Chapter 9

Fate Will Find A Way


A warm hand then grabs you, pulling you back to your position. Unfortunately, you were shocked of what just happened that you held the hand tightly pulling yourself even more. You closed your eyes in shocked, thinking that you would lose the grip and will fall down.

The force made by his hand was just enough to pull you back from where you were standing. JiYong didn’t expected that you’d be pulling yourself even more, that even him started to be out of his balance, he then falls down the floor pulling you.


You fell down the floor as well, not knowing where or what you landed on. Your hands spread out, and then feel the rough floor of the rooftop giving a hint you didn’t fall out of the building. But something isn’t right, since you are on top of something not rough and even that hard. Realizing you didn’t fall on the floor, you opened your eyes and saw JiYong’s eyes looking at you in shock, as your lips and his were locked together unexpectedly, like it will never apart.


You then realize, you fell on top of him.


            That moment, you felt your heart beating faster than ever and your cheeks start to heat up. Your hands then lose strength, and starts to feel cold. You feel so weak and you thought that in a blink you would break down.


            Time seemed to have stopped, making these such kind of moment, surprisingly.


            Reality then seemed to have wakened you up in this dream.


            You then moved your lips away from his, as you stand up from you position rushing your way to your things getting each of it quickly.


            JiYong who was still left there, lying down on the floor, slowly stands up as he fixes himself gradually turning his back from yours. He walks a few steps, and then turns back to you, anticipating you’d look back at him.


            After getting your things, you slowly turn back thinking he’s not looking at you, but to your surprise he was.


            “Ya! What are you looking at?”, you asked him, as you saw his face all red. Not looking at you for a long time. His eyes look up to you so fast, and then bows his head right away.


After saying this, you cover your mouth with your hands, looking away from him.


            “Re-return my u-unif-form right away.”, he said, stuttering. As he looks up to you again, then looks away.


            “Ye-Ye-Yes.”, you said as you turn around and ran away, leaving the rooftop 


You ran down the stairs so fast, as DaeSung was on the end of it, waiting for you. As soon as he heard footsteps going down he looks back and saw you right away.


            “What happened?”, he asks


You stopped in front of him, grabbed his hand and ran so fast, dragging him out of the school. He kept on asking you what happened, as he was so confused since you didn’t say anything. He even noticed the white paper bag you are holding.


You reached the school’s gate, as he notices you now walk slowly. He then lets go of your grip, and makes his way in front of you, stopping you from walking.


“Ya! __________________. You didn’t tell me what happened? Did he hurt you? Tell me , tell me…”, he said, looking at you as he then holds your arms.


You looked back at him, expressionless.


“___________~ah. Speak up. I will beat him if I have to.”,  he continued


He then saw you bite your lower lip, making him surprised. Since it’s not your habit to do that. You then let go from his tight grip, as you raise your hand, and touch your lips.


“I…”, you said as you stare blankly at him. In a blink, he already knows what happened.


“He kissed you?”, he asked in a high tone, as he held your arms again so tight

“No…No..”,you said as you start to walk slowly, letting go from his grip

“Then what?”, he asked, while following you from behind


“It was just an accident. I almost fell down from the rooftop, except that he was so fast that he grabs my hand right away, and pulls me back from my position. But I was so scared, that I held his hand tightly, pulling myself up even more. And then I just saw myself falling and landing on something, not realizing it was he. I opened my eyes, and to my surprise, I was on top of him. Eye to eye. My lips met his, which is an accident, right?”, you said while walking.


You stopped, and looked back at DaeSung. You saw him grinned, as he placed his hands on your shoulders.


“Accident, eh?”, he asked, making fun of the situation.


“Ya! I’m serious.”, you answered, slapping his arms.


He laughed, as he makes a way in front of you.


“Okay, okay. Let’s just take it an accident okay?”, he said as he looks at that white paper bag from your other hand.

“What is this, by the way?”, he asked, pointing the paper bag.


You sighed; you remembered you’d be doing laundry unexpectedly.


