Carrot War And The Mall?

What To Do With Mr. Vain?


         On the way home you start to remember the years back when you were around the age of five or six. Your brother was outside playing with a friend and you were cooped up inside because you didn't make friends so well in your neighborhood. You watched your brother and his friend play in the mud; the typical thing boys do and all of a sudden your brother gets up and comes inside. 
         "What's wrong oppa?" He grabs your hand and takes you outside.
         "Really, you want me to play with you?" Your expression changes from complete and utter boredom to delightment. 
         "I couldn't sit out here and watch my dongsaeng do nothing but count the dust in our house. " He laughed and ruffled your hair. 
        "Who's he?" You point towards your brother's friend.
        "He's Ahn Jaehyo. Jaehyo this is my dongsaeng, Heejin. "
        You twirled around and around but stopped before you could get to dizzy. Both of the boys let out little giggles. The memory fades away and it leaves you with a smile on your face.
       "Whatcha so smiley about?" Yoomi asks as she nudges your elbow.
       "First off, he's a childhood friend... I would not think of him in any other way besides that. Secondly, I was recalling me refusing to bake you a cake that you asked for Ms.Nosey." You playfully push Yoomi. *GAH! Can I not have a happy memory without her butting in? I guess if she didn't do that, then it wouldn't make her my Yoomi.* Yoomi is uncontrollaby laughing at the thought of you baking. 
      "HEY! I CAN BAKE......AS LONG AS THE CAKE MIX COMES IN A BOX! Now a homemade cake would be asking for a slow and painful death...well for me." You and Yoomi erupt with  laughter and for the rest of the trip you and yoomi walk with your arms linked, like best friends should. 
     You wake up at the sound of Yoomi's melodic singing. You walk towards her room and peek your head in.
     "I haven't heard you sing in forever Yoomi! Why did you ever stop?"
     "GAH! Can't you knock first?!"  *Unlike you? Yes I can, but today I chose not to.* You slide your hands into your sleeves. 
     "I'm sorry that my lack of hands disturbs you because I can not knock on your door whereas you can knock on mine and you just walk right on in." You hold up your arms showing that you are "handless" 
     "Don't get smart with me you little..." she runs over towards you and pushes you. Of course, you fell right on your . 
    "OW!" You scream ar her as you rub your now sore bottom.
    "Let's get going before you injure me any more. " You walk down the stairs and patiently wait for Yoomi.
    You hear a loud booming thud. 
    "GAH! THOSE STUPID STAIRS WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME!"  You laugh silently at your klutz of a friend. 
    "Just come on before you go insane and start talking to the wall." You help her up and walk out the door with a slowly running Yoomi behind you. 
    "WAIT! HEEJIN! WAIT FOR ME! " You pause for five seconds to let your friend catch up with you. *Today of all days you decide to move as fast as a sloth.*
About 15 minutes later you arrive at school.
    A smiling Jaehyo approaches you in literature class.
   "So the guys and I were wondering if you and Yoomi would like to come to the mall later?" *Since when has Jaehyo liked to shop?* You nod your head knowing you couldn't say no to him. You figured the guys would include everyone but Zico and Ukwon because you three don't get along so well. 
Class seems to drone on and on. Instead of listening to Ms. Lee's lecture, you and Yoomi decided to talk throughout the entire thing.
   "I really hope Zico won't come." Yoomi sighs knowing since she said that he probably will.
   "I hope he doesn't either. I mean, did you see how much he resented me when we went over to Jaehyo's house? " You say, slightly feeling hated. 
    Finally, her lecture is over and class is dismissed. You walk out of the room and hear Yoomi scream freedom, like she was some kind of criminal being released from jail.
   *Babo, school isn't over yet so don't quite yell freedom now my little caged bird.*
    Today, most of the junior class decided to be idiots and throw food around the lunchroom, but mainly it was carrots.
   "I swear if one of those stupid carrots hit me, Yoomi won't be a happy person." Yoomi slightly growled. You imagined Yoomi turning into an angry grizzly bear after being hit with one tiny carrot. *Oh no. Please don't let her get hit with a carrot. For everything good, don't let Yoomi get hit with a carrot.*
     Two seconds after you pray that, sure enough Yoomi gets hit with a carrot. She was in mid-sentence and the carrot landed directly in . Her eyes started to show her furious attitude. You spot the idiot who decided to throw a carrot at her, it was Zico. *I think he's asking for a death wish. Yoomi is going to kill him.* You slide out from the table and walk outside, not wanting to take part of this...carrot war. As you are walking outside enjoying the peace and quiet you bump into somebody and cause them to drop whatever they were holding. 
