Accidents happen..

Is This a Dream?

~~~KAY'S POV~~~

After the sun completely set we all walked back to the car to go back home, the whole time Taeyang held my hand tightly.  I swear my face is permenantly red.  All of the guys finally noticed our hands in one anothers and each had their own little reaction.  Daesung giggled like a little school girl, GD whispered, ""Finally" so loud it was basically not even a whisper, TOP just smiled at the sight, a soft, sweet, father-like smile and Seungri just nodded in approval.  The whole time everyone was noticing Taeyangs ears slowly reddened.  He was walking slightly ahead of me but I'm betting his face was just as red.  So cute hehe.  How is it possible such a plain-jane girl like me could make THE Taeyang blush?  I felt amazing.  I felt so beautiful.  Just because I'm holding his hand.  Driving home Taeyang sat up front with me this time singing softly to every song that played on my playlist.  Out of the corner of my eye I would catch him taking glances over at me as I drove, everytime his eyes smiled bigger than his lips.  He seemed to slowly get more and more shy as we got closer to the hotel though.  It was really cute. :3

The boys in the back fell asleep again on the way back but I don't blame them, it was an extremely long drive.  Eventually Tae fell asleep too.  God I was so tired..  I wanted to fall asleep too. *Sigh* I rolled down my window to get fresh air to help wake myself up and it worked enough to get back to the hotel.  I reach for my phone so I could call my mom for help getting the boys in but I couldn't find it..Joy..-_-'  I left it at the freaking beach.

Climbing into the back first I wake up the eldest and strongest of the five, TOP.  "TOP..hun wake up.  We are back and I need your help getting the others inside.."  He woke up easily, smiled at me, then proceeded to pick up the maknae.  That was the most adorable sight I'd ever seen.  It took all of my power to NOT fangirl out right there.

Going to the middle seats I proceed to wake up Daesung and GD.  "Boys..wake up we are back to the hotel.  Go get into a comfy bed instead of laying in this uncomfy car.."  They both sat up, not even opening their eyes and slowly started to climb out of the car.  The poor babies looked like zombies.  I felt like one myself..too bad I have to freaking drive back to the beach before I can get into bed to get my phone... -_-

Last I wake up Taeyang.  "Tae..wake up.  We are back at the hotel now.  Go in and get some good sleep on a bed and not a seat of a car.."  I was standing next time outside of the car but, without opening his eyes,  he grabbed me like a teddy bear and cuddled me.. Crap.

GD was the last one outside and he looked more awake now because he was laughing his ars off at my situation.  "GD!  Help me!  It's not funny."  I whispe, scolding him.

"Sorry, it's just so cute to see the future before you guys do."  He answered back prying Tae's arms from around me.  As soon as I was free I got into the drivers seat starting the car.  "Where are you going?  You need sleep too ya know."  He asked curiously as Taeyang, unconciously, walked towards the building to go inside. Goodnight Taeyang haha. <3

"I left my phone on the beach.  I don't want it to get ruined so I'm going to go get it."

"I'm coming with you." He said as climbing into the passenger seat.

"What? No. GD go inside and get to bed." I say in a motherly tone.

"No.  I'm coming with you.  I won't be able to sleep knowing you're alone anyways.  Driving at night alone is dangerous.  Now drive." he explained then demanded.

"Fine.."  I was too tired to argue with the leader.

As we got my phone and started to head back we both started to quietly sing his song 'Butterfly' to one another.  Yeah..not our smartest idea ever.  With the windows down, the cool breeze blowing through our hair and our own lullaby we both started to drift asleep.  We were on a two way freeway but it was pretty deserted normally.  Unfortuanately for me and GD, a huge deisil truck decided to take the same route..The car drifted into the other lane and the deisil slammed on to the brakes and horn at the same time.  The horn and screetching of the tires woke me up just in time to swerve out of the way.  I turned too sharply and the car flipped..the last thing I remember was GD locking eyes with me.  His eyes not only were terrified but they were also saying we were going to be okay.

~~~GD'S POV~~~

!  What is that sound.  As I opened my eyes I watched in slow motion as we swerved away from a head on death..too sharp of a turn..all I could do was look at Kay and reassure her we would be okay.  We locked eyes before blacking out.


