Concert Time!!!

Is This a Dream?

"Hurry up!" you yell to your mom.  "We were supposed to leave 2 HOURS AGO!"

You were pissed off but still nervously excited.  You had just graduated a couple months back and you still didn't have your own vehicle.  Your mom promised you wouldn't be late to the concert but you knew better then to believe that.  I mean for God's sake she was late to everything!  What she didn't know was that for once you learned your lesson and lied.  Its terrible to lie to your own mother but this was, what you felt, a once in a lifetime opportunity.  So you lied.  You told her the concert started at 4 pm when in reality in started at 6;30 pm.  Considering the car ride there, including traffic, it would take a good four hours to get there.  You explained to her you wanted to leave at 10 am but it was now going on 12;30.... Good thing she has no idea you lied ;D

"Sorry Kay!  Don't rush me though!  I'm your freaking mom!  I could just decide to not take you if you cop an attitude with me!" your mom fired back.  You shut your mouth.  You knew she ment what she said.  This woman was crazy!


"Kay wake up." You don't budge.  "Kay!"  Nothing. "MICAELA WAKE UP!" The mad woman you call a mother started beating you with a pillow. 

"AHHH!.... I'm up!  I'm Up!"  You sit up and look at your surroundings.  You were sitting outside of the hotel in the car.  The empty car.  Your mom had transfered all of your bags into the hotel room.  "YAH! Mom! Did you leave me alone in the car this whole time?  I could have been kidnapped!"  You pout.  You knew, that she knew, you were being a smartass.

"Its okay sweety they would have brought you back anyways..." xD Dang.. She had you there.  No kidnapper would be able to deal with the you would put them through. Haha.  "So guess what I over-heard the manager saying? ^-^"  She said sneakily as you both entered the hotel room.  It was typical for my mom to snoop.  She loved scandals and she was so good at eavesdropping that the CIA wouldn't be able to hid anything from her.

"Haha, what did you here this time sneaky?" I joked.  I love my mom!  She always finds out secrets that benifit us in some way.

"Big Bang is staying at THIS VERY HOTEL!" She practically was yelling but in a whispered tone.

I froze.  Was she messing with me??  I was never lucky like that!  I practically had to remind myself to breathe after a minute or two because I held it in unknowingly.  Does this mean I have a higher chance of meeting them in person?  Ehhh.. Who am I kidding?  It will probably be as if they aren't even here.  I mean, what famous pop group would just walk around in the open when they have fans staying at the same hotel as them?  Suddenly my mom smacked me in the arm trying to get my attention.  I then realized that I had stood there in utter shock for 10 minutes, I had gone pale and I had my face permanently stuck like this: O_O

"If you make that face in front of them they will probably think you were a zombie trying to eat their brains..." My mom said simply.  "Ohhhh hey I just thought of something!  Doesn't this hotel have like a huge hottub by the pool?"

This question made my imagination go nuts!  Omo! Omo! Omo!  Just the thought of all five of them in swim trunks...only swim trunks...with steaming hot water droplets rolling down their slick, smooth skin....OH SWEET BABY BUDDAH!

"I'M GOING TO CHECK OUT THE POOL!  BE BACK SOON!"  I yell as I run out of the room.  My mom just staring at my retreating figure laughing her off.  'I am so glad my mom can't read minds or she would have beaten me!'  I think to myself. 

"Ah...Here we are..Crap!"  As I make it to the pool door I realize I need the room key to get in.  Just my luck.  -_-

"Here..You can use my key.  I don't think you are allowed to swim in those clothes though.." said a voice with an extremely adorable accent.  As I turn around to say thanks and to explain that my swim wear was actually underneath my clothes I realize who is standing in front of me...

"AH!"  I scream and jump back turning as red as an apple.

Startled the boy reached out and held my shoulder.  "Did I scare you?!  I am so sorry!"  His face looking super concerned.

" thankyou...."  I practically whisper, getting redder in the facewith each breathe.

"No problem!" He smiled.  God that smile.... "By the way my name is Seungri."


I know it's a very short chapter but I'm Extremely Extremely tired and I have class in the morning.  Forgive me?  More to come though! I PROMISE


~Kay <3

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Chapter 10: my fangirl heart had a mini panic attack LOL... i still cant stop laughing about the mom's reaction to fangirls XD EPIC!
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 10: I would have died by now. This was an awesome story
gemmaflame #3
Chapter 10: I LOVE IT!!!
SHINee_Writer #4
Chapter 5: Hahahahaha!! This chapter made me crack
Up!! Omo!!!!!!! Lol! So funny!'
Omg babe i can't believe i forgot about this story lol
asianFrustration #6
YES FOR ONCE TAE GETS THE GIRL! NOW HE'S NOT FOREVER ALONE! lol. I can't believe it's over already TT! Any chance there'll be a sequel? Unless you have no plot or anything for it. I'd still settle for anything ;D
Appa I loved it~~ <33333
Kitty_angel_vip #8
i love it i wait for next update
asianFrustration #9
y man cafe! LOL that sounded wrong...Now I can dance I see. If that was me in real life..