Meet the Family Chap. 33

Alex Who?


“Alexandra!” a man called her. She bowed but then the old man just hugged her. “aigoo, our xandra is all grown up now” the man said.

Alex is being emotional now, tears are filling her eyes. It’s the first time she saw that man but his warm embrace is so heartfelt.

“this is uncle jung min ho. She is our mom’s 2nd oldest brother.” Jonghyun introduced him to alex. “aigoo, you look so much your

mother.” Uncle min ho said.  He is tearing up too. Jonghyun looked away to avoid crying, because this scene is making him too. “nice

to meet you uncle.” Alex bowed again. Uncle min ho wiped out his tears.


“okay! Let’s go inside, your cousins are excited to see and meet you” uncle min ho dragged alex. She looked at jonghyun and jae,

they just nod in harmony. “she will be happy being here” jonghyun said to jae. “deh!, 20 years of knowing nothing about your family is

devastating” jae replied. then they followed them.  “so min, yunho, xandra is here.” Uncle min ho called. From the couch 5 people

simultaneously stand up. “aigoo, is this Alexandra? She looks like jung min ji. You looked like your mother dear” a lady said while

touching alex’s face. Alex is containing herself. She doesn’t want to make a scene in this important moment.


“good afternoon aunt  je min.” jonghyun greeted her. “oh jonghyun-ah, thank you for bringing xandra here.” She said and looked at

alex again. Jae joong is just watching in silence. “this is your cousins so min and yun ho.” Aunt introduced them. “anyeong xandra! I’m

yun ho oppa. This is my wife, min young.” Yunho said, alex bowed to them. “xandra you are pretty.” Min young said to her. “oh thank

you” alex replied. “hi! I’m so min, I’m younger than yunho oppa, I just got married last year, this is hyun joong my husband” bubbly so

min introduced themselves. “nice to meet you all., you don’t know how much this made my day” alex said and now tears are falling

like falls. Jonghyun walk beside alex now and half hugged her.  “yunho hyung, I see min young noona is expecting?” jonghyun said

casually. “ah deh! Haha! She is due this month actually. Hope xandra will be here by then too, it’s our first born so I want everybody

will be here.” Yunho said. “oh, who do we have here?” uncle min ho asked. “oh she is alex’s..” jonghyun said but “boyfriend!” so min

said. Alex looked at her shocked. Jonghyun just smiled. Jae looked at him shocked too. “yes! he is alex’s boyfriend” jonghyun said,

now alex and jae looked at each other, speechless.


Alex POV

OMG! What just happen there? Oppa did what? ~”yes! He is alex’s boyfriend”~ oppa is so weird today! Tsch! I walked on the lawn

now, just to have a breather. I saw the swing oppa told us about earlier. I walked towards it. So this is my mom’s special place

then, I sat on it and swing myself. The air blowing on my face is so refreshing, this is making me emotional again, I imagine mom

and I are here, and she is swinging me, tears are falling again. “you need help?” jae joong said from my back. I opened my eyes and

face him, the smile he had disappeared when he saw tears in my eyes. “why are you crying?” he walked to be in front of me and

kneel down. “I just.. I just imagine my mom and I playing here. It would be amazing.” Now I can’t stop crying.


“hey stop it. You’re eyes will be swollen, they will think I broke up with you here” jae said, I’m surprise hearing him say that. “we

are playing couples right?” jae reminded me. “we should tell them it’s jong oppa’s little joke.” I whispered. Jae moved forward just

inches with my face now. “I like to play this game. give me two days, just two days.” He said with a serious face now, looking in my

eyes. My heart just skipped. “they don’t know about the engagement but oppa did this? Tsk!” I looked away from him tried to swing

myself a little. He laughed. “I’ll help you girlfriend.” He said. I don’t know but that made me smile inside. ~”I’ll help you

girlfriend”~ we played on the swing till sunset.


Jonghyun POV

They look good together. Uncle and aunt Jung is now looking at them too. “xandra is happy with him” uncle minho said. “deh! I’ve

never seen her that happy, for 20 years. She is smiling in NY but I know she’s not fully happy there. This is where she, we belong”

jonghyun said. “you can live here both of you. Your uncle min yong will be happy to have you here.” Uncle said.  “thanks uncle min ho,

but we can’t leave dad in NY alone.” Jonghyun said. “seeing her like that, you think she will want to go back there?”  aunt je min

asked. I looked at alex again, she is laughing and enjoying. I was about to talk again when,*ring ring* my phone rang. “for a while

uncle aunt. I just have to take this.


“yoboseo?” I asked. “yah! Jonghyun! What is happening there? How is the construction of the store?” dad is the one calling. “ah deh,

we will start tomorrow dad,” I replied. “okay, how is alex? Have you heard from her? I heard from yoochun that he saw her.” Dad

said. Tsch. Yoochun ssi is making this difficult. “I’ve seen her, we’ve talked, just give her more time dad.” I replied. avoiding the

fact that I’m with her now. “okay, let me know how the store construction is doing okay? Update me.” Just like that dad hanged up.

I looked at alex again, she is happy here. I should keep it that way.




~you've met some of alex's relatives now... she got some genes huh? wonder why Mom's family is bitter over Dad?? it's a secret waiting to be revealed.

yoochun reporting to Dad? this looks bad. Jae is making it more obvious now, I'm so happy! LOL better make it faster though, yoochun is up to something. wait for it.

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currently having a writer's block and I'm feeling a bit down lately will update soon


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Chapter 51: Nice story author.
summertwinkle #2
Chapter 51: so you like seohwa :O so when did you started writing yongshin? I'm a huge yongshin fan; they're so cute in the bts video clips. And then I read Lovesick and I loved it...I mean I LOVE yongshin but I do like Jaejoong too :D Though my favourite out of DBSK is Junsu haha but poor him he just get's made fun of. And I freaking love Chajatta btw.
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 51: Awww this story is sooooo cute!!! I really love it <3
I'll continue later. I'm so sleepy. feedbacks and comments are very much appreciated.
thank you Enamine4343 ^__^
I just started reading today!!! Nice story!!!^^
thank you for the compliment amama13 ^__^
amama13 #8
I like your story. Keep up the good work :) fighting!