
If Fate Allows It

The meeting ended after the PD-nims decided to drag the meeting out longer than necessary. I don't know if I was imagining it, but it felt like Yuri's eyes were drilling into me occasionally to go undetected by the others. And to be frank, it was beyond awkward at this point. My thoughts were in a whirlwind at the moment. What in the world was going to happen between Sica and I. Then the Gayo Daejun... Tae, Yuri and I. Just absolutely fantastic, if you ask me. Aish! Just when things were taking a turn for the better, my world seems to be crumbling down.

The meeting ended and as soon as the PD-nims left, I excused myself as well. I sent Tae an explanation text message. I simply told her I had an appointment, no need to get her into more sticky situations. I called Jess to figure out where she was. I think the sooner we talk things out and move past this, the better our lives will run its course. She wasn't answering her phone, which is completely understandable. I walked out on her confession, although I had no control over it, I still felt like a jerk. An especially big jerk to my best friend. I decided to text her, maybe she wasn't ready to talk on the phone or hear my voice or both...

To: 공주 시카
Jessica, where are you? Let's talk. I'm sorry for walking out on you. I need to talk to you. Please answer me, Sica.

I sat there in my car, waiting for a reply from Sica. Man I hate playing the waiting game. This is terrible. I really, really, really hope Sica isn't crying somewhere. I hate making girls cry and I don't think I'd be able to forgive myself for making Sica. I don't know how long I sat in my car, but my heart would race every time I received a text message. My heart sunk a little every time I saw it wasn't really Sica.

From: 공주 시카
I'm at my apartment. How about I meet you at the studio in 30 minutes?

To: 공주 시카
Araseo. I'll see you soon, Sica. Drive safe~

I grabbed a bouquet before heading to the studio. I know it's not much, but hopefully this bouquet will do for now as an apology. I sat there nervously awaiting Sica's arrival. The waiting game, once again. She came ten minutes after I did. She was wearing sunglasses so I wasn't sure or not if she had cried. I silently prayed that she didn't.

"Sica, I'm sorry for walking out on you," I said, standing up and handing her the flowers with a half-hearted smile. She gave me a weak smile and hesitantly took the bouquet from me. I motioned for her to take a seat next to me on the couch.

"Oppa, about earlier, maybe we should just put it behind us," she began quietly. I looked at her intensely before cutting her off with my own words.

"No, I think it's best that we talk about this..." I said firmly and making sure not to be too demanding. "I don't want you to keep things inside, Sica. We’re best friends. I want to be by your side in all your troubles, even if I'm the cause of them..."

"Mmm... De~" she looked at me innocently. I bit my lip hesitantly; I didn't know how to break it to her... I just wanted it to be quick and as painless and gentle as possible for Sica. I wonder if things would have been like this if she knew Tae and I were together. Would we be caught in this same situation or would Sica silently shoulder the burden alone? Maybe it was for the best. This way I can still be by Sica’s side and I know what exactly is going on.

"I'm sorry. I can't return your feelings Sica. I love you, but not in that way. You're my best friend and little sister," I said gently. Her lips were pursed and her hands were gripping the hem of her blouse tightly. I wanted so bad to grab her hand and give it a reassuring squeeze, but I knew better. I didn't want to agitate the problem any further. "There are better guys that will make you happier than I could ever dream of doing. You deserve better than me. But I promise I'll help you get over this in anyway I can."

Jessica looked on the verge of tears at this point. I mean you can't just do this. You don't just reject the love of Jessica Jung. Hello, ice princess Jessica, the cold, warm-hearted goddess. That's unheard of and absolutely absurd. But I have Taeyeon, the woman that I'm pining over. I couldn't help it… I pulled her into a tight hug. I just want to protect her. From everything, myself included.

"Then kiss me." Jess said calmly and sternly. I looked at her with shock and confusion. "Make me realize that this feeling in my chest isn't true love... Please oppa.."

" Mianhae Sica, I can't. I don't want to make things harder for you," I whispered gently into her ear, hugging her tighter, she buried her face into my chest. I was having some déjà vu, it was just like when I found about Yuri and hyung. Jess was comforting me, but here we are our roles reversed. Holding her in my arms, I her hair gently, rubbing comforting circles on her back. She looked up at me with pleading eyes tears escaping from them, making me feel completely helpless. I didn't know how I would be able to take away her pain without making thing worse down the road. The best thing I could think of was to wipe her tears away and pulling closer to me, trying to protect her.

Day of the Gayo Daejun

After weeks of practicing for this event, the day has finally come… and trust me, practice has not been painless. Every time the three of us met up, it was painstaking for me. Luckily for Taeyeon, she acted like we were normal. It was extremely awkward between Yuri and I. We were civil, I could say that at least. Of course we were all professionals, so we didn’t let our pasts and personal problems get in the way of our work.

The event was going to be a total of four hours. Thankfully or unfortunately, the Gayo Daejun is a live event, so everything has to be done in one take. It’s great to see everyone here though. I was able to catch up and chit chat with some sunbaes and hoobaes. I’ve always loved these end of the year festivities.

