Unexpected Twist

Is This a Dream?



"I can't believe my baby girl has grown up and is leaving to another country.." my mom said sniffling.  Yup.  I'm going with Big Bang back to South Korea.  Why you ask?  Well...


After the accident everyone was incredibly close.  Taeyang never asked Kay to officially be his girlfriend yet though.  He wanted to be sure about her feelings so he's waiting for the right time.  GD and Kay are thee closest out of the whole group now though due to the accident.  They never leave eachothers side which sometimes worries Taeyang (another reason he's waiting).  One day GD took Kay to the dance studio with him to pickup some extra flyers from the concert and while he was in the office he heard the music blast randomly.

"Is that a SHINee song??"  GD thought to himself.  As he rounded the corner he caught Kay dancing.  She'd said she loved to dance a few times but none of the guys had seen her dance...GD was amazed.

As she performed to SHINee's 'Juliette' GD just watched carefully, smiling to himself.  A plan was hatching in his mind that he was sure not only he loved but, the guys and her, herself, would adore.

"Hey Kay.."  GD said turning off the music making her jump.  "Do you know you are an amazing dancer?"

Kay had blushed instantly from the compliment, embarressed she had been caught dancing.  "Nah..I'm not that good."

"You are better than good.  You're amazing.  Will you come back to Seoul with us and be a back up dancer and my dance partner?"  GD asked cutting straight to the point.


"Of course!  I won't let you say no ya know."

"OH MY GOSH GD!"  Kay yelled as loud as possible, jumping into GD's arms.  "My dreams are coming true!  YES!!!"


"I know mom!  My dreams are finally coming true!"  I say hugging her tearing up.  "But I'll miss you and dad and my sisters.."

"It's okay sweety.  Me and your daddy will learn to do that Skype thingy from your sister and we can talk every night."  she says smiling but tearing up too.

"The guys are here baby girl."  My daddy said coming into the room pulling me into a bear hug.  "I'm so proud of you sweety.  I'll miss you so much.  Now go live your dreams."

"I will daddy..."  I said crying harder.  "I'll make you the proudest father alive!"


"G-guys..."  I finally speak up after the silent ride to the airport. 

"Yeah Kay?"  Seungri had asked turning to face me first smiling but now looking concerned.  "Are you okay?"

The second Seungri had asked if I was okay the rest of the guys turned to look at me worried.  Daesung came over and put a hand on my shoulder, looked down at me and smiled really big..

"Everything will be fine Kay-ah.  This is your first flight isn't it."  He asked.  I just nodded.  The rest of the group sighed in relief and smiled.

"How did you know it was her first flight Dae?" TOP asked.  "She hadn't even said anything about it."

"She was fine the whole time talking about flying until we got here.  When she looked out of the window and saw a plane take off her face paled so it was just a hunch.  I was right though"  He explained smiling confidently.

"Ah, well, Kay, everything will be fine.  You have all of us with you." GD said trying to reassure me.

---IN SEOUL---

"WE'RE HERE!!!"  Seungri practically screamed in my ear.  He was way too excited.

I looked up at the five smiling figures then realized I was no longer on the plane.  "Wha-" I was cut off..

"We decided you needed to sleep so we carried from the plane to the car, then from the ar to the dorm." Seungri explained happily.

"Yeah we just got in but Seungri decided to not let you sleep longer and as soon as we layed you in the bed he yelled..-_-" TOP explained.  He looked annoyed and tired.  Poor baby. ^-^

"I wanted to take her to my favorite cafe for lunch and it's 12:30!  I was thinking of her rumbly tummy!"  Seungri whined but still smiling.

"I am kind of hugry..and thankyou for carrying me guys."  I thank them and get up rubbing my sleepy eyes.  "How about we go to that cafe."  I then say smiling.

"YAY!" Yelled Seungri AND Daesung.  I guess Dae was hungry too, haha.


"Don't you guys need disguises?"  I asked waiting for crazy fangirls to attack but no one paid any attention.

"Nope.  We go here nearly daily.   Everyone is sort of used to us here I guess."  Daesung explained.

I had no chance to even comprehend what he said because my eyes widened and nearly fell from my face as I held back a scream.  I then ran and hid behind Taeyang and TOP.  If who I just saw is who I think it is I might die! OMO!!!

"What the--?"  Seungri said watching as I ran and hid then looked to where I was looking.  "Oh.  Hey guys!! :)"

"Oh hey Seungri.  GD, Taeyang, Dae and TOP."  said the five boys.