“His white polo, the one he was wearing yesterday. The one spilled with coffee. He asked me to clean it.”, you said as your mouth then pouts, in frustration.


“Ya! You’ll be doing laundry for the first time!”, he said teasing you as he smiled insulting you even more.


Yes, you’ve never done laundry before. Your mom does it for you. And thinking of giving his polo to your mom is a bad idea. You know she’d be doing a lot of talking, asking you who owns it and why did you have to clean it. You didn’t have a choice, but to do it.


“Aish. Stop teasing me, I thought you are my best friend”, you said as you then start to walk again leaving him in his position.


“Yes, I’am. That’s why I’m here…”, he said following you again.


“I know something is going on, I can feel it.”,  he continues, as he now walk beside you, wrapping his arms around you.


“What do you mean?”, you asked him


He smiled back at you, and then looks away. As he sees your Mom in front of your house, waiting for you.


“Your Mom’s here.”, he said as he waves at your mom from a distance.


He then takes you to your mom so fast, since he was so scared of her.  Especially this time that you already got home a little late. He removes his arms from you, and bowed, greeting your mom.  After wards, he stands up straight, and bid farewell to you.


“____________. See you again tomorrow.”, he said as he walks away.


You waved your hands goodbye, as you see him walking away, slowly disappearing in your sight.


You look back, and kissed your mom in the cheek.


“What happened? Why did you got home late?”, she asked as she makes her way to her plants, she’s been taking care almost the whole afternoon.


“Nothing, mom. Nothing.”, you said as slowly making your way in your front door.


You removed your shoes, and placed it in a rack just beside the front door. You rushed yourself in, as you head straight to your bedroom, locking the door. You throw your things on the floor (yes, even the white paperbag),  and went straight to your bed.


You jumped over your bed, lying down, as your head faces your pillow. Thinking everything that had happened won’t bombard you.


But, you were wrong.


The moment you turn back, and closed your eyes. The image, the scene, the unexpected scenario came into you right away like you are in there again.


You opened your eyes, and went to the other side of your bed. You took a breath, and touched your lips again.


“I can’t believe what happened…”, you said to your self, cuddling that pillow beside you.


“…did I did something wrong that I had to experience all this? Why now?…”, you continued


“Why there…”,you said as you  slowly let go of the pillow you are holding.


“…And…”, you continued, turning again to the other side of your bed.


“…Why him?”, you whispered, as you are now in the other side of your bed, as you look at your window.


The night sky is so dark, as stars glitter one by one like diamonds. The moon is as beautiful as the glow of the sun, as its light touches your windowpane, and your whole bed. Making your place brighter.


Unfortunately, even the moon’s magic can’t give light to your unanswered questions.

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abbe_28 #1
Chapter 17: WAAAAHHH!!!! Jiyong is so cheesy! >.< But its cute!!! Update soon author-nim! Hwaiting! :D
Chapter 17: Omggggggggg Jiyong u r so cheesy!!!!! Of course ill hold your hands ;)

But anyways... Update soon! <3
Chapter 17: awwwwwwwwwwwwww~ NEW READER! BUT LOVE LOVE LOVE.
i guess seunghyun is gone now right? /killed
JiYong_JaGi #4
Chapter 17: Omg~ so sweet~ gosh~ jiyong is really heart catcher~ yes! Yes!! YES!! Let you hold forever~ ^^ do update soon~ love your story~ ^^
Chapter 17: My heart beat so fast because of the heart-deep-touching words of him..I can't wait for your another updates soon. I love it!
Yeners #6
Chapter 16: OMO!!! Please Update Soon!!!
Chapter 16: Woaahhh..So who will she end up wit ? Seunghyun or Jiyong ?
Chapter 16: Ouuuuuuhh Jiyong's got competition~!
JiYong_JaGi #9
Chapter 15: is it the end of the story? or there's still chapters continue? please update~~ so anxious to know what's next~
Chapter 15: Hmm deep voice? TOP?