Is This a Dream?

"I'm Kay.." I whisper, turning practically purple.

"Ah well..nice to meet you," He says, grabbing your hand.  "Maybe later tonight we can go swimming?  I want you to meet my friends because you seem like a very sweet girl."

At that moment I pulled my hand from his, whisper "sounds great" so quietly I doubt it was audible, then bolted for my room.  I laid on the bed, embarressed by what just occured, and think to myself.  *He wants me to meet his friends...That means I will be swimming with.......with...BIGBANG!*

After half an hour of just laying on the bed trying to decide if I should go or not I decided to just force myself up to get ready for the concert. 


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MOMIWISHYOUWENT!ITWASSOAMAZING!!!!!!!!!" I scream not breathing between words, once I get in the car.

"Sweety..I have no idea what you just said...?"  She says staring at me like I'm insane.  "I assume it was better than you expected?"

"Yes! And look what I got?!"  I smile wildly and hold up a sweaty tank top.  "It's Taeyangs!!!"

"Uh...EWW!  Anyways, how on Earth did you get his shirt???"  She said eyeing me carefully.

"Well..He always rips it off and throws it side-stage but at the end of the concert GD grabbed it, ran out on stage, teased fans with it, then threw it at us..."  I explain, an evil smile appearing on my face.  I don't tell her how it became mine though... which is:  Once GD threw it a girl in front of me caught it.  She freaked out and another girl attacked her..While they fought, it fell on the ground, so i dove for it and ran.  Good thing I ran cross country for 4 years.. >:)

"So..Are you going to swim or soak in the hottub to relax when we get back?" My mom asked.  She has no idea who I met at the pools door today but she knew it was a boy.  She's just smart like that. haha..

"Yeah..I mean if that's okay with you?"  I say trying to prove my maturity so she won't follow along.

"Kay.  You don't have to kiss-.. I'm going to shower than sleep."  She said slightly scolding and laughing at the same time.  "Have fun"

*Oh trust me..I will* I think to myself.


*Here goes nothing*  I think to myself.  "Oh."  I say outloud.  The pool and hottub were completely empty.  I was the only person in the whole room.  I just sigh and say to myself "I must have been hardcore daydreaming earlier."  I decide to get in anyways because I've never had a pool to myself before.  I take off my outterwear and stand at the edge of the pool.."One, Two, Th--"

"THREEEEEEEEEE!"  Seungri screams as he picks me up and jumps in the pool with me!

---Seungri's POV---

Is that the girl from earlier?..Kay?  Wow..she looks so cute in that green two-piece. Teehee.  The guys better hurry up cause I might try and keep her to myself instead >:)

I decided to run and throw her into the pool instead of waiting for the guys...bad idea.  Why?  I fell in with her.. -_-

---Kay's POV-

"What the?!" I yell.  Once I turn around and see it was Seungri I call down a bit.  "Why did you do that?  I could' or something.."  I have got to stop being so shy.. -_-

"Sorry, I thought it would be funny.." he explains pouting.  Omo..SO CUTE!

"It's okay.  Sorry I scolded you like a mom.." I say as he starts to giggle.  Soon his giggles became full out laughfter.. What the heck was he laughing at?

Turning around to look in the direction his eyes were before he started laughing and didn't know what to even do.  Laugh? Blush? Cover my eyes? Hide?  All I could do was stare in amazement.  There was Big Bang..standing there giving Seungri a strange look.  They all jumped in except TOP.  I just kept staring at him as he stared back.  I couldn't hold it in anymore..TOP in a speedo! O.M.G!

I run out of the pool and go straight to my towel.  As soon as my towel hit my face I let out the most hysterical laugh i've ever experienced.  It wasn't a 'That was funny' laugh though.. It was a 'Omo that was so hot, confusing, and awkward thing ever' kind of laugh.

"Yah..What's so funny?"  GD called out to me.  "Who are you anyways?  Are you and Seungri friends?"

"Why so many questions?" I asked back. Where did that come from?! Did I just get fiesty at GD??

"She is the girl I told you guys about earlier."  Seungri explained as he walked over to me.  "Her name is Kay."

All the guys at once said "HELLO KAY!!" while smiling.

I just smile and nod back at them.  Is this even real?  Am I about to swim with Big Bang?  Is Seungri's arm around me?  Is TOP seriously in a speedo?!  Omo!..




That's all for now..

I might post another chapter later tonight. :) idk yet.  Sttay tuned 








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Chapter 10: my fangirl heart had a mini panic attack LOL... i still cant stop laughing about the mom's reaction to fangirls XD EPIC!
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 10: I would have died by now. This was an awesome story
gemmaflame #3
Chapter 10: I LOVE IT!!!
SHINee_Writer #4
Chapter 5: Hahahahaha!! This chapter made me crack
Up!! Omo!!!!!!! Lol! So funny!'
Omg babe i can't believe i forgot about this story lol
asianFrustration #6
YES FOR ONCE TAE GETS THE GIRL! NOW HE'S NOT FOREVER ALONE! lol. I can't believe it's over already TT! Any chance there'll be a sequel? Unless you have no plot or anything for it. I'd still settle for anything ;D
Appa I loved it~~ <33333
Kitty_angel_vip #8
i love it i wait for next update
asianFrustration #9
y man cafe! LOL that sounded wrong...Now I can dance I see. If that was me in real life..