Is This a Dream?


---KAY'S POV---

I open my eyes to realize I had fallen asleep..what time is it?

BAM! "AHH!" a voice cried out from the kitchen.

"What the hell?" I mumble to myself making my way into the kitchen.  

When I make it into the kitchen I see Key on the floor with a pan next to him.  "Hey you okay?!"

"Yeah..I was just trying to make breakfast for everyone but it seems the boys don't know how to put away pans.. -__-" Key sighed.

I couldn't help but giggle slightly.  Kim Kibum is so gosh dang cute when upset! ^_^

"Hmm..Want me to help with breakfast?  I'm the only other one up plus if something is hard to reach I will just climb up to get it since I'm small."  I explained. I wanted to help but wanted to give him a good reason to let me help since the second i started to suggest help he scoffed a little.

"Okay you can help then.  Just don't get in my way."  He said in his little diva attitude.  I giggled again. "Why do you keep giggling?"

" a happy person in the mornings??" I didn't want to say 'Oh Key because you're so ing adorable' because that would be slightly awkward. xD

"Okay?..Hey, Kay right?  Can you climb up to the top cabinet and get the toaster?"

"Sure!"  I say hoping up onto the counter.  The couner was pretty narrow but I was fine because my feet a quiet small, like me ^_^.To keep myself from loosing balance I slid was feet across the counter.  I had a brand new, clean pair of socks on which made my feet glide across the counter with ease.  Even though I was on top of the counter I still had to go up onto my tip-toes to reach inside the cabinet.  How the hell did the guys manage to get this up here in the first place?! I grab the toaster and pass it to a waiting Key, turn back to shut the cabinet and then turn again to get down.  That would have turned out wonderful if Taemin hadn't bursted through the kitchen yelling 'GOODMORNING KEY UMMA!"  Of course the obvious thing happens to me, I slipped off the counter.. -__- I swear I'm more accident prone the Onew.. Surprisingly, though, I never hit the ground.  Daesung had gotten up and walked in seconds after Taemin bursted through and caught me. He placed me on the floor gently, smiled, rubbed my head and walked out without a word.  I stood there slightly dumbfound.  I should probably thank him since I decided to rudely stare at him instead.

"Goodmorning Taemin, thanks for nearly killing me..and Key, I will be right back." I assured him.

"It's okay Kay.  You could've gotten hurt..I'll just have my son here help me." He said with worry and apologies written all over his face then smiled when he mentioned Taemin.

"Ah..okay." I smile  I guess i wasn't muh help after all haha.  Now where did Daesung go?

Walking around the sleeping bodies in the living room, I made my way down the hall.  I was going to check the rooms but I ran into a dripping wet Jonghyun, only wrapped waist down in a towel.  I died.  I am so dead.  Holy freaking baby Jesus!  He blushed instantly and started to apologiz, hugging himself in the process as if it were going to help him cover up more.  I just snapped out of it and shrugged it off as if it were nothing.  It was NOT nothing!  But he didn't need to know my brain was mush right now ;P  I walked past him and knocked on one of the doors.

"Come in!"  He yelled.

When I walked in I had a 3rd heart attack for my morning..Daesung was standing there in black skinny jeans a white belt and white shoes and a baby blue button down shirt and black vest.  Reason for my heart attack?  The button down was ed completely. *sigh* Today is going to be the death of me I swear.

Clearing my throat, "Uhhum. I just wanted to say thanks for catching me when I fell a few minutes ago.."  I say trying hard not to blush.

"Oh it was nothing..You're welome :D"  He said smiling his contagious, adorable smile.  "Oh hey Kay?  Does this outfit look okay on me?  BigBang is unfortunately having a surprise photo shoot today and the theme colors were baby blue, black and white."

"Yeah it looks great just be sure to button up your shirt"  I answer him.  As soon as I said that he got shy and buttoned up his shirt apologizing for 'destroying my eye'...Wtf?  "My eyes are fine Dae. Hahaha.  I just figured you wouldnt want to get cold." I lied.  My eyes weren't destroyed but I could care less if he was cold. Haha.

At that, I decided to venture off and go outside on the balcony.  The sky was a beautiful shade of orange and pink.  The sun must have barely risen.  I leaned on the outter railing and breathed in the cool yet warm air.  The weather was perfect.  My heartbeat was finally calming down from the three attacks it had experienced earlier.  Thinking about where I was and focusing my mind on everything that was going to be happening today I couldn't help but smile.  My dreams, one by one, were coming true.  It feels so unreal.  I started to think back to the night at the beach.  Me and Taeyang had held hands..the morning in the hospital when Taeyang confessed he liked me..WAIT!  He said he liked me but did he ever ask me to be his girlfriend?!  Oh god.. I'm still single.  I have 10 of the hottest guys in the kpop industry right here with me.  One of them admits he is falling for me.  I've seen a majority of them shirtless now.  AND I'm starting my career based around them. I think I can officially claim to be the luckiest girl in the world.


