The Things That Happen To Me..-_-

Is This a Dream?

~~~KAY'S POV~~~

...the second the doors close the most terrifying sound EVER occured, then the lights went out...I can't breathe.."Kay?"  I can't speak.. "KAY??"  He sounds so concerned..why can't I reassure him and say I'm okay?  Suddenly the lights came back on.  I sigh with relief as the elevator starts back up.

"Kay, are you okay?  Why didn't you answer me?..."  Taeyang said this not only sounding worried but he lookeed..sad?

"..I'm sorry Tae..I was so scared I held my breath and couldn't move or speak..."  I explained.  My voice was so shookin up it came out raspy which startled me and made Tae look up at me with concern.

"Are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah..I just need out of this elevator.."  I answer, clearing my throat.  When the doors opened on the bottom floor Seungri was waiting to get on to go back up to the rooms.

"Hey gu--Kay?..Are you okay?  You are so pale.."  That was the first thing Seungri said once he realized who was in the elevator.  Was I really that pale?

"Yeah I-I'm fine..just really don't like elevators..and this one shut off on us for a second or two.  I honestly thought we were going to die."  laughing nervously at the end to be sure not to worry him to much.

Seungri then did something I wasn't expecting.  He reached over and hugged me super tight saying he is glad we were okay and that he may know the reason for the elevator malfunctioning.  Apparently there had been a slight power outage due to a storm brewing up outside.  This didn't make me feel any all.  Why am I experiencing one fear after another..first hieghts, then elevators, now freaking thunder.. This is definately not my weekend..well sorta anyways.. I did make friends with the coolest guys on the planet and saw them in concert..other than that though everything .

"Hmmhmm!"  Taeyang cleared his throat so loud I jumped because I was expecting thunder.. -.- "Ah. Did I scare you Kay? Still that jumpy from the elevators?"

I finally realize I was still hugging Seungri so I quickly release him but thank him for the comfort.  That must have made Taeyang feel a little awkward..sorry Tae. :/

"Soooooo guys since there is going to be a storm I'm going to wake my mom up.  It'll take me a bit to go to my room by stairs but I'll be fine.  Getting scared made my appetite go away anyways.  PLUS I'm horrified of thunder and am already embarressed by you two knowing of my other fear so I will go now.  See you later."  I said that so fast I doubt they understood a word.  Once I spit all of that out I instantly walk to the enclosed stairway and start my walk up.. Did I mention we are on the 12th floor? ....Yeah.  My legs are going to be crying once I reach the top. *SIGHHHH* Oh well.  I'd rather walk up a hug flight of stairs than even look at another elevator.

"Finally!"  I yell to myself as I see the door to the 12th floor only a couple more steps up.  Just then I hear a very loud thunder strike which makes the building vibrate.  I wasted no time and hauled up the last few step and through that door.  Since the stairs are nexxt to the elevators I ran into someone waiting for one so hard that we both hit the ground.

"Oww!..What the h--Kay?  Why are you running up the stairs so quickly?"  It was GD.  He didn't wait for an answer because he realized something and had to ask "Did you just walk up all 12 flights of stairs from the bottom??"

Trying to catch my breath I explain myself, "GD.  I'm scared of elevators but I decided to ride one down with Taeyang a little bit ago.  There ended up being a quick, slight power outage due to a storm starting up outside and the elevator shut off.. that is one of my biggest fears..I didn't want to risk getting trapped any longer so chose to take the stairs...Once I was near the entrance to this floor that thunder clap hit which made me jump really hard and scared I ren.."

'GD just stared at you.  Concentrating on what you just said to him.  Right when he opened his mouth to say something another clap of thunder hit and I flung myself into his arms yelping outloud at the sound.

~~~GD'S POV~~~

First she runs me down, then tries to explain herself, and now is in my arms due to a little thunder?..This poor girl is really a handfull. 

"Kay?  You're okay." I say pulling back slightly and smiling at her.  Her facial expression was frozen like O_O'  "There's nothing to fear when Big bang and I are near..Okay?"

Is she crying??  I look down at her to see why she dropped to the floor and see she's..laughing? Wtf?  So weird?!  "what's so funny?"

"Bahahaha you made it sound like you were rapping because what you said rhymed"  she laughed out.

"Haha I guess so.." I say smiling.  She's got such a cute laugh hehe.

~~~KAY'S POV~~~

After me GD parted ways I finally made it back up to my room.  My mom was in the shower. That's no shocker.  In fact it's what I expected to come back to.  "Hey mom! What time are we leaving to go back home?!"  I yell through the door over the loudness of the water.

"We aren't even leaving for another week.  Honey, I thought I told you this was a week vacay for you for your birthday/ graduation present?"  She said back after turning off the water.

What?!  YAY!  More time with the most amazing guys on Earth!  "OH! OKAY!"  I yell in excitement.  "For the record though, you did NOT mention this to me..EVER."

"Oh. Haha!  Sorry sweety I thought I did?" She apologizes. 

"It's okay. AND THANKYOUUUU! :D" I yell, running over to my mom and then tackle/bear hug her.

"You're welcome hun."




Not what you expected huh?  Sorry this chapter is a little slow  xP


~ Kay <3

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Chapter 10: my fangirl heart had a mini panic attack LOL... i still cant stop laughing about the mom's reaction to fangirls XD EPIC!
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 10: I would have died by now. This was an awesome story
gemmaflame #3
Chapter 10: I LOVE IT!!!
SHINee_Writer #4
Chapter 5: Hahahahaha!! This chapter made me crack
Up!! Omo!!!!!!! Lol! So funny!'
Omg babe i can't believe i forgot about this story lol
asianFrustration #6
YES FOR ONCE TAE GETS THE GIRL! NOW HE'S NOT FOREVER ALONE! lol. I can't believe it's over already TT! Any chance there'll be a sequel? Unless you have no plot or anything for it. I'd still settle for anything ;D
Appa I loved it~~ <33333
Kitty_angel_vip #8
i love it i wait for next update
asianFrustration #9
y man cafe! LOL that sounded wrong...Now I can dance I see. If that was me in real life..