
If Fate Allows It

Back at the Dorms

So, I guess it was decided... 

I need to man up and tell Yuri how I feel about her. God, how exactly am I going to do this... 'Yuri, I like you...' No, that's not good, girls don't like casual confessions... 'Hey, are you a thief, cause you stole my heart'. No, too cheesy. How bout, 'I know I haven't know yo-' nope. What am I going to do! I've never confessed to a girl before, how am I supposed to confess sucessfully to someone like Yuri. Maybe I should do an event for her or something, hmm.

I paced back and forth, thinking about how on earth am I going to win a goddess' heart. All the ideas that came to mind were either lame or way too cheesy. I was stuck in a rut. I tried writing a poem and even composing a song for her. I needed help and quick. 

It was time to get a woman's opinion.

B.E.G. Narsha was the first woman to come to mind. She's my noona, so she has more experience in the dating department than me. Noona is second to Nichkhun hyung in being my best friend. She's like my omma, sister and girlfriend, (as weird as it...) all at the same time. She knows how to take care of me like a mother, but she definitely knows how to get on my nerves like a sister, and lastly she treats me like her boyfriend (like she does to any other male). And on the plus side, she's on Invincible Youth with Yuri, so she knows her.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled down to Narsha Noona. I dialed, and held the phone to my ear. I continued to pace in my room as I waited impatiently for her to answer her phone. Her calling song was almost done before she picked up the phone.

"Yobosaeyo?" She she said quickly. Judging by her heaving breathing across the line, she was probably frantically searching for her phone. That's Narsha for ya...

"Noona~~" I called cutely through the phone.

"Who is this?" She asked seriously. I unconsciously pouted to myself. Did she seriously not remember me? I mean, it's only been two months since we last talked... -.- With continued aegyo, I replied to her.

"Noona! How can you forget me?" I mumbled somewhat cutely. I silently thanked God that none of my members were home at the dorms with me and neither was manager hyung. I mean, if they saw this side of me...the teasing would never end.

"No, seriously... tell me who you are" She commanded. I bit my lip, debating whether to tell her my identitiy or not. I decided I should.

"It's me, _________. Noona, how can you forget me? I thought you loved me, wah" I whined.

"Oh, yeobo! Why haven't you called me lately! I missed you! And stop being so whiney, you're like our maknae [on Invincible Youth], Hyuna!" She started to talk nonstop. Hearing her call me 'yeobo' made me laugh over the phone. It took me a while to process everything she said.

"I missed you too Noona. Mianhae, I've just been busy....with stuff. Come on, Noona, i'm not that whiney!" I said defensively

"Yeah you are. What kind of stuff?  You sound off, have you been eating well?" She asked in a concerned tone. I smile weakly to myself, she definitely knew me, and it was somewhat comforting. 

"Of course I've been eating, how else would I have survived... Hehe, as expected of you, noona. I knew I wouldn't be able to get it past you... " I sighed.

"What's wrong ________?" She asked gently.

"Well, can we actually meet up? I want to talk in person...if that's okay with noona" I asked quietly.

"Of course! Come to my company, we can talk here" She said.

"Right now?" I asked 

"Yes!" She yelled somewhat excitedly.

"Okay, I'll be over soon" I said.

"Balli, I want to see you. See you soon yeobo! Bye~" She said before ending the call.

I put on some decent clothes, covering my face with a scarf. I grabbed my sunglasses and a hat. I spared a minute to take a look at myself in the mirror. It was presentable. I gave myself a head nod and left my room, flipping off the lights and closing the door beind me. I wrote a note to my members:

Hey, I'm with my friend. I'll be back sometime tonight. Don't wait up for me.

The last thing I did before leaving the dorm was text manager hyung. He's kind of psycho when he doesn't know when one of us is... so yeah.

Hyung, I'm with Narsha Noona. I'll be back whenever. Don't worry about me.

And with that, I was out the door and in a taxi heading over to Narsha-noona's company.

Outside the Company

I finally arrived at the company. Standing out the big glass double doors,  I pulled out my phone and dialed noona's number. Like before, she didn't pick up until the very last second. 

"Noona, I'm here. Can you come get me? I'm at the front door" I said as soon as she answered with 'yobosaeyo'.

"Araseo, coming" She said before hanging up. I shoved my hands into my jean pockets, and leaned against the building's wall. I waited about ten minutes before she showed up. she opened the door and grabbed my hand, pulling me into the building.

"Noona~" I called cutely once we were inside the lobby. She pinched my cheek affectionately, to which I gave her a pout.

"_____-ah! Let's go find a place we can talk" She said happily. I couldn't help but give her a warm smile. 

"Araseo" I said in an almost cheery tone. She took my hand and quickly dragged me off as I obediantly followed like a puppy.

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Last chapter is in the workings, please anticipate it. :3


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zSecretz #1
Chapter 24: Make another story like this pls!!!!
Latte908 #2
U should just made up a name for the character :) That would be great
adaddam #3
Chapter 24: Well Done authornim you did such an amazing job :)
Daebak!! Hope you write more like these soon :D
LoveSoshi999 #4
Chapter 24: I loved this fic are you gonna make another snsdxyou fic again? If so I would greatly support it :)
Hello subscribers! I'm currently working on the last chapter~ hopefully it'll be out soon! Please look forward to it ^_^
tommyo9876 #6
Plz update!!!
Chapter 23: love this chpter, but this story about youxyuri or taeyeon.. i'm confused
adaddam #8
Chapter 23: This chapter was intense haha but thankfully the persona is okay.
Great way to end the chapter, update soon :) haha
LoveSoshi999 #9
Chapter 22: Wow that was a lot if drama lol update soon :)
adaddam #10
Chapter 22: All this drama though... wow hahah
Update soon yeah?