I waited.  I wanted to hear one of my friends to say their names..I had to control myself.  I already fangirled over Big Bang.. no need to fan girl over another kpop group.

"Hey Key!  I haven't seen you in a while bro!"  GD said walking up to one dressed in black skinny jeans, a white V-neck and a pink leather jacket. 

I nearly fell over...SHINee..was standing...5 feet away from me..!  Omo!  Too many y guys in one cafe! 

"Is she okay?"  Taemin asked walking up to me.  "Her face is very red."  He looked concerned sincerely.  He put his hand to my forehead and the next thing I knew I was waking up in someones arms on floor..

"Ah! She opened her eyes!" one voice said.

"So she's American?..Does she know Korean?" another asked.

"DID I KILL HER?!" another voice yelled running up from the other side of the cafe.

I suddenly felt a cold wash cloth dabbing my face gently.  My eyes finally focused and I realized I was practically in GD's lap as he was cooling my heated face with the wash cloth.  Finally speaking up even though I was incredibly embarressed I said..

"I'm fine Taemin..I'm not dead and yes I know Korean." 

"AH! Thank goodness!  I thought I kiiled my noona!"  his eyes were wide with fear and relief as he nervously giggled.  He's so god dang cute oh my freaking gosh!!

"Uhh..Taemin..I'm not your noona.  I'm a year younger than you."  He smiled at this.

"Really now?  Are you single?"  He said flirting and winking at me.

"Taeminnie! You just made her faint!  I don't think she wants to date you!"  Key scolded but laughed at the same time.  He then looked at me "Are you okay?  What happend?"

"I...umm..I'm just a huge fan..and...was...too starstruck I was in the room with my two favorite groups alive.."  I said looking down.  "I have already spent countless hours with Big Bang but to be with them AND SHINee in the same cafe at once overwelmed me."

They all bursted into giggle fits.. -_-

I plopped down into a chair and crossed my arms. "YAH! IT'S NOT FUNNY!"

They laughed harder.  WTF is wrong with them?!

GD finally got his composer enough to spit out "You're so cute when flustered!" then he continued laughing.

Key threw in a "Too many y men at once huh?" then they laughed harder.

I just stared at them..They must be incredibly tired to find this situation that funny.  Im slightly scared at this... O_O 

---BACK AT THE DORM---  (SHINee joined wanting to get to know me and catch up with BB)


The second we came into the dorm I went into the bathroom to freshen up and change because I wanted to look good for..well all of them. haha.  I came out of the bathroom all fixed up to find all ten guys passed out asleep in various places.  I wonder why SHINee is so sleepy??  I guess they just got back from a tour too?..

As I looked around the room I decided to take more sleeping pictures.  They all looked so freaking cute!!  Taemin, Key and Minho were cuddled together on the couch sleeping on one anothers shoulders, Onew and Daesung were side by side sharing a pillow from the couch, tummies flat on the floor,  TOP, Taeyang and Seungri were asleep at the kitchen table, all of their heads face down on the table,  and GD and Jonghyun were sitting in the chairs in the living room, both balanced and alseep sitting straight up.  Suddenly Jonghyun started to fall forward so he woke up from the sudden movement.  He quickly wen back to sleep though.

I sighed looking at who I was in a room with..Big Bang and SHINee..  I still feel like I'm dreaming..This is so unreal.





Anyways tell me what yall think :)



Kay <3

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Chapter 10: my fangirl heart had a mini panic attack LOL... i still cant stop laughing about the mom's reaction to fangirls XD EPIC!
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 10: I would have died by now. This was an awesome story
gemmaflame #3
Chapter 10: I LOVE IT!!!
SHINee_Writer #4
Chapter 5: Hahahahaha!! This chapter made me crack
Up!! Omo!!!!!!! Lol! So funny!'
Omg babe i can't believe i forgot about this story lol
asianFrustration #6
YES FOR ONCE TAE GETS THE GIRL! NOW HE'S NOT FOREVER ALONE! lol. I can't believe it's over already TT! Any chance there'll be a sequel? Unless you have no plot or anything for it. I'd still settle for anything ;D
Appa I loved it~~ <33333
Kitty_angel_vip #8
i love it i wait for next update
asianFrustration #9
y man cafe! LOL that sounded wrong...Now I can dance I see. If that was me in real life..