As the hosts, we kicked off the Gayo Daejun with words of welcome and an introduction of the first act, which was a joint performance from the lead vocalists of a few groups. The show was moving along smoothly, we were laughing and smiling as we MC-ed. It was fantastic, I even forgot about all my troubles briefly. It was just like old times. Taeyeon, Yuri and I, minus the dating between Yuri and I. Everything was going fine until got real.

We were about halfway through the show. The three of us were making our way back onto the stage, when the craziest and most unexpected thing happened once we were back to our MC-ing location on the stage. I heard a loud bang, being my slow self; it took me a few moments to process what was going on. I realized it was a gunshot as I heard the crowd scream in fear. I pulled the girls behind me, using my body as a human shield as I searched for the perpetrator. I saw a black hooded figure about 30 feet away from us.

Luckily all the other artists were safely backstage. My instincts just kicked in, I used my mic to tell the audience to stay low to the ground and to stay calm. The hooded figure was approaching us slowly, I told the girls to stay behind me no matter what. I threw my mic as hard as I could as the figure that was closing in on us with a gun pointed in our direction. Unfortunately, the microphone only grazed the culprit’s leg slightly, not even hindering him the slightest bit. With each step the gunman took towards us, we shuffled back a few steps as well.

I don’t know what was taking the security so long to apprehend the suspect, but for now I had to protect Taeyeon and Yuri. Even if it meant sacrificing myself. I told the girls to run backstage while I distracted the gunman. I mean better me than them. I yelled out to the guy, grabbing his attention while Tae and Yuri ran of behind me.

Oh , he had his gun pointed at me, but he moved it to the side of me, the line of fire directly behind me. No. Dammit, this was not how it was supposed to go down. I booked it toward them, grabbing both of them with my arms; tackling them to the ground.

I heard a gunshot and time slowed down in my head. I was thinking about what was going to happen. What was fate going to allow us, to live or not? I thought about how the girls were going to hit the ground first and I felt instantly bad. They were going to have to suffer with my weight landing on them. Mianhae girls.

Then time went back to normal speed. It was weird. We hit the ground, I felt a searing pain in my side. It was paralyzing. I kept the girls under me until the situation got handled. I could hear the footsteps of the gunman nearing us. I closed my eyes, fearing for the worse. But after what felt like the longest minutes of my life, I heard a thud and the skittering of metal across the stage. With much effort, I glanced over my shoulder and saw Nichkhun hyung had tackled the gunman and as of now he was restraining the guy from doing any further damage.

Now that they were safe, I rolled over onto my backside with much struggle to relieve them of my weight. I was wearing a white tux, I looked down at the side of my body that was on fire. The designer tux was now stained with my blood. The girls rushed to my side, some of my blood was on them too, kind of gross I guess? Haha.

They looked at me with concern and fear painted on their faces. Each of them on either side of me. I looked up at their beautiful faces and smiled. There were tears running down their cheeks, I frown unconsciously.

“Yah, smile one last time for me girls. Taeyeon-ah mianhae, I’m sorry for leaving. Kwon Yuri, thank you for being my first love,” I whispered to them. My eyes were getting heavy and the pain was becoming unbearable.

“Andwae! Oppa, wake up!!!” Taeyeon screamed at me, shaking me vigorously. Tears were streaming down her face. Yuri cried silently, holding my hand tightly. Taeyeon yelled out for help. Then I out.

Some time later

Author POV:

Taeyeon, Yuri and ________ were rushed to the hospital while the gunman was apprehended. The rest of SNSD rushed to the hospital as well. ________ was out cold while Yuri and Taeyeon were getting check up for any cuts, bruises or any other damage.  An emergency surgery was operated to remove the bullet from _______’s body and search for any serious internal damage.  

Thankfully, Taeyeon and Yuri escaped the incident with minor scrapes and bruises. Now they waited anxiously for the results of the surgery. Taeyeon and Yuri managed to compose themselves before the rest of the SNSD girls got to the hospital.

The social media was blowing up. The Gayo Daejun was cancelled, rightfully so. The press and other media outlets were interviewing Nichkhun. Reporters were already crowding outside the hospital.

The surgery was a success and the bullet narrowly missed _______’s liver. The internal bleeding was mild and manageable. The girls were told to rest because their bodies were still in shock. _________ was moved into a private room a few doors down from Yuri and Taeyeon’s room. Without the knowledge of the girls, Jessica slipped in to the room with her beloved best friend. There were tears in her eyes.

“Oppa, you can’t die. You better wake up so I can smack you… and thank you,” Jessica managed to say despite being choked up. She took _______’s hand in her and gave it a squeeze. She looked at him intensely; little did she know Taeyeon was outside the door watching her. Jessica took some courage and gave _______ a sweet peck on the lips, “Oppa don’t ever do this again. I’m sorry for stealing a kiss, but a kiss for a kiss. Now I’m letting you go.”

