
“I’m back!” Selina shouted as she closed the door behind her.

Jiro took off his shoes uncomfortably.

“You made it back.” Mrs. Ren stated. “You two better go get out of your soaking clothes. Hurry back for dinner.”

Selina nodded and followed the now mute Jiro up the stairs. After drying themselves they came down for dinner then returned to their rooms to do homework. It was silent as it had always been for Selina. Her room was hers alone. She always did things alone.

A moment later she found herself looking up into Jiro’s face when he placed his homework in front of her.

“Do it for me,” he ordered. “I didn’t pay attention in class.”

With that he walked toward then paused to turn around.

“I didn’t like the dinner your mother made,” he said and closed the door behind him.

Selina suppressed her face from frowning and glanced at his blank sheet. Without sighing she copied the answers from her sheet onto his.


Jiro sat down at the desk facing the wall and opened his cell phone to take a glance at the picture inside. The one girl he had loved. Dumped by her and now she was off to marry some rich man. Bitter feelings... What did that man have that he didn’t? What was so great about the other guy? Jiro, he, himself, was so much better. A million times better.

Jiro pouted.

“Who’s that?” Selina questioned from behind.

Jiro quickly shut his cell phone and turned around furiously.

“What are you doing in here?!” he questioned frantically. “Get out right now!”

Selina looked as if she were taken aback, but remained calm. She placed his now filled worksheet in front of him.

“Just finishing what I was told,” Selina replied. “You don’t have to be angry. I won’t be nosing into your personal life…if you remember it.”

Jiro glared at her, “If you’re done, leave.”

Selina left silently and Jiro didn’t turn back until he saw her walk out. He let out an angry sigh of despair and opened his cell phone again.


Selina disappeared again and again, but returned by the end of school day to lead Jiro back to her house. As the days passed by she found that he was a lazy man with a bossy attitude. He always complained about the rain, about her family’s cooking, and about his privacy when he never respected hers.

One day while walking silently with him home Selina couldn’t help, but wonder about one thing.

“Hey, can I ask something?” Selina questioned.

Jiro remained silent and Selina took that as a yes.

“How come you speak in front of everyone else, but you never speak in front of my family?” questioned Selina.

“Why should I?” Jiro said. “I just don’t want to.”

Selina glanced at him one more time and decided to walk silently all the way home. When she did get home she found a note laying on the kitchen table stating that both her parents would be out late at work. Selina tossed the note and left her bag in her room grabbing a sweater.

“Where are you going?” questioned Jiro who had made himself comfortable on the sofa.

“To buy dinner,” Selina responded.

“Then take me to the drug store,” Jiro demanded.

After purchasing her grocery Selina led Jiro to a nearby drug store.

“That’s it?” Selina asked. “Gum?”

“These stores only sell this kind of gum,” Jiro explained. “What? You thought I was going to buy cigarettes?”

“I wasn’t going to say that,” Selina said, “but I guess that was my other thought.”

Jiro shook his head and when they got home he watched as Selina unpacked the food.

“Lets eat out,” Jiro suggested. “Your food is the last kind of food I want to eat.”

Selina raised her head to look at him. She always had the same kind of calm care free expression on her face. She never frowned or glared at anyone. For some reason he just wanted to see her lose her temper. He couldn’t stand people who were always so nice. To his surprise he found himself thinking that about her.

“You go by yourself,” Selina said and started to preheat the stove.

“I don’t want to,” Jiro retaliated, “it makes me look like a loner. I don’t want other people to think lowly of me.”

Selina didn’t respond and Jiro took it as she was ignoring him. The way her family was, the way they got along, the way they laughed, and the way they always ate together; he didn’t like to watch them.

“Hey!” he shouted loudly shocking even himself.

Selina finally turned around and stared at him.

“Why do you want to eat out?” Selina questioned.

“I don’t like your food! I just don’t like it! It’s disgusting when I watch your parents make it together! I feel like puking in my sleep!” Jiro went on.

Silence enwrapped them shortly. An awkward aura lifted itself in the room.

“Do you understand the meaning of 'no'?” Selina asked. “It means to reject, refuse, or express disapproval of. Stop talking about my family like that. My parents are trying to adjust to your needs and make you feel comfortable. If you can’t understand that then you should feel sorry for yourself.”

Jiro shot her a short glare then turned to head upstairs. Selina watched him then continued on with dinner preparations. Selina ate silently wondering if she had been too harsh. Besides Jiro was still suffering from amnesia, it must be hard for him to try and remember this and that and who he was. Selina finished eating, did her homework, and didn’t hear any more from Jiro.

It was in the middle of the night when Selina suddenly woke up. She opened her door and walked to the kitchen to grab a cup of water. She passed by her parents bedroom and listened to the loud snoring of her dad's. Her parents had come back, but Jiro’s door was open. Selina pushed the door further open and found that he wasn’t there. She walked toward the front door and saw Jiro sitting on the front door step.

“What are you doing?” asked Selina.