    "I am so sorry. " You bent down to pick up whatever you made them drop.  
    "No, it's fine." you hear a familiar voice and look up. Realizing that it was Ukwon you automatically stood up and smoothed out your skirt. 
    "What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be throwing carrots with your friends?" You give him a sort of death glare. 
    "No. I'm not an idiot." He turns around and starts to walk off. 
    "HEY! Are you coming to the mall with Jaehyo and the others?" You caught his attention by that sentence and he slowly nods his head. 
    "I guess I'll see you later then." You smile and walk off.
*Heejin, there is nothing I can do to make you like me. Why don't you stop making my heart beat?*
    The last class of the day is finally over and you walk out of the school doors waiting for everyone outside of the front door.         *Why do I have to walk so fast and have an extremely lazy friend?* You see Yoomi's gleeming face. 
    "FRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEDOM!" She screams putting her fists in the air as if she has won a million dollars. You shake your head. *It wouldn't be such torture if you actually focused on something besides how boring the teacher is.*
    "Did you see the others? " You ask because by this point you are starving.  Yoomi shakes her head from left to right. You let out an angry sigh and sit down on the stairs leading to the school doors. 
  About 15 to 20 minutes later you see 5 figures walk out of the building. You walk up to them grumpily. 
    "We had to wait for this one." Jaehyo points to Kyung and you immediately understand what happened. *So Kyung started the carrot war. Nice.*
    You guys arrive at the mall and your stomach is growling, terribly. 
    "Who let out the tiger?" Kyung jokes. You give your best glare at him.
     "Let's just hurry to the food court before I die of starvation....please?" You take off running to the food court. 
     "HEEJIN! " You hear three voices call your name at once. You stop automatically and turn around.  You pout knowing the growling in your stomach will intensify by the time they get over to where you are standing. Finally they get to you and you slowly walk to the food court this time. You order about everything you can get your hands on. 
     "Who knew you turned into such a pig?" Jaehyo questions, whereas the others are staring in amazement. 
     "When I'm hungry, I truely mean that I'm hungry. " You continue eating.
     "I'm gonna go walk around." P.O got up and left, knowing that you would take you forever to eat all that food. 
     After you're fully satisfied and ready to do some shopping, everyone is just ready to go do anything they can, besides sitting of course. You go to all the stores and look around in clothing sections, but eventually you wonder where P.O is. 
     "Hey, you guys have you seen P.O?"  This question draws everyone's attention. 
     "No. So let's split up and look for him." Jaehyo assigned the groups and guess who you got stuck with, Ukwon.
     "Let's check the furniture store. That is the only store we havent gone in. " You started walking with Ukwon right on your heels. 
    You found P.O in the furniture store and to your surprise, he's passed out. *My goodness. How can we get him up? HE'S SNORING!* Ukwon walks over to P.O and taps him on the head. 
    "AH!" P.O's deep voice fills the store and everyone in there is looking in your direction.
    "What was that for?" He runs his head. *It was just a tap. Is he that easily hurt?*
    "I wanted to wake you before you started drooling on something that isn't yours." Ukwon smoothly says. *I see the way you look at Heejin sometimes. Back off. She's mine.*
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I will update this soon you guys, I promise. I'll try to before the weekend because I won't be able to get access to a computer then.


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kojafan #1
Chapter 42: Now that what I called a sweet story it was really good considering it was your first^^ the romance moments in the story was perfect^___^ I love it<3 Keep going
Chapter 42: Awhh!!! That was adorable! But did yoomi end up with daehyun or zico? :/ but still a cute ending.. <3
Chapter 42: yayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!
Chapter 42: awesome love it they make ____ a cute couple:)
You'll find out soon ^^. I will not be able to update tonight because I will be at a friend's house, but tomorrow expect a new chapter! :D
You are killing me right now Author-nim! Is it yoomi?
Haha, well I'm glad you are enjoying it ^^
awwwwwww >< I'm happy now~ :D but I don't really want to say what happens because sometimes I find out what happens before I read the actual chapter because I accidentally scroll down. :P
LOL Jaehyo and his Pikachu outfit.
OhMyJaehyo #10
ROFL warning warning warning warning~ B.A.P!!! <3 Update soon!