Taeyeon was so shocked at the events that unfolded before her eyes. She was so angry that she stomped off. Her member just kissed her secret boyfriend, of course she would be angry. Just as silently as Jessica came, she left.

Back to _____ POV:

I woke up and had a of a headache was to say the least of my pain. My side felt like it was on fire. I guess I found myself in a hospital because the place was all white it smelled like medicine and sterile tools.  I tried to stretch but it was too painful and all I could do was groan to myself.

I rolled over onto my good side to get a better look of the room. Surprisingly enough, Yuri was by my bedside. I was surprised at first but I gave her a dorky grin. She was safe thank God. That must mean Taeyeon is safe too. It’s really good luck that hyung got there just in time.

“Yuri-yah~ you’re safe!” I said, grinning. She smiled weakly at me, nodded her head slowly. Why was she being so serious? We’re safe and the guy is hopefully being locked up. “Yah~ what’s wrong with you? We’re safe now, smile!”

Without warning she grabbed my hand with one hand and her other hand cupped my cheek gently. Confused? Damn straight I was. I raised my eyebrows at her actions.

“Oppa, I’m sorry…” She whispered just audible enough for me to hear.

“Waeyo?” I asked quietly. She sniffled a little, maybe she was just emotionally overwhelmed. I mean her life was in just as much danger as mine was.

“I know I probably don’t deserve to say this… but I’m sorry. I made a mistake. I know now that no one can ever love me the way you did,” She confessed, before she choked up, tears running down her cheeks. Ahhh what is this.. Maybe Taeyeon and I should have just told them we were dating, omo. What am I  going to do.

“Andwae Yuri-yah! You will find someone better than me, I promise. What’s the past is the past. Don’t dwell on it. I’m just glad we came to terms and hopefully in the future we can be friends, arachi?” I said with a sincere smile. I gently let go of her hand and tenderly wiped her tears. “Uljima! Promise me you’ll won’t linger on what happened between us. Let’s just keep working together to make our future a bright one.”

She nodded. I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. She wiped the remaining tears and greeted me with a brighter smile.

“Araseo, oppa. I’ll see you later. You number hasn’t changed, I hope~” She said as she got up, excusing herself.

“De, it’s still the same. Bye bye Yuri” I said with a smile as she left, leaving me to my thoughts. Wow what in the world is happening here. Where is my Taeyeonie… I layed in flipped back to my back and laid there contemplating about the events that happened. I was just thankful nobody other than me got seriously injured. I think after about an hour and a half, Taeyeon showed up.

I couldn’t help to smile at her. She was safe and sound. I looked around cautiously before I cupped her cheek and I tried to give her a kiss. She dodged my lips. I looked at her hurt. She seemed angry, I wonder why??

“Waeyo, what’s wrong baby?” I asked with my aegyo. She pouted, not even giving me a second glance.

“Hmmmpt, as if you don’t know!” She replied angrily. Man, these days I’ve been quite confused.  Aishh. “I saw the kiss with Sica.”

What is she talking about. Nooo, don’t tell me she saw that kiss way back when. Hold up, why would she bring it up now of all times??

“Taeyeon, what are you talking about? These lips are only for you!” I said cheekily puckering my lips for her. Come on, Kim Taeyeon at least give me a laugh. Waeyooooooo.

“Sica kissed you earlier” She stated angrily. What she did. Aigooo what is my best friend doing. Sicaaaaaa why you do this to me. I honestly didn’t know what was going on, but I think at this point it was best for me to just put all the cards on the table. I told her about the situation with Sica and Yuri. I told her that we should at least tell her members we’re dating. She agreed and said we could do it when I was mobile, but for now no more kisses. I laughed. "Don't ever do anything stupid again. Don't make me worry like this again oppa. I don't want to lose you."

“It’s not my fault you have such an irresistible boyfriend, Kim Taeyeon!!!” I said, making her laugh like an ahjumma.  I smile, pulling her gently into a hug and kissing the crown of her head.

Y'all wanted drama. Here it is, hehehe.

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Last chapter is in the workings, please anticipate it. :3


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zSecretz #1
Chapter 24: Make another story like this pls!!!!
Latte908 #2
U should just made up a name for the character :) That would be great
adaddam #3
Chapter 24: Well Done authornim you did such an amazing job :)
Daebak!! Hope you write more like these soon :D
LoveSoshi999 #4
Chapter 24: I loved this fic are you gonna make another snsdxyou fic again? If so I would greatly support it :)
Hello subscribers! I'm currently working on the last chapter~ hopefully it'll be out soon! Please look forward to it ^_^
tommyo9876 #6
Plz update!!!
Chapter 23: love this chpter, but this story about youxyuri or taeyeon.. i'm confused
adaddam #8
Chapter 23: This chapter was intense haha but thankfully the persona is okay.
Great way to end the chapter, update soon :) haha
LoveSoshi999 #9
Chapter 22: Wow that was a lot if drama lol update soon :)
adaddam #10
Chapter 22: All this drama though... wow hahah
Update soon yeah?