Jiro turned back to look at her and turned back to look at the road ahead. Selina decided to take a seat next to him.

“It rained yesterday but it’s not cold at all is it?” Selina said.

“I heard them say you’re a perfect person,” Jiro started all of the sudden. “I find that true.”

“Oh...you heard that?” Selina questioned. “You know even a person others take as perfect has unspoken difficulties of their own.”

“Really?” Jiro said. “It doesn’t look like that at all.”

“I guess not,” Selina leaned back and glanced at the blank night sky. “Did you eat?”

“I found something in the fridge,” Jiro replied his eyes meeting the ground.

They sat in silence for a longer time. Minutes must have passed by before Jiro spoke again.

“Actually…I envy your family,” Jiro confessed, “you eat together, you can laugh together and do things together. I never had anything like that.”

“You remember your family?” Selina asked turning to look at him.

Jiro watched her from the corner of his eyes, but refused to turn to meet her eyes.

Jiro played with his fingers and said, “I’ll be leaving tomorrow.”

“What about your injuries?” Selina questioned. “How are you going to survive? My parents would like you to stay a little longer…”

“Actually…I never suffered from amnesia,” Jiro admitted. “I lied and the doctor got it wrong. I needed a place to stay and it was only coincidence I ended up here.”

Selina turned away from him feeling a little loss at words.

“I’ll talk to your parents in the morning,” Jiro told breaking the silence. “I didn’t know I’d wake you up.”

Selina felt a cold breeze pass by as Jiro went back inside. A sudden feeling had overcome her. Loneliness? Maybe that was it, because she had always been alone…the past few days she’d had someone to accompany her.

“Already?” Mr. Ren questioned the next morning.

Selina chowed down her breakfast slowly as she had been excused from school by her parents. Jiro had finally spoken and announced that he’d leave that afternoon. Though he didn’t tell them the truth, Selina found it ok. Her parents didn’t question much either.

They were...just like that. 

“We’re always understanding people.” Selina repeated to herself over and over in her head to herself.


Right after breakfast there was a knock at the door. A middle aged man in a black suit walked in. Politely he had asked for Jiro, and Selina found herself standing on the front door step watching as Jiro got into the car. Selina suddenly felt sorry for yelling at him…but she felt even sorrier for herself for not being able to express herself.

During the next two days Selina returned to her usual routines. She would never have expected her life to change. While at school, after lunch Selina had returned to her classroom for further lessons when suddenly the principal came to the door. Selina walked out of her classroom and in the hallway she spotted a police officer standing with the principal.

“Your parents have been in an accident,” the officer said.


Jiro walked back into his house casually.

“Your mother left you a note,” Joanne, the oldest maid, and the maid he was closest to told him.

Jiro went into his room to find a '3 x 5' card lying on his desk. His mother had scribbled a note that she would be in Paris for the next month and his father would return with her. Always out. That was how they were. Since young Jiro had spent his time alone and had been taken care of by Joanne. Even she felt more like a mother to him than his biological mom. Still, he longed for their presence and love. He sighed and stared at the light bruises on his arms.

“Even when my parents are away I still have drama for myself,” Jiro spoke to himself.


Her parent’s lawyer had talked to her about their will. All their money was now her’s, but she wouldn’t be able to access the money until she had entered university. Meanwhile Selina’s mother’s brother had come down from Taipei to help with funeral preparations. And within two days Selina found herself standing in the funeral house staring at the wooden coffins. To her, being busy and helping with all the preparations to make sure her parents had received the best, she hadn’t had time for herself to mourn over their deaths. She stood by the front door thanking visitors and schoolmates who had come.

The next day Selina had gone to the cemetery to watch the burial. To everyone’s surprise Selina had kept herself from breaking down in sobs like a child would. Through the adult’s eyes she was a responsible teenager who would be able to take care of herself. No one knew though about how hard Selina was taking her parent’s passing away.

As usual no one understood.

Selina had donated all the furniture and her parent’s stuff to the thrift stores and so on. It had been announced to her that she would be moving in with her uncle until she was of legal age. Before the night of departure Selina had requested to stay in the house alone for the last time.

After her uncle left Selina made her self comfortable in what used to be their living room. She laid down resting her head on her suitcase. Everything had been unexpected. It was too rushed. She could accept the fact she had no more family yet she couldn’t face it. Tomorrow she would leave for Taipei and live with another family. There was no time for her to adapt to the changes, but just go along with the flow.

“I’m always understanding…” Selina muttered to herself as she listened to the rain fall.

And finally she curled up into a ball giving herself time to cry.

Selina stared out of the window taking in the scenery as the car rushed its way through traffic.

“When we get there just make yourself at home. Don’t worry about my two kids.” Uncle Tang advised to Selina. “My son, Danson, is in your grade and my daughter, Fei Fei, is a year younger. I’m pretty sure you’ll all get along.”

Selina returned to staring out of the window and zoned out. She didn’t want to listen anymore.

