What A Day

Is This a Dream?



~~~KAY'S POV~~~


What in the world?  Who is knocking on the door at..what time is it anyways? FIVE AM?!

"Who is it?"  I say quietly but still loud enough for whoever was outside to hear.

"It's us!  Please let us in it's an emergancy!"  said one of the voices outside.

"Us as in Big Bang, Kay.  Please open the door it's urgent."  said a deep, calm voice.  That voice could only belong to TOP.

Right as I begin to open the door they push through, running in and shutting the door behind them.  I look over to check on my mom.  She is still asleep through all of that??  Thank GOD!

"Guy's what the heck is going on?!"  I yell in a whisper.  "Also, if you wake my mom up before 7:30 she will personally kill all of us off one by one..!" I warn in a scared tone.  Yes scared.  My mom is a beast in the morning..not in the good way either.

"We're really sorry to burst in like this but someone leaked what rooms we were staying in and fans ambushed us.." GD explained.  "We know you're a fan too so no joking around about this :P"  He said in a calmer, silly voice.

"How do you know I'm not the one who leaked the info?"  I respond in a menacing tone.  Smirking I add, "How else was I going to get you guys back for nearly drowning me?"

They just stared.  Daesung took a couple of steps back and hid behind Seungri.  GD and Taeyang just looked at eachother trying to decide whether or not to believe what I had just said.  TOP's face was emotionless.  If anything he saw through the lie but didn't ruin my fun.  I fell to the floor laughing and holding my mouth so I wouldn't wake up my mom.

"Hahahahaha, y'all should see y'all faces, hahahaha"  I laughed.  This was way funnier then it should have been.  I guess that saying is true.  Everything is funnier when you aren't supposed to laugh.


We all froze.

"WE KNOW YOURE IN THERE BIGBANG! WE LOVE YOU!!! PLEASE COME OUT AND GREET US!!!"  yelled multiple voice outside my door at once.

"What are we going to d---" Daesung didn't get to finish his sentance cause my mom was standing up staring at all of us.  She looked as if she were going to murder the world.  As she passes by us we cower away.  What she did next made all of laugh so hard we nearly all peed our pants.

She ed the top two buttons of her nightgown, tousled her hair a bit then answered the door..breathlessly?  "What in the HELL do you retarded little kids want?  The only big banging going on in here is between me and my husband.  Got it?!"  she then slammed the door shut.  We all caught a glimpse of the girls faces outside of the door.  Their horrified looks made us all lose it..even my mom.  After we all called down a bit from the laughter my mom tossed me her keys.

"Have a day on the beach.  All of you.  There is directions to a private part of the beach only me and your dad know about on the GPS.  Go there and have fun."  she smiled then went into the bathroom to get into the shower.

I stared in shock at the keys.  She's letting me drive her car?  To the beach?  For the whole day?!  YES!


"YESSSSSSSSSS!  Beach day!!!!!"  I yelled in total excitement.

~~~GD'S POV~~~

"This is going to be great!"

~~~TOP'S POV~~~

Another water place for her to see me shirtless?  Oh boy.. -.-


Aish!  This is going to  be a good day.  I hope we don't stay during sunset though... That's way too romantic and Seungri would have her for sure.. :(


"Hooray!"  Plan, get the girl to fall for Taeyang (he really needs a girlfriend for god's sake..), ready to commence!

~~~KAY'S POV~~~

"Okay boys, let's do it!  Go change in the room and I'll change in the bathroom."  I say.  Omo omo omo!  Private beach?  The five iest guys on earth and me only?  All day meaning..sunset?!  I'm going to die!  If this is a dream I had better not EVER wake up! :D




Hey everyone thanks for being patient through my computer issues. -_-

I promise to continue updating daily! :))))

PS Tell me what y'all think!



Kay <3

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Chapter 10: my fangirl heart had a mini panic attack LOL... i still cant stop laughing about the mom's reaction to fangirls XD EPIC!
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 10: I would have died by now. This was an awesome story
gemmaflame #3
Chapter 10: I LOVE IT!!!
SHINee_Writer #4
Chapter 5: Hahahahaha!! This chapter made me crack
Up!! Omo!!!!!!! Lol! So funny!'
Omg babe i can't believe i forgot about this story lol
asianFrustration #6
YES FOR ONCE TAE GETS THE GIRL! NOW HE'S NOT FOREVER ALONE! lol. I can't believe it's over already TT! Any chance there'll be a sequel? Unless you have no plot or anything for it. I'd still settle for anything ;D
Appa I loved it~~ <33333
Kitty_angel_vip #8
i love it i wait for next update
asianFrustration #9
y man cafe! LOL that sounded wrong...Now I can dance I see. If that was me in real life..