These guys are weird..xD

Is This a Dream?

As I stared off into space, asking myself every question under the sun, the boys tried to divise a plan to get my attention..

"Okay guys she seems super distracted..What should we do to gain her attention?"  I whisper, praying she doesn't hear.

"Hmm..We could throw her in the pool again? :D"  GD suggests with an evil grin.  "But we can do it in a way she knows she's about to go'll be funner if she fights us not to go in."

He had a point.  "Okay, haha, so how should we do this?"

Daesung finally speaks up, smiling bigger than usual "I have the perfect idea..Seungri.  You go up to her and start up a normal conversation but then randdomly start tickling her!  As she tries to back away from the tickling she'll run into TOP.  When she turns around, TOP, stare deep into her eyes with your y hyung eyes of lusty power!!  Blushing, she turn to run, GD will then grab her and pick her up.  Once she realizes what's happeniing, GD will pass her to me.  I'll pretend like I'm going to throw her into the pool but Taeyang will then interject, grab her from me, wwalking away from all of us holding her hand apologizing for our immaturity...then he'll go in for a hug and 'fall' with her into the pool."  He took a huge breath then finished his plan with, "She'll have so much attention directed towards us during that time it'll be crazy."

The others and I just stared in amazement.  IT WAS PERFECT!  "DUDE! That is the best plan I have ever heard!!!" I whisper in excitement.

"..Daesung...did you just say I have 'y hyung eyes of lusty power'...?"  TOP asks with a strange tone of voice.

"Yeah.  What of it?"  Daesung asks still smiling like nothing was wrong.  Poor Dae had no idea how badly that weirded TOP out.  Haha, oh well.

"Let's do this!"  Tae and GD practically yell... -_-  "Oops...I mean.. lets do this."  They both repeat in a whisper.

~~~KAY'S POV~~~

"LET"S DO THIS!!!"  I hear Taeyang and GD yell in unison practically giving me a heartattack.. What are they up to anyways?

"Hey, Are you okay?"  Seungri asks as he walks up, getting a little too close to me.  "You look distracted?"

"I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"Yeah I quite su--" My sentence is cut short because..Seungri starts to..TICKLE ME?  WTF?

"YAHHH! STOP IT!  IT TICKLES TOO MUCH!"  I yell asI start backing away laughing myself to tears.  As I back up I end up running into something..   "What's this?.."  My eyes bug out of my head when I turn around..TOP just stares straight into me eyes!  After I unfreeze myself, blushing like crazy, I turn to run away in embarressment.  Once I've turned away from TOP I suddenly am being lifter into the air.  "What the..?"  I realize I'm being put over GD's shoulder.."What are you doing GD?  Put me down!"  What on earth is going on with these guys right now??  I start to ffelrelieved as it feels like GD is putting me down, soon I realize he had placed me into the arms of a smiling Daesung.  Holding me bridal style he walks to the edge of the pool I realize that this was all planned.  They wanted to through me into the pool!  Again!! >.<  As I flail my arms around like a maniac begging, "PLEASE DON'T THROUGH ME IN AGAIN!  IT'S TOO COLD RIGHT NOW!"  I suddenly hear a gaurdian angels voice..

"Yah...Guys what are you doing to this poor girl.." I turn to see Taeyang grabbing me from Daesung looking a bit upset at their immaturity.  "Come on Kay I'll walk you over to the heated hottub."  He then reaches out and grabs my hand leading me away from the craziness.  Blushing like crazy..again I whisper a thanks to my savior.  "Thanks.."  He then stopped and turned around facing me.

"No problem." He said moving closer.  "I, personally apologize for the groups immaturity.  We just like the attention."  He finishes his apology with a hug.  A HUG!!  Omo!!!!!!!! This is the greatest thing that has ever ha--  Why do I feel like I'm fal-

"AHHHH!"  I yell as me and Taeyang fall into the pool.  Oncce I come up I'm coughing like a mad woman because I swallowed some water when I went under.. -_-  "You guys *cough,cough* that was so *cough,cough,cough* mean why *cough* would you do th--*COUGH!!, cough,cough* --at to me???"

The guys hadn't expected me to nearly die AND yell at them at the same time.  I could tell by their eyes that they were instantly sorry.

"I'm sooooooooo sorry Kay! Please forgive us..It was my plan all along..I didn't know you would be so upset with us..."  Daesung confesses while bowing a million times AND looking as if he's going to cry.

"You guys are weird..."  I say simply as they stare at me horrified.  "It's a good thing though.  Daesung?  It's okay, I'll be fine."


*Yawning* "I'm so sleepy.."  I say quietly.

"Why?  Haven't you done nothing but swim tonight?"  GD asks.

"No.  I went to you guys' concert.  Not only that but I just got here today after a car ride with my mom.  We drove all the way here from Dallas.."

They all made the 'o' shape with their mouths, nodding, understanding.  That was litterally the last thing I see.


Oh.. Did she just fall asleep?  In a hottub? She must be more tired than she was letting off.

"Seungri did you ever ask her what room she was in?"  I ask. 

"No but I did hear her voice on the same floor as us at some point before we left for the concert.."

"Okay.  Well I'm going to carry to her room.  Gd and Daesung look so out of it so you and TOP help them to our rooms."  I say.

"How will you find her room?"  TOP questions me.

"I'm going to put her in my room.  Then go down to the front desk, ask about her room number then have them call her mom so she'll have the door unlocked for me so I can just place her straight into her bed."  I was quite proud of my idea.  That had to be the best plan out of all the plans I could've chosen to do.  TOP and Seungri nodded agreeing that it was a good plan then, practically carrying them, help GD and Daesung to our rooms.  I guess it's a good thing we all chose our own room this time..

My trip of carrying sleeping beauty was simple.  Both times she was in my arms I stared at her.  *She's beautiful*  I think to myself.  I could fall for her.  Too bad Seungri claims he called 'dibs' on her. She wasn't an object.  I don't think calling dibs works on girls but I wasn't in the mood to fight the maknae.  She was beautifull though...maybe I'll try to stay away.. That way I won't fall for the soon to be maknae's girl...I kinda wish she girl... :/