“Whatever happens will happen,” she told herself. “I don’t expect things to be perfect.”

The car drove through the long curbing driveway towards the manor up ahead. It wasn’t that big, but Selina could have cared less. Selina stepped out of the car as servants came running down the front steps.

“This way Selina,” Uncle Tang directed.

Selina followed him obediently. In a while she was standing in the luxurious dining room. Through the doors leading to the patio the sun was shining in heavily. A rectangular table sat in the middle of the room. The floor was yellow and the walls were yellow, the cabinets and so on were yellow. Everything matched. It had the homey feeling that Selina had left behind.

“Did you have anything to eat yet Selina?” Aunt Tang questioned.

“I already ate, thank you,” Selina said politely.

Uncle Tang chuckled, “You don’t need to be so polite Selina. Where’s Fei Fei?”

Within a second a girl wearing a skirt and a blouse walked in.

“What is it mom?” she asked sounding as if she was annoyed then her eyes flashed over at Selina. “Who’s she?”

“Your cousin,” Aunt Tang replied. “Selina.”

“Oh, the daughter of the aunt that died?” Fei Fei asked.

“Fei,” Uncle Tang scolded. “Watch your manners. Don’t talk like that.”

It was then that Selina finally remembered that he was her mother’s brother. She guessed that from his tone he was still upset over it as well.

“Is Danson out?” questioned Uncle Tang.

“He’ll be back in a while,” Aunt Tang told, “Fei, take Selina up to her room.”

“Yes, mom,” Fei said lazily and glanced over at Selina with a dislikable look then walked away.

Selina turned to her aunt and uncle and smiled before following Fei. As much as Selina didn’t want to be there she knew that her parents would want her to try her best to adjust and that was what she was doing.

Fei opened the door to her room.

“Thanks a lot to you, I had to wake up early this morning to prepare this stupid room for you,” Fei told. “You know it’s burdening my parents with you around. You’re lucky my father adores you or I’d make him throw you out.”

Selina, still remaining calm, ignored her cousin.

“If you’re done, could you please leave?” Selina questioned.

“Don’t think you’re so great,” Fei muttered and walked out slamming the door.

Selina bent down and opened her suitcase. The first thing she did was take out her family picture running her fingers over the frame.

“You must be Selina,” a voice said.

Selina whisked around surprised to see, who she guessed was, Danson walk in. He came over and sat down next to her moving in to see what she was holding.

“Your family?” he asked. When Selina didn’t respond he continued, “I’m sorry to hear about your loss.”

Selina turned to look at him. What surprised her most was instead of her having to smile first he did.

“You’re a nice person,” Selina stated.

“I bet you met my sister, Fei,” Danson guessed, “try to be patient with her, because she’s the youngest my parents spoil her a lot. It's obvious she’s like that.”

Selina nodded understandingly.

“If you need help or anything just come to me. I’m always around,” Danson said pointing to himself. “So have you been around?”

Selina figured that before she had been too cooped up with herself, that she had not even noticed anything nice about the house.

“No, I haven’t,” Selina responded.

“I have the perfect spot in mind for you,” Danson said with a mischievous smile. “Wanna come?”

“Sure,” Selina replied as she put the picture back in her suitcase closing it then followed Danson out.

Danson led Selina across the patio towards the thick bushes. He turned to Selina smiling. She stared back at him without expression. With a strong push Danson held the bushes aside and gestured for Selina to go through first then he followed. Selina stopped and waited for him. Ahead there was a small wooden house. Selina poked her head in and glanced around. There was a swinging chair inside and a few pots of flowers placed in front of the window.

“Isn’t it quiet here?” asked Danson still smiling happily. “With Fei around I never got any peace and quiet so my dad built this here for me.”

“Why are you showing it to me?” asked Selina.

“I just figured if you ever wanted to be alone you could come here,” Danson suggested.

For the first time that day, Selina felt herself smile.

When Selina and Danson returned Aunt Tang was looking for them.

“I was wondering what happened to you,” Aunt Tang said. “Come in. Dinner’s about ready.”

Selina sat next to Danson during dinner with Fei sitting across from her, and Uncle Tang sat at the front of the table. Dinner went smoothly and quietly with a little chit chat here and there.

“I heard you did really well at your school. When would you like to start school here?” Uncle Tang questioned. “I figured tomorrow might be too much of a rush…what about the day after?”

“That’s alright,” Selina replied.

“Dad, I’m the top of my class,” Fei added.

“We know that honey,” Aunt Tang nodded, “so we expect you to do well in school too.”

Selina could hear Fei mutter something uninterruptible.

Selina spent the night unpacking her belolngings and after she finished she sat on the bed staring out of the window. It had begun raining not too long ago.

“So the rainy season exists here too,” she told herself.

She didn’t sleep at all that night.

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nice story i like it!!! <33
I remember this story back then and waiting earnestly for each chapter...Wow..is it that long ??? I miss you girl..Hope you are alright and enjoying life..
I'll reread this ,brings back a lot of memories...my idle times..