sweet story it was really good considering it was your first^^ the romance moments in the story was perfect^___^ I love it<3 Keep going
Chapter 42: Awhh!!! That was adorable! But did yoomi end up with daehyun or zico? :/ but still a cute ending.. <3
Chapter 42: yayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!
Chapter 42: awesome love it they make ____ a cute couple:)
You'll find out soon ^^. I will not be able to update tonight because I will be at a friend's house, but tomorrow expect a new chapter! :D
You are killing me right now Author-nim! Is it yoomi?
Haha, well I'm glad you are enjoying it ^^
awwwwwww >< I'm happy now~ :D but I don't really want to say what happens because sometimes I find out what happens before I read the actual chapter because I accidentally scroll down. :P
LOL Jaehyo and his Pikachu outfit.
OhMyJaehyo #10
ROFL warning warning warning warning~ B.A.P!!! <3 Update soon!