Sitting around playing with the props I waited for BigBang to come out of their short meeting before the shoot.  I picked up a fake samarai sword and started to swing it around as if I actually knew what I was doing.  I was in my own world and was enjoying myself when I heard someone walk up behind.  I stopped instantly, embarresed I turned to see who it was.  His face seemed very familiar but he had on a hat and partial mask that made me think of 'Phantom of the Opera'.

"You don't have to stop.  I was having fun watching you."  He said with a smile.

"N-no..I should probably stop and go check on the guys."

"OH! You're here with BigBang?"  He said looking shocked.

"Yeah.  Why are you so shocked?"

"No particular reason. Aha." He said awkwardly.  "Sooo..which one of them are you dating?"

"None of them."  I was going to continue on, explaining I liked one of them but I was cut off by a loud voie yelling.


Joon? Wait.  I looked at his face again. O__O LEE JOON?! OF MBLAQ?! ASDFGHJKL!

"I'll see ya later." He said smiling, as he walked off Big Bang was walking up.  I must've looked bad because the second they saw my face they all asked me if I needed a chair or a drink of water.  I declined both assuring them I was fine.  In reality I was holding back a fangirl scream that would deafen them.

I seriously need to stop with this fangirling stuff..but I can't help it..WAIT! He said he will see me later?  I get to talk to him again? YES!

OH DEAR LORD I NEED HELP!  I m so confused on who I actually like right now because I have a rush on so many people.  I turn and look at Taeyang.  He looks back smiling, then goes back into y, posing mode.  You know what?  No.  I like Taeyang.  For sure.  Not just a fangirl crush.  I legitimately like him.  


I was exhausted.  I plopped down on the ouch the was in Big Bang's living room.  The boys all went into their rooms to change into their pj's but I was too lazy to change.  I was starting to drift off when I heard a slight whisper..

"Kay?  Are you asleep?" 

I opened one eye slightly to see Taeyang standing there in black sweatpants and a white tank top.  I sat up showing that I was awake.  I would force myself to stay awake just to look at that perfection of a boy a little bit longer. xD

He came over and sat next to me.  It was silent for a while until he finally spoke up.  "Kay..the guys won't back off until I ask you umm" he drifted off and got quiet again.

Was he about to ask me out?  Or to be his girlfriend?  I was wide awake now and had turned to face him.  He was looking at the ground between his legs, his ears turning dark red.  Is he blushing again?  He's so cute!  

He sat up and turned to face me.  I was blushing now from the eye contact.  He didn't speak again though, but I definately understood what he was asking after what he did. 

He slowly reached up and put one of his warm hands on my cheeck and gently moved it to the back of my neck.  He then pulled me close to him and gently kissed me on the lips.  Once his lips touched mine my heart exploded.  It wasn't a makeout session but it wasn't just a peck.  He had put his whole heart into it.  My face burned.  I had daydreamed about this moment for forever and it was actually happening.  When he pulled away he looked me straight in the eyes looking for an answer to his silent question.

I nodded, smiling and pecking hislips once more.. "Yes Taeyang. yes I will be your girlfriend.."  

He smiled a wide as his face would allow and hugged me. "I prayed you would say yes."






yup that's it.  I totally messed with your mind in this last chapter didnt I hahahaha >:)

It was a friends idea so blame her xD

anyways thankyou for readin! <3





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Chapter 10: my fangirl heart had a mini panic attack LOL... i still cant stop laughing about the mom's reaction to fangirls XD EPIC!
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 10: I would have died by now. This was an awesome story
gemmaflame #3
Chapter 10: I LOVE IT!!!
SHINee_Writer #4
Chapter 5: Hahahahaha!! This chapter made me crack
Up!! Omo!!!!!!! Lol! So funny!'
Omg babe i can't believe i forgot about this story lol
asianFrustration #6
YES FOR ONCE TAE GETS THE GIRL! NOW HE'S NOT FOREVER ALONE! lol. I can't believe it's over already TT! Any chance there'll be a sequel? Unless you have no plot or anything for it. I'd still settle for anything ;D
Appa I loved it~~ <33333
Kitty_angel_vip #8
i love it i wait for next update
asianFrustration #9
y man cafe! LOL that sounded wrong...Now I can dance I see. If that was me in real life..