Is This a Dream?

~~~KAY'S POV~~~

This beach spot my mom told us about is forever away.. It better be nice because if not im going to be annoyed at this lengthy drive.. -_-

**1 HOUR LATER** ((AUTHORS NOTE: <--anyone been reader this in the spongebob voice??))

"Aish-We are FINALLY here!"  I say to everyone pulling into the deserted beach area.  Silence.  "Guy's?"  No answer. 

What the-  I turn around to see all five guys cuddled together asleep.  "Omo this is so cute!! :3"  I say pulling my phone out taking a picture.  TOP was in between  Daesung and Seungri, his head on top of Seungri's, both Dae and Seungri cudlling against their hyungs shoulders. In the seat in front of them GD and Taeyang had both laid down in the seat cuddling as if they were a couple.  All five of them had this innocence while asleep. 

I decide not to bug them and just climb out of the drivers seat, opening the trunk and setting up all of the towels and other stuff, figuring they were safe from other fans I let all of the doors open so the fresh air would wake them eventually and naturally.  It was only 8:30 anyways.  Watching the sunrise was amazing for me even though I was alone.  Standing in the water, walking through the waves, the breeze calmly blowing through my hair, as the sunlight slowly drifted through the water onto my skin.  This was amazing until I stepped on something sharp...Stumbling.  Falling face first.  Yup.  That's how I found the old beer bottles left behind by my father.. -_-' foot hurts.  Stupid bottle..

I swear the second my face hit the water I thought I'd died.  The water wasn't deep where I was walking but there was a drop off under the water, which my mom had also warned us about, that I had just so happen to find unfortunately. *Sigh* I hate my luck..  After I finally pulled my self out of the water I limped back to my towel and examined my foot.

"It's not too bad.."  I mumble to myself taking my shirt off, ripping it, and tying it around my small would.  "There.  All better."  I confirm to myself.

"What was wrong that you fixed?"  Asked TOP's deep, raspy voice making me jump.  "Sorry.  Didn't mean to startle you.. Also sorry we all passed out in the car.  None of us slept because of the attack by fans." 

"It's fine.  I was slightly enjoying the silence of the morning alone."  I smiled to him.  "Oh..and the little thing I had to fix was this.."

Lifting my foot into the air so he could get a good view of the wrapped up foot.  "What happend?" He asked with a glimpse of concern.

"I stepped on a broken bottle..Which reminds me..Want to help me clean up the glass so the others don't step on it too?"

"Sure.Are you sure you're okay?"  He smiled but also reached out to steady me as I stood up.

"Yup I'll be fine. Now.  Let's get to work. :)"

~~~GD'S POV~~~

Mmmm.  The smell of the sea is nice..wait? someone cuddling with me?!  "AH!  Taeyang let go I'm not Kay!"  I yell blushing from embaressment.

"Yah..what's going on hyung?"  a sleepy Seungri asks me sitting up from cuddling Daesung.

"Nothing maknae.. Just scared myself awake through cuddling with Youngbae(Taeyangs real name)"  I explain.


Weirdo hyung.. Me and Dae always cuddle cause we aare close like that.. I though they were close too?  I guess just not in that way?


"Where are TOP and Kay?  And how long have we been sleeping?  Should we wake up Taeyang?"  I hear GD and Seungri asking eachother.

"Ay we can leave Tae to finish his sleep.  As for TOP and Kay they are out there in the water splashing around.  Let's go!  Who cares how long we slept?!"  I say sitting up and putting on one of my famous smiles.



Yawning I roll over to see no one else in the car.  They left me here alone?  Meanies..  "Where did they go?"  I ask myself streching while climbing out of the car.  I don't see them anyw--

