Chapter 13: Jiyong's return

The Tale of 2 Sisters (HIATUS!)


It's already the second week of the second month and you know that any day during this week, Jiyong will be back. Life has been good so far because you have such good girlfriends with you and new friends, Infinite. Only one person has been a lil bit peculiar around you; your sister, Suhri. The both of you still communicate and do common activities together as per normal. It's just that your gut feeling tells you that she's keeping something from you. Something BIG. Everyday without giving up, you would ask her if everything's alright and if there's something she's hiding from you. But her reply will always be the same ; she'll just smile at you, touch your arm and convince you there's nothing wrong and you can trust her on that reply. Because of this, you sometimes wonder if she's really your sister or not. 
As for your relationship with Myungsoo, it just gets better. The both you jogs every Saturday morning together and then go to a Cafe to buy coffee or juice to recharge before heading home. Doing this though, made you feel a lil bit guilty because you didn't ask Suhri along. But its been your routine and she always wouldn't wanna follow because sleep is better for her. But somehow you know that this will have to end soon. Your sister's love for Myungsoo gets stronger as the day goes on. And you know a girl is capable of doing anything when it comes to love.
You were at your locker with your girls when suddenly someone whispers "I've missed you" in your left ear. You slowly turned to where the voice came from, your face a couple of inches from his and you squealed nonsense before screaming "JIYONOOOONG!" and then going in to his embrace as he opens his arms for you. The both of you hugged so tight and a moment too long before you let go. 
"I've missed you too!" You said in his face a lil too loud that made him moved back a little.
"Arayo. I can see how extra lively you get after you heard my voice and hugged me tight," he replied ending it with clicking his tongue.
He began hugging the other girls too since he's close to them as well. 
Woohyun's POV
We were walking towards the girls' lockers like always when I saw Sehri hugging a guy. Someone I've never seen before. I thought he was someone visiting the school that knows Sehri too well, but when they let go, I saw him wearing the guy's uniform. He is good looking although he is taller than Sehri by a bit. His eyes were sparkling when they look at Sehri. And I assume he's the Jiyong I've heard Sehri mentioned a couple of times. 
Myungsoo's POV
I felt Woohyun hyung's bodt stiffened eventhough his legs are still carrying him. Ii saw what he saw but why must he felt that way. Is there something going on with him and Sehri? I'm not surprised if they're hiding something from me and Infinite. I mean, I'm hiding from them about the close relationship I have from them too.
"Jiyong ah! You would know them right?" You asked Jiyong with a smile andan excited voice when Infinite arrived.
"Of course! Annteong haseyo. Nan Kwon Jiyong imnida," Jiyong replied you before introducing himself to Infinite.
The 7 boys greeted Jiyong and started their self-introduction as well. You can see that life might just get better! You know the boys and Jiyong will get on well because boys don't usually take a long time to make friends.
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@buangbby more details will be explained in the next chapter :) i leave it hanging on purpose xP Sorry, dear!! :/
@buangbby OMG!!! You for real?? Aww! I'm glad you could relate to this!! ^^ Yesyes. I'll be sure to update more :> Thank you, hon!! :-*