"Hello?..This is she...What? no no...ARE THEY OKAY?!..I understand..We'll be there soon..." My baby girl....please be okay. too sweety.  God please tell me you protected them..

~~~TOP'S POV~~~

I woke up to Kay's mom screaming into the phone.  "ARE THEY OKAY?!"  They?  I rolled over to look at who all was in the room..Taeyang, Daesung, Seungri..Where are Kay and GD?.. Oh no.

"Mrs. Houston?.." was all I could say before she collapsed onto me.  "They will be okay..Shh..It will be okay.."  I honestly had no idea if I was telling her the trueth or not.  "What happend?"  I didn't want to know..

As she explained the accident the others woke up.


"..the car flipped...GD and baby..."  That's all I heard when I woke up to crying sounds.  What?  Oh God please be okay..


No!  My two best friends!.. I cried.  I haven't cried so hard in my life.  I was scared.  I just laid my head on Dae's chest and balled my eyes out..


...please be a nightmare....please...




As we walk into the room I see my best friend since childhood and the girl I was falling in love with both unconcious.. I never want to see this..wake up Tae..get out of this nightmare..

We all walk up to the edges of their beds, not knowing what to do.  Kay's mom went straight up to her daughter and started to brush her hair from her face.."Baby..mommy's here..everything will be okay..just come back to me...mommy needs you..I lost both my parrents already..I can't lose a daughter too..."  She sobbed.  My heart was breaking with every tear that fell.  She may not be my mom.. and I may have only met this woman a week ago but I walked up and embraced her with a hug.  I wanted to reassure her and let her know everything would be okay..The others hugged eachother and cried as well.

After everyone had cried their eyes dry we decided crying would solve a thing.  They all went down to the cafiteria to get some food.  We'd been there all night.  I stayed in the room.  I couldn't leave them.  I loved both of them. I couldn't live without them.

"Kwon Jiyong.  You are my best friend.  You have helped me through so much.  We are brothers.  We worked so hard when we were young as YG trainees.  I know we never say it to one another I love you bro...please don't leave me..I'm not strong enough on my own..I need my best friend..I need my brother..and so do the others.."  I told my leader.  Tears slowly falling from my eyes.  I sat there and held his hand for a while.  Craving for a response. 

I then decided to go over to Kay.  She looked even more fragile then she ever had before.  "Kay.  The second I laid eyes on you I knew you were the most beautiful girl in the world.  Not just on the outside but on the inside too.  You just need to calm down on your cussing a little."  I slightly smile at the thought of her cursing like a sailor at the beach when she tripped and fell on her face.  "It's not a very girly thing to do.  But then again, you aren't very girly anyways are you?  That's what I love about you.  You are yourself no matter where you are.  And that smile of yours is so goofy.  I love it.  It reminds me of Daesung's in a way.  Both so goofy but I could never get tired of it.  Please stay with us..your mom needs you...I need you too.  I know I never said anything but I'm falling hard for you.  I don't think my life would ever be complete without you.  Kay..come back.."


We hear you Tae..We are trying..Don't give up on us.  Keep talking.  It's keeping us fighting.




WOAH!! Didn't expect all of this did you? O.O

I made myself cry as I typed parts of this.. *Sigh* 

Welp you know the drill. Comment, subscribe, blah blah blah.



Kay <3

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Chapter 10: my fangirl heart had a mini panic attack LOL... i still cant stop laughing about the mom's reaction to fangirls XD EPIC!
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 10: I would have died by now. This was an awesome story
gemmaflame #3
Chapter 10: I LOVE IT!!!
SHINee_Writer #4
Chapter 5: Hahahahaha!! This chapter made me crack
Up!! Omo!!!!!!! Lol! So funny!'
Omg babe i can't believe i forgot about this story lol
asianFrustration #6
YES FOR ONCE TAE GETS THE GIRL! NOW HE'S NOT FOREVER ALONE! lol. I can't believe it's over already TT! Any chance there'll be a sequel? Unless you have no plot or anything for it. I'd still settle for anything ;D
Appa I loved it~~ <33333
Kitty_angel_vip #8
i love it i wait for next update
asianFrustration #9
y man cafe! LOL that sounded wrong...Now I can dance I see. If that was me in real life..