Doing Our Job

What To Do With Mr. Vain?


   The silence in the house gave an eerie feeling.
   "So, how about we go to the mall?" Jaehyo asks as he scratches his head.
   "Not again!" P.O screams. 
   "Don't worry P.O, this time I won't pig out on food. I'm stuffed." You say as you pat your stomach. 
   "Okay then it's a great idea Jaehyo hyung!" P.O hops up and almost runs out the door.
   "Wait! P.O!" Jaehyo screams.
   "What?" He spins around on the back of his heels. 
   "Don't you think you need some....actual clothes?" Zico asks looking at P.O's attire. P.O looks down and laughs.
   "Oh yeah, actual clothes would be good." P.O takes off upstairs and the other six members follow him.
   "Hey!" Yoomi shouts.
   "No offense." You pat Yoomi's head and she smiles. The guys soon run down the stairs and off to the mall you go.
   While at the mall you start to want ice cream.
   "Hey you guys...." You start to say before P.O cuts you off.
   "Oh no. Here we go again." He laughs.
   "No. I just wanted some ice cream. Does anyone else?" You jokingly push P.O then give him a smile. You run to the ice cream shop that's in the mall and sit down.
   "Ice cream is so yummy." You say as you finish the last bit. When you got up to throw away the trash you bump into somebody.
   "Sir, I am so sorry!" You say.
   "Don't worry Heejin. Nothing got on my shirt." Yong Guk says as he ruffles your hair.
   "Why are you here?" You walk back to your table. 
   "I need to ask you something. Extremely important." Yong Guk says. When you two arrive back at the the table Block B tenses up.
   "What are you doing here?" Zico growls. 
   "Don't get your underwear in a twist Woo Jiho." Yong Guk said with a sneer.
   "Get. Out. Of. My. Sight." Zico glares. His eyes like daggers.
   "Listen to me. I'm older and I run an orginization where people can kill you in less than a minute. Also there might be a killer looking for Heejin. So if you want to put her through a living Hell then fine, but I'm going to at least try to protect her." Yong Guk says as he motions for you to walk with him.
   "Yong Guk hyung is everything alright?" Zelo asks.
   "Yes. Don't worry yourself about me Zelo." He pats Zelo's strawberry hair and continues walking until he's across the mall. The members of B.A.P start appearing one by one.
   "Now tell me, did anything weird happen after we dropped you and Yoomi off or this morning?" Yong Guk puts his hands on your shoulders.
   "No." You say trying not to stress him out more than he already was.
   "Don't lie to me Heejin. I can tell when people lie and what you just told me was a lie. Now tell me so I can tell my group how to protect you." Yong Guk says.
   "Well there was a phone call. I don't remember exactly what it said." Yong Guk turns and swears under his breath.
   "Youngjae and Daehyun, you guys keep watch around their house. The others and I will stay at headquarters. Call me if you see anything strange." Yong Guk demands. Yongjae and Daehyun nod their heads and walk you back to your table. Youngjae pulls Ukwon away from the table.
   "Listen if you really love her like you say you do, then let my group protect her. You obviously can't. One slip up and you blow like a volcano. Whereas my group knows how to keep quiet." Youngjae says. *How does this guy know that I like Heejin? Is it that obvious?* Ukwon raises an eyebrow.
   "No. It's not that obvious that you like Heejin. It's just we've been watching Heejin's every single move since we learned the death of Hyunsoo." Youngjae walked away. *Can this guy read my mind?* Ukwon blinks in amazement as Youngjae just read his thoughts.
   Daehyun pulls up a seat and sits next to Yoomi. Ukwon and Youngjae walk back to the table.
   "What are these two doing here?" Zico lets out a huff.
   "We're doing our job, unlike you." Daehyun says.
   "Say that again. I couldn't hear you because of that mask that is always covering your face!" Zico stands up. Daehyun removes his mask.
   "I said, we're doing our job. Unlike you. Did you hear me that time or should I repeat myself again?" Daehyun asks as he also stands up.
   "I may not know how to protect someone but I can fight. Pretty darn well might I add." Zico says as his eyes grow furious.
   "GUYS!" You scream as you push the fussing kids back into their seats.
   "Protecting me isn't going to work so well if you're going to go at each other's throats the whole time." You say. The look you gave them made it seem like a mad mother punishing her children.
   "Listen, Heejin's right. We don't like what is going on but we have to do our jobs. So we have to grow up and deal with each other until then. Deal?" Youngjae extends his hand to Zico.
   "Deal." Zico nods his head and leaves the table.
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I will update this soon you guys, I promise. I'll try to before the weekend because I won't be able to get access to a computer then.


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kojafan #1
Chapter 42: Now that what I called a sweet story it was really good considering it was your first^^ the romance moments in the story was perfect^___^ I love it<3 Keep going
Chapter 42: Awhh!!! That was adorable! But did yoomi end up with daehyun or zico? :/ but still a cute ending.. <3
Chapter 42: yayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!
Chapter 42: awesome love it they make ____ a cute couple:)
You'll find out soon ^^. I will not be able to update tonight because I will be at a friend's house, but tomorrow expect a new chapter! :D
You are killing me right now Author-nim! Is it yoomi?
Haha, well I'm glad you are enjoying it ^^
awwwwwww >< I'm happy now~ :D but I don't really want to say what happens because sometimes I find out what happens before I read the actual chapter because I accidentally scroll down. :P
LOL Jaehyo and his Pikachu outfit.
OhMyJaehyo #10
ROFL warning warning warning warning~ B.A.P!!! <3 Update soon!