Mission: Saving Heejin. . . Again

What To Do With Mr. Vain?


    "What do you mean finish what you started? I was never involved with oppa in his secret agency! Why did you kill Hyunsoo?" Your eyes start to swell up with tears. He grins at his switchblade.
   "Honestly, he got in my way, and when you get in my way... Let's just say things don't end up looking so pretty." He steps closer to you and the only thing you can do is scream. 
   "You really think people are going to hear you? We're alone. In an abandonded warehouse." He pulls his switchblade close to your face. 
   "Now, let's start to damage that pretty little face of yours." He draws the blade across your cheek and you whimper in pain. You flinch as you see your blood dripping from his blade.
   "If you're going to kill me, why don't you just get it over with?!" You yell at him. You try to kick your feet at him but end up tipping the chair backwards. The chair falls and your head hits the concrete floor so hard that you black out.
   Yong Guk carefully scans each side of the street looking for any suspicious places. *Aish, if we don't find the building soon, Heejin could be dead.* Yong Guk shakes his head of the dreadful thought.
   "No, I won't have another mission failed." He drove the car faster and had everyone in the car really anxious.
   "Yong Guk hyung, slow down. When you drive this fast you might lose control of the wheel." Daehyun says calmly. Ukwon spots an abandoned warehouse.
   "STOP!" Ukwon almost jumps out of the car as Yong Guk slams on the break. 
   "Daehyun and Youngjae, stay with Yoomi." Yong Guk slams the car door behind him and chases after Ukwon. He eventually catches up to him and grabs his shoulder.
   "Ukwon, we can't go barging in there. Take a deep breath. We're going to get her. Don't worry. Come on, I see a door." Yong Guk slides on the wall and slowly opens the door. He motions for Ukwon to walk inside the building first. Ukwon spies your step-father's employee and hides under a table. He motions for Yong Guk to hide as the man paces back and forth. The man lets out an angry sigh and storms out. Yong Guk patiently waits until the man is out of his sight and when he is a hundred percent positive that he is out of the man's sight. He quickly runs into the building.
   "Look for anything leading to a room or something." Yong Guk whispers to Ukwon. Ukwon and Yong Guk look around the room and one of them spots a door.
   "Psst, come here. Theres a door that leads to a cellar. She could be in there." Ukwon motions for Yong Guk to go in. The two walk in a dark stairway and arrive to another door. Yong Guk peeks through the window and sees you tied to a chair. 
   "She's in there." Yong Guk smiles a victorious smile. *This is exactly like the last time she was kidnapped. What if I lose my memory, AGAIN?* Ukwon lets out a supressed sigh. Yong Guk pulls his forefinger to his lips and makes a shushingsound. 
   "We have to go in there when he's not in there." Yong Guk tries to think of a plan , but he hears a phone ringing. It was your step-father's.
   "WHAT? KIDS? OUTSIDE?" Your step-father storms out of the room. It was so dark outside of that room that he couldn't see Ukwon or Yong Guk. As soon as your step-father walks past them, they let out a sigh of relief. They walk in the room and untie you from your chair.
   "Hey, Heejin." Ukwon greets you with a fake smile and pats your head. Your eyes blink open and relief is the main feeling you get when you see his smiling face.
   "Come on, Romeo. Let's get her out of here." You three run towards the door that leads you outside. Your step-father's employee steps out in front of you three and blocks your exit. Yong Guk punches him in the face and take off running towards the car with you and Ukwon following close behind.  A loud bang is all you hear before everything becomes chaotic.
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I will update this soon you guys, I promise. I'll try to before the weekend because I won't be able to get access to a computer then.


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kojafan #1
Chapter 42: Now that what I called a sweet story it was really good considering it was your first^^ the romance moments in the story was perfect^___^ I love it<3 Keep going
Chapter 42: Awhh!!! That was adorable! But did yoomi end up with daehyun or zico? :/ but still a cute ending.. <3
Chapter 42: yayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!
Chapter 42: awesome love it they make ____ a cute couple:)
You'll find out soon ^^. I will not be able to update tonight because I will be at a friend's house, but tomorrow expect a new chapter! :D
You are killing me right now Author-nim! Is it yoomi?
Haha, well I'm glad you are enjoying it ^^
awwwwwww >< I'm happy now~ :D but I don't really want to say what happens because sometimes I find out what happens before I read the actual chapter because I accidentally scroll down. :P
LOL Jaehyo and his Pikachu outfit.
OhMyJaehyo #10
ROFL warning warning warning warning~ B.A.P!!! <3 Update soon!