~~~KAY'S POV~~~

Last night was so fun!!!  "My life is amazing!" I say outloud, smiling to myself.

"Shut up Kay!  It's 7:30 am. Go back to sleee~"  My mom yells at me as she falls back to sleep.

"Welp..Breakfast time for me!" I whisper to myself excitedly.  I go into the bathroom, take one look at myself, frown in disgust, shake my hair a little and walk out of the room.

As I walk to the elevators (the horrifying elevators) I see Taeyang waiting for one too.  *I guess the elevators won't be too bad* I think to myself.

"Hey Taeyang!" I say all bright and cheery.  <--Not my normal morning mood at all..but for is <3

"Oh..Hey."  He says not even looking at me.  "sleep well?"

Awe is he being shy?! Hehe <3  "I slept great!  Even though I really have no idea how I got into my room...?"  I explain thinking back to last night.  "Did one of you take me to my room?  If so, I apologize for the inconvenience."

"It's fine..Seungri offered to carry you to your room so we found out from the front desk which room you were in, then he carried you all the way there.." Taeyang explained.  He sounded..weird.  I wonder what's wrong?


... Making it seem Seungri was the hero last night was the hardest lie I've ever spoken.. Suddenly an elevator door opened and I got on turning to see Kay hesitate.  "Are you coming?" I ask with a smile so she wouldn't question my lie any further.  She didn't say a word, just walked onto the elevator nodding slightly.  She stared at the floor not looking up.

"...Taeyang...I'm terrified of elevators..I should've taken the stairs..."  She suddenly confessed.

As I reached out to tell her its fine the elevator makes the most horrible sound I've ever heard then the lights went out...  I don't hear a sound after that.  Oh no! This is not good!! Don't panic Tae..Stay calm.. OH YEAH! Why can't I hear Kay?  Is she okay?! 

"Kay?" Nothing. "KAY??"




Oh my what will happen next???? D:

hehe stay tuned ;)


~ Kay<3

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Chapter 10: my fangirl heart had a mini panic attack LOL... i still cant stop laughing about the mom's reaction to fangirls XD EPIC!
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 10: I would have died by now. This was an awesome story
gemmaflame #3
Chapter 10: I LOVE IT!!!
SHINee_Writer #4
Chapter 5: Hahahahaha!! This chapter made me crack
Up!! Omo!!!!!!! Lol! So funny!'
Omg babe i can't believe i forgot about this story lol
asianFrustration #6
YES FOR ONCE TAE GETS THE GIRL! NOW HE'S NOT FOREVER ALONE! lol. I can't believe it's over already TT! Any chance there'll be a sequel? Unless you have no plot or anything for it. I'd still settle for anything ;D
Appa I loved it~~ <33333
Kitty_angel_vip #8
i love it i wait for next update
asianFrustration #9
y man cafe! LOL that sounded wrong...Now I can dance I see. If that was me in real life..