"TAEYANG!!"  I hear a girls voice scream then I felt myself being tackled.  I'm not going to lie I'm terrified by this.  How did a fan find us???  Where is Kay?  Is she okay?  Those were the questions that went through my mind until I realised the girl who tackled me and was no sitting on me was...Kay?  What the hell?

~~~KAY'S POV~~~

"Hahahahahaha!  Tae you should have seen your face!"  I say laughing my ars off at his expression.

Suddenly a creep smile creeps onto his face..Omo...He then get's up, picks me up, and starts walking towards the water.."AISH!  TAE WAIT! NOT AGAIN! I HAVE AN INJUSRY! PLEASE I DON'T WANT TO GO INTO THE WATER!" I yell hysterically.

I learned while I was cleaning up the glass with TOP that the salt water really aggitated my cut on my foot which hurt.  I really didn't want the water to touch it again.  Luckily for me Taeyang heard me say injusry and stopped walking.

"Yah..You're hurt?  What happend?"  He asked now completely serious and looking at me worried.

"I'm fine Tae.  Really.  I just stepped on glass earlier while y'all were all sleeping and cut my foot."  I explained.

He just kept holding me, bridal style, carryiing me back to my towel.  All of the guys were giggling at the sight.  I couldn't help but blush, especially once I realized I was being held against his bare, tan chest.  I probably was a red as an apple once he sat me down. 

"You didn't have to carry me Tae..I would have been fine walking."  I say slightly smiling, still blushing like a crazy person.

"No.  You shouldn't walk on a cut like that or else it won't ever heal."  He explains sitting down next to me.  "Besides.  I don't mind carrying you."

I just blush all over again and look down..this boys going to be the death of me.. >.>


Everyone sat beside eachother on their towels after an incredibly fun and relaxing day at the beach and watched as the sun started to set.  Kay was getting so close to all of the guys but worry started to set in.. at the end of this week, when they leave, will they remember her?  What if all of these memories they make slip from their minds.  Everyones that is except hers.  What about Taeyang?  And the feelings she had for him which continued to grow.. what if none of them acctually like her.

~~~KAY'S POV~~~

Watching this sunset with the guys is so sweet and romantic.  If only A certain someone knew how I felt for him.. Then this could be even more romantic..


Seungri's chance is here..and he's walking this way.. Why can't she be mine?..


"Yah..Taeyang come here for a minute."  I say walking up to the other side of our little towel line.

"Okay."  He said getting up.  As we walk away from the others so I can talk to him he glances back at Kay confirming what I already knew.

" like Kay, neh?"  I ask bluntly.

Looking a little taken back he slowly nods and looks down. "N-Neh..but I know you saw her first so I know you call dibbs.."

"WHAT?! No no I don't like her like that.  She is pretty but I called dibbs on being her closest friend.  I called you over here to tell you to hurry and make a move before the sun is completely gone."  I say pushing him back towards Kay, his eyes widening.

"Thank you maknae!" he whispers happily with the biggest smile onhis lips I'd ever seen.

~~~KAY'S POV~~~

*Sigh*  I guess Tae and Seungri are going to miss the rest of the sun setting.  I was enjoying Tae sitting next to me too.. I pouted to myself.

Taeyang then was back and sitting back down next to me, smiling to me, then looking back at the sunset.  I smile at him then look back watching it with him.  Suddenly I felt a warmth over my hand so I instinctively looked down pulling my hand away in shock.  I then realize Taeyangs hand had been on top of mine..Oh no and I moved away...He probably hates me now.. :(  I shall fix this!  Reaching backdown I snake my fingers between his and kiss his cheek laying my head on his shoulder.

Where did this bravery come from? I have no idea.. but I like it.




;D <33333333333333333



Kay <3

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Chapter 10: my fangirl heart had a mini panic attack LOL... i still cant stop laughing about the mom's reaction to fangirls XD EPIC!
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 10: I would have died by now. This was an awesome story
gemmaflame #3
Chapter 10: I LOVE IT!!!
SHINee_Writer #4
Chapter 5: Hahahahaha!! This chapter made me crack
Up!! Omo!!!!!!! Lol! So funny!'
Omg babe i can't believe i forgot about this story lol
asianFrustration #6
YES FOR ONCE TAE GETS THE GIRL! NOW HE'S NOT FOREVER ALONE! lol. I can't believe it's over already TT! Any chance there'll be a sequel? Unless you have no plot or anything for it. I'd still settle for anything ;D
Appa I loved it~~ <33333
Kitty_angel_vip #8
i love it i wait for next update
asianFrustration #9
y man cafe! LOL that sounded wrong...Now I can dance I see. If that was me in real life..