Falling for him!

My stalker

“Ra Mi! Park Ra Mi! WAKE UP!!! WAKE UP!!” shouted Jira as I slowly opened my eyes “I’M UP!! STOP THAT!” I yelled then finally Jira stopped. “What time is it?” I asked looking at my glow clock. “7:45?! ! I am so late!” I said while running to the bathroom. I came out after 15 minutes but Jira wasn’t panicking, if she’s not worried why did she wake me up? She is such a mind reader because she just answered my question “Why were you smiling at your sleep? That’s why I woke you up.” She asked nodding. I smiled at the thought of that ‘because of Myungsoo…J’ I thought. “Why are you smiling now? Something is definitely up!” exclaimed Jira looking at me with curiosity. “Okay… I’ll tell you later! It’s already late, pabo!” I said to her jokingly. She knew I was joking and she laughed and I laughed with her then we started to crack up. When we arrived to class I saw Myungsoo and I smiled then came to the seat next to him. He saw me and gave me a big smile “YOU ARE LATE!” he said looking angry “Mianhe… I overslept” I apologized ‘Overslept dreaming of you… <3’ I thought. He smiled at me “It’s okay.” He said then a few moments later Jira looked at me and smirked. I knew she must have already found out. She’s Jira, My best friend… The girl who knows everything just the second she sees something odd like this. Another announcement was made today, our teacher is still ill so we won’t be studying again. “Let’s go to the comfort room!” she said dragging me outside, once we reached the comfort room she jumped up and down “Are you two going out? Did anything happen last night? Did he kiss you? Did you kiss him back?” she asked many questions as usual. “No, yes, yes and yes.” I replied. She jumped more than hugged me. “Do you like him? Does he like you?” she asked again I didn’t answer because I was still thinking about the first question, do I like him? “I don’t know and I don’t know.” I replied than she shook her head “It must be a yes for both because he L the school’s kingka kissed you then you kissed him back and this morning you were smiling dreaming of him right?” she said happily “Maybe…” I said then I smiled thinking of him. All the time at class I looked at him. Jira was right, I was definitely falling for him but I’m not sure if he loves me back Lbut if he doesn’t why did he kiss me last night. After school I walked by myself to my house because Jiyong picked up Jira at school. On my way there I can sense someone was following me, I walked faster but no footsteps were heard and I turn around to see nobody was there. I must be imagining it. When I went back home all I can think of was Myungsoo. ‘Myungsoo, Myungsoo, Myungsoo! I think I love you’ I thought. Jira called me and when I answered she was laughing “Ra Mi! Jiyong cried watching heartstring! Hahahahahahaha” she cracked up and soon I cracked up too “Hahahahahaha, that is so weird!” I said we paused from laughing and after 10 seconds we laughed like a maniac again. That was probably the funniest thing I’ve ever heard. “Okay bye! I don’t want my namja to get mad!”  “Okay! Bye, see you tomorrow.” I said then hung up my phone. I continued my endless thought of Myungsoo. “Myungsoo, what a cute name he have and he changed it to L? Pfft, Myungsoo is way better than L.” I said out loud then I heard a knock on my door “Miss, are you eating dinner?” one of my maids asked “I’ll come down soon!” I yelled and I can hear my maid’s footstep and she left. I booted up my laptop and wrote on my electric diary about the night he kissed me and also about my endless thought of him. After moments passed my stomach was grumbling and I was getting hungry so I went down to eat. After my dinner I went back upstairs and sleep going to dreamland and meet Myungsoo.

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Hazydako #2
Asdfghjkl L.Joe kissed her?? Uh-oh this is NG. Update soon author-nim....:D Pleaseeeeee... Dying to know what will happen next?? Gahhhh Myungsoo Myungsoo~ >.<
boyfriendcuties13 #3
eternity4infinity #4
11 subs sudah ni~ Congrats love! <3
Hazydako #5
Updateeeeeeee :)
Hazydako #6
Omg omg myungsoo just kissed herr! Omg omg he's so sweett. XD what will happen next?! Update soon? Please? Heheheh :)
boyfriendcuties13 #7
soon! Tomorrow maybe. Thank you for reading!
Kyaaaaa~ sweet! Update more please..? :3
Update soon! ^^
boyfriendcuties13 #10